HAA, 1. Hubbard Advanced Auditor: a Class IV auditor. This level teaches about service facsimiles and ability. Processes taught include certainty processing and overt justification processes. (CG&AC 75) 2. an alternate name for HAA in 1956 was B Scn or Bachelor of Scn abroad. (HCOTB 12 Sept 56) [The term HAA is today used as in def. 1 above.]
HABIT, 1. that stimulus-response reaction dictated by the reactive mind from the content of engrams and put into effect by the somatic mind. It can be changed only by those things which change engrams. (DMSMH, p. 39) 2. simply something one cannot stop. Here we have an example of no control whatever. (PO W, p.46)
HABIT RELEASE, Grade IV Release. (HCOB 22 Sept 65) [The current name for Grade IV Release is Ability Release.] See GRADE IV.
HALF-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT, 1. a continue, an encouragement. (SH Spec 53, 6503C02) 2. sometimes a pc gets scared or lonesome and you have to give him an uh-huh to encourage him. (SH Spec 70, 6607C21)
HALLUCINATIONS, 1. imagined realities with which nobody else agrees. (HFP, p. 41) 2. we call a mental image picture an "hallucination" or more properly an automaticity (something uncontrolled) when it is created by another and seen by self. (FOT, p. 57) 3. things seen that aren’t there. (7203C30SO) 4. a person imagining and not knowing he was imagining would be a person who was hallucinating. (5203CM04B)
HALLUCINATORY CAUSE, the thetan considers that he is actually being more cause (going down the sub-zero scale). This is the exact reverse of the reality of the situation. He is becoming more and more effect. (BTB 6 Feb 60)
HANDLE, finish off, complete, end cycle on. Service and handling are the same thing. When you give service, you handle. Part of handling cases is handle N-O-W! One way or another, one gets the pc handled. (HCOB 15 Jan 70 II)
HANDLING AN ORIGINATION, handling an origination merely tells the person, "All right, I heard it, you’re there." You might say it is a form of acknowledgement but it’s not. It is the communication formula in reverse; but the auditor is still in control if he handles the origin. (PAB 151) See TR-4.
HANG-FIRE, delayed firing. After the trigger is pulled a gun sometimes doesn’t go off. This is called a "hang-fire" or delayed fire if it then goes off late. (LRH Def. Notes)
HANG-UP, stuck (on time track). (HFP, p. 101)
HAPPINESS, is not itself an emotion. It is a word which states a condition, and the anatomy of that condition is interest. Happiness, you could say, is the overcoming of not unknowable obstacles toward a known goal. (8ACC-4, 5410CM06)
HARD WAY TRs, demand for a start, two hours of no twitch, no blink, no eye redness, no unconscious, no wiggle TR Zero. Really real TRs beginning with Zero. Like the bulletin. (LRH ED 143 INT)
HAS, abbreviation for 1. Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) 2. Hubbard Association of Scientologists. (PAB 75) 3. HCO Area Secretary. (HCOB 20 Nov 71)
HAS CO-AUDIT, using precise processes developed for this section only, the HAS Co-audit (do-it-yourself processing) seeks to improve cases and further interest people in Scn so that they will take individual HGC processing and individual training. (HCO PL 14 Feb 61) [Students in Scn academies do still co-audit, however there is not currently a course specifically called the HAS Co-audit. Students are allowed to co-audit any level on which they have trained. There is also a basic course, the HQS, on which students co-audit.]
HAS COURSE, a course in elementary communication and control. Consists of training drills on communication and to put the student at cause over the environment. There are no prerequisites. The graduate is awarded the certificate of Hubbard Apprentice Scientologist. (CG&AC 75)
HASI, Hubbard Association of Scientologists, International. (PAB 74)
HAS SPECIALIST RUNDOWN, the HAS and establishment officers are peculiarly subject to efforts to unstabilize them. The HAS Specialist Rundown consists of processes which increase the ability to hold a position. (HCOB 20 Nov 71)
HASUK, Hubbard Association of Scientologists of the United Kingdom. (PAB 75)
HAT, 1. slang for the title and work of a post in a Scientology Church. Taken from the fact that in many professions such as railroading the type of hat worn is the badge of the job. (HCO PL 1 Jul 65 III) 2. term used to describe the write ups, checksheets and packs that outline the purposes, know-how and duties of a post. It exists in folders and packs and is trained in on the person on the post. (HCO PL 22 Sept 70)
HATE, 1. a total ridge. (5904C08) 2. around 1.5 on the tone scale affinity has almost reversed itself. Its dissonance has become hate, which can be violent and is so expressed. Here, actually, we have a factor of entheta repelling theta. (SOS, p. 56)
HATS, Hubbard Advanced Technical Specialist. A Class IX auditor. This level teaches advanced procedures and developments since Class VIII. It is available at Saint Hill organizations. (CG&AC 75)
HAV, havingness. (BTB 20 Aug 71 II)
HAVING, to be able to touch or permeate or to direct the disposition of. (PAB 83)
HAVINGNESS, 1. that which permits the experience of mass and pressure. (A&L, p. 8) 2. the feeling that one owns or possesses. (SH Spec 84, 6612C13) 3. can be simply defined as ARC with the environment. (SH Spec 294, 6308C14) 4. that activity which is run when needed and when it will not violently deflect the pc’s attention. (SH Spec 85, 6111C28) 5. the result of creation. (SH Spec 19, 6106C23) 6. the ability to duplicate that which one perceives, or create a duplication of what one perceives, or to be willing to create a duplication of it. But it’s duplication. (lSHACC-10, 6009C14) 7. ability to communicate with an isness. The ability to conceive an is-ness and communicate with it. ( 17ACC-4, 5702C28) 8. havingness is the concept of being able to reach or not being prevented from reaching. (SH Spec 126, 6203C29) 9. the need to have terminals and things to play for and on. (Dn 55!, p. 137) Abbr. Hav.
HBA, Hubbard Book Auditor. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) See BOOK AUDITOR.
HC, Hubbard Consultant. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III)
HCA, 1. Hubbard Certified Auditor. A Class II auditor. This level teaches about overt acts and withholds. Among the processes taught are responsibility processes and integrity processes. (CG&AC 75) 2. an early course taught in Scientology Churches only. The certificate of HCA (or HPA, the British equivalent) was awarded by examination only. (HCOTB 12 Sept 56) [The current usage of HCA is as in def. 1 above.]
HCA/HPA, [At one time HCA and HPA were equivalent certificates, HCA being the American designation and HPA, the British. Data on this appears in HCOTB 12 Sept 56 and HCO PL 1 Oct 58. The current usages of each of these designations are listed separately under each.]
HCA LECT, Hubbard Certified Auditors Course Lectures. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)
HCAP, Hubbard Certified Auditor Course, Phoenix. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)
HCI, Hubbard College of Improvement. (FSO 65) [The name of the Academy on Flag.]
HCL, Hubbard College Lectures. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)
HC LIST, 1. the arbitrary name of the Data Series Correction List. (FO 3179) 2. it’s called an HC List because there was one time going to be something called a Hubbard Consultant and we’ve still got the list. It’s an out-point/plus-point list and it’s simply assessed and handled. (ESTO 4, 7203C02 SO II)
HCO, Hubbard Communications Office. (BPL 5 Nov 72RA)
HCOB, Hubbard Communications Office Bulletin. (HCOB 4 Sept 71 III)
HCO PL, Hubbard Communications Offlce Policy Letter. (HCO PL 24 Sept 70R)
HCS, Hubbard Clearing Scientologist—formerly Level IV certificate. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)
HDA , Hubbard Dianetic Auditor. (HCOB 23 Aug 65) [An HDA is a graduate of the Dianetic Auditor’s Course, forerunner to the HSDC. A graduate of the HSDC is known as an HDC, which is the current certificate awarded to a Dn auditor.]
HDC, Hubbard Dianetic Counselor. A graduate of the HSDC. (CG& AC 75) See HUBBARD STANDARD DIANETICS COURSE.
HDG, Hubbard Dianetic Graduate. One who is trained to teach the Dianetic Course after graduating from the HSDC. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)
HDRF, Hubbard Dianetic Research Foundation, Elizabeth, New Jersey, U.S.A. The first organization, founded by others in 1950, May. Closed 1951 as I had no control of it and the directors mismanaged it. (LRH Def. Notes)
HEALTH FORM, 1. a form done by an auditor. It is metered. The end product of this form is entirely to pick out what to audit. (HCOB 19 May 69) 2. as one needs a guide to know what to audit on a case, the Dn health form is an essential auditing action. You take up and audit each symptom or complaint one after the other. You audit the most available symptom first. Sooner or later the pc will have a well, healthy body, health, stability, and a sense of well-being. (HCOB 19 May 69, Health Form, Use of )
H, E & R, human emotion and reaction. (HCOB 3 Dec 73)
HEAT, the physical sensation associated with the release of energy in the form of heat which is attendent to actual GPMs, their RIs and associated locks. (HCOB 13 Apr 64, Scn VI Part One Glossary of Terms)
HEAVILY CHARGED CASE, by which is meant a case with a very heavy burden of secondaries. (SOS, p. 82)
HEAVY FACSIMILE, a heavy facsimile is an experience, complete with all perceptions, emotions, thoughts and efforts, occupying a precise place in space and a moment in time. It can be an operation, an injury, a term of heavy physical exertion, or even a death. It is composed of the preclear’s own effort and the effort of the environment (counter-effort). (AP&A, p. 28)
HELATROBUS, an interplanetary nation. A little pip squeak government, didn’t amount to very much . ( SH Spec 268, 6305C23)
HELATROBUS IMPLANTS, 1. call them the heaven implants, they are the implants implanted by Helatrobus. (SH Spec 268, 6305C23) 2. are actually a long chain of engrams, each of which has basics. (SH Spec 272, 6306Cll) 3. imphnts which begin with the electronic clouds over planets, and the dichotomy, plus and minus, and so forth and sweep on through in a certain series. (SH Spec 266, 6305C21)
HELD-DOWN FIVES, jammed thinking because of a misunderstood or misapplied datums. (HCOB 12 Nov 64) See also HELDDOWN SEVEN.
HELD-DOWN SEVEN, Slang. 1. an enforced wrong datum. (EOS, p. 52) 2. jammed thinking because of a misunderstood or misapplied datum. (HCOB 12 Nov 64) [This term stems from an analogy made by LRH comparing the reactive mind to a computer or adding machine in which the number seven (or five) had been shorted out so that it was always added in in every computation. Of course it could not compute correctly or get correct answers from data as long as this condition existed.] (EOS, p. 51)
HELLO AND OKAY, a very basic process which resolves chronic somatics, eye difficulties, any specific item is to have the affected part or bad area of energy say "Hello" and "Okay" and "All right" until it is in good condition. (Dn 55!, p. 143) ["Hello" and "Okay" process commands can be found in HCOB 22 Mar 58, Clearing Reality. ]
HELP, help is the key button which admits auditing. Help is the make-break point between sanity and insanity. That a person cannot accept help along some minor line does not mean that he is insane, but it certainly means he has some neurotic traits. (HCOB 5 May 60)
HELP FACTOR, the willingness to assist. This also has to do with cause—what can the individual cause? An organization which cannot help anybody will have a tendency to fail. (ESTO No. 8, 7203C06SO)
HELP PROCESSING, there are probably thousands of ways help could be run. But the one general process on help that would rank high would be "What have you helped?" "What have you not helped?" alternated. This is the best way I know of to run the sense of what help one has given plus what help one has withheld. This lets the pc as-is his failures to help as well as his denials of help. (HCOB 12 May 60)
HEV, Human Evaluation Course. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)
HGA, 1. Hubbard Graduate Auditor. Class VII auditor. Only available to Sea Org or five year contracted Church staff. This level teaches the power processes and review auditing. It is not a prerequisite to Class VIII, however. It is delivered in Church of Scientology Saint Hill organizations. (CG&AC 75) 2. in 1956, an HGA was also to be known as D. Scn or Doctor of Scientology abroad. (HCOTB 12 Sept 56) See DOCTOR OF SCIENTOLOGY. 3. an honor award and may be made by nomination or selection; either way it is for those who are consistently producing excellent results in their own fields and to form a grade by which these recruits can be recognized. (PAB 6) [Current usage of the term HGA is as in def. 1 above.]
HGC, Hubbard Guidance Center. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)
HGC ADMIN, Hubbard Guidance Center AdminiBtrator. (HCOB 23 Aug 65)
HGDS, Hubbard Graduate Dianetic Specialist. An Expanded Dianetics auditor. (CG&AC 75) See also EXPANDED DIANETICS.
HIDDEN DATA LINE, some students have believed there was a "hidden data line" of tech in Scn, a line on which Scn tech was given out by me but not made known to students. This started me looking, for there is no such line. The whole of technology is released in HCO Bulletins and HCO Policy Letters and tapes I do and release. I don’t tell people anything in some private way, not even instructors. The apparency is somebody’s pretense to know from me more than is on the tapes and in books and mimeos, or, brutally, somebody’s alter-is of materials. This looks like a "hidden data line." It surely isn’t. (HCO PL 16 Apr 65)
HIDDEN STANDARD, 1. a hidden standard is a problem a person thinks must be resolved before auditing can be seen to have worked. It’s a standard by which to judge Scn or auditing or the auditor. This hidden standard is always an old problem of long duration. It is a postulate-counter-postulate situation. The source of the counter-postulate was suppressive to the pc. (HCOB 8 Nov 65) 2. is not just a physical or mental difficulty but one by which the pc measures his case gains. A case measurement thing used secretly by the pc. (BTB 18 Sept 72) Abbr. HS.
HIGH CRIME CHECKOUTS, 1. starrated checkouts on all processes and their immediate technology and on relevant policy letters on HGC interns or staff auditors in the Tech Division or staff auditors or interns in the Qual Division for the levels and actions they will use before permitting them to audit church pcs and on supervisors in Tech and Qual who instruct or examine. (HCO PL 8 Mar 66) 2. high crime checkouts are done by auditors to their highest class. Any new procedure must be drilled on a doll in addition to the high crime checkout before the OK to audit chit is issued. (BTB 5 Sept 72RA) [High crime checkouts are so named because it is an ethics offense in the nature of a high crime for failing to insist upon this policy or preventing this policy from going into effect or minimizing the checkouts or lists. ]
HIGH CRIMES, suppressive acts. (ISE, p. 48)
HIGH SCHOOL INDOCTRINATION, an extremely precise activity which consists of teaching an auditor not to let a preclear stop him. (HCOB 4 Oct 56)
HI HI INDOC, tone 40 8-C. (PAB 113)
HIGH TA, 1. 3.5 or up at session start. (HCOB 3 Jan 70) 2. a high TA in Scn is always an overrun. In Dn it means an engram too late on the chain to erase is in restimulation. (HCOB 28 Apr 69) 3. high TA means the person can still stop things and is trying to do so. However, all one has to do is restimulate and leave unflat an engram chain to have a high TA. High TA is reflecting the force contained in the chain. (HCOB 16 Jun 70)
HIGH-TONE INDIVIDUAL, thinks wholly into the future. He is extroverted toward his environment. He clearly observes the environment with full perception unclouded by undistinguished fears about the environment. He thinks very little about himself but operates automatically in his own interests. He enjoys existence. His calculations (postulations and evaluations) are swift and accurate. He is very self-confident. He knows he knows and does not even bother to assert that he knows. He controls his environment. (AP&A, p. 37)
HI-LO TA, high low TA. (HCOB 1 Jan 72RA)
HI-LO TA ASSESSMENT FOR INTEGRITY PROCESSING, this list is used to get a TA in normal range before proceeding into an Integrity Processing session. It is used after any possible false TA has been checked for and handled, if TA is still below 2.0 or at 3.5 or above. (BTB 6 Dec 72R)
HIPS, Hubbard Integrity Processing Specialist. (HCO PL 24 Dec 72)
HIT, punished, hurt, etc. (HCOB 1 Nov 68)
HO-HUM, minus randomity. (Abil 56)
HOLDER, 1. any engram command which makes an individual remain in an engram knowingly or unknowingly. (DMSMH Gloss) 2. a species of command. These include such things as "stay here," "sit right there and think about it," "come back and sit down," "I can’t go," "I mustn’t leave," etc. (DMSMH, p. 213)
HOLLOW SPOT, a segment of the body which has such a hard impact in the center that all attention units in a mock-up will flow out from the center. It’s an outflow from a central point but the point is a counter-effort. (5206CM24B)
HOME UNIVERSE, the universe a thetan made for himself. (SH Spec 83, 6612C06)
HOMO NOVIS, 1. Homo man, novis new. (BCR, p. 12) 2. a theta-animated mest body possesed of new and desirable attributes; a mest clear, a good, sane rational mest being about a skycraper higher than Homo sap~ens. (HOM, p. 40) 3. the Second Stage Release is definitely Homo novis. The person ceases to respond like Homo sapiens and has fantastic capability to learn and act. (HCOB 28 Jun 65)
HOMO SAPIENS, 1. a mest body, whether it belongs to the race of man or the race of ants is yet but an animated vegetable. Given a theta being to guide it, it becomes part of a composite such as Homo sapiens. By itself, the body would live, walk around, react, sleep, kill, and direct an existence no better than that of a field mouse, or a zombie. Put a theta being over it and it becomes possessed of ethics and morals and direction and goals and the ability to reason; it becomes this strange thing called Homo sapiens. (HOM, p. 42)
HONEST COMPLETION, means a student who has studied all the materials of the course using full study tech. Has done the demonstrations and drills, and can effectively apply the materials of the course. (HCO PL 16 May 73R)
HOPE, the desire that sometime in the future one will cease to have something which he no longer wants but can’t seem to get rid of or that one will acquire something he wants. (2ACC-31A, 5312CM22)
HOPE FACTOR, 1. validating those good indicators that are present in the pc. When an auditor doesn’t he’s not really putting in a hope factor. Validating the good indicator is a lessening of the somatic or condition. (SH Spec 3, 6401C09) 2. something can be done about it. (SH Spec 297, 6308C21)
HOT QUESTION, question with reaction on it. (SH Spec 63, 6110C05)
HOT SPUR LINE, where there is a senior review C/S there is a hot spur line from the C/S to the senior C/S and back to the C/S. This is not necessarily an instant line. It can be a 12-hour lag line. New tech in use, fantastic completions and "dog cases" nobody can make anything out of go on this senior C/S hot spur line. (HCOB 5 Mar 71)
HPA, Hubbard Professional Auditor. A Class III auditor. This level deals with ARC and ARC breaks. Listing and nulling and two-way comm are taught at this level, as well as change processes and ARC Break SW. (CG&AC 75)
HPC LECT, Hubbard Professional Course Lecture. (HCOB 29 Sept 66)
HPCS, Hubbard Professional Course Supervisor. (HCO PL 27 Oct 70)
HPCSC, Hubbard Professional Course Supervisor’s Course. (HCO PL 27 Oct 70 II)
HQS, Hubbard Qualified Scientologist. A basic Scn course which teaches about co-auditing and how to handle other people, with group auditing. It consists of, in part, TRs 0 to 4 and 6 to 9, plus students actually co-audit on CCHs, Op Pro by Dup and Self An~lys~s lists. There is no prerequisite for this course. (CG&AC 75)
HRS, Hubbard Recognized Scientologist. A Class 0 auditor. This level teaches about communication. Processes taught are Level O processes and ARC SW processes. (CG&AC 75)
HS, hidden standard. (HCOB 10 Jun 72 V)
HSCSC, Hubbard Senior Course Supervisor Course. The HSCSC covers the total expertise of the technology of supervising. (FBDL 328)
HSDC, Hubbard Standard Dianetics Course. (BTB 12 Apr 72R)
HSS, Hubbard Senior Scientologist. A Class VI auditor. An HSS is a graduate of the Saint Hill Special Briefing Course. This course consists of the full practical application of Scn grades, repair, setups, assists and special cases tech up to Class VI. (CG&AC 75)
HSST, Hubbard Specialist of Standard Tech, Class VIII Case Supervisor. (CG&AC 75)
HSTS, Hubbard Standard Technical Specialist. A Class VIII auditor. The Class VIII Course teaches exact handling of all cases up to 100 per cent result, as well as Class VIII procedures, all case setup actions, all processes and corrective actions, as well as flubless Class VIII auditing. (CG&AC 75)
HTS, Hubbard Trained Scientologist. A Class I auditor. This level teaches about problems. The processes taught include objective processes and Level I processes, such as help and control processes. (CG&AC 75)
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE, purpose: to be the office of LRH. To handle and expedite the communication lines of LRH. To prepare or handle the preparation of manuscripts and other to-be-published material of Scn. To keep, use and care for LRH’s offlce equipment. To assist the Churches of Scientology and their people. To set a good example of efficiency to the Churches. (HCO PL 12 Oct 62)
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE BULLETIN, HCOBs written by LRH only. These are the technical issue line. They are valid from first issue unless specifically cancelled. All data for auditing and courses is contained in HCOBs. They are distributed as indicated, usually to technical staff. They are red ink on white paper, consecutive by date. (HCO PL 24 Sept 70R)
HUBBARD COMMUNICATIONS OFFICE POLICY LETTER, HCO PLs written by LRH only. This is a permanently valid issue of all Third Dynamic, organization and administrative technology. These, regardless of date or age, form the knowhow in running a Scientology Church, organization, group or company. The bulk of hat material is made up from HCO PLs. They are printed in green ink on white paper and are distributed to all staff or as indicated or as made up in packs. (HCO PL 24 Sept 70R)
HUBBARD CONSULTANT, A Hubbard Consultant is skilled in testing, two-way comm, consultation, programming and interpersonal relations. This is the certificate especially awarded to persons trained to handle personnel, students and staff. These technologies and special training were developed to apply Scn auditing skills to the field of administration especially. An HC is requisite for course supervisors and student consultants. (HCOB 19 Jun 71 III) Abbr. HC.
HUBBARD ELECTROMETER, is called an E-meter for short. Technically it is a specially developed Wheatstone bridge well known to electrically minded people as a device to measure the amount of resistance to a flow of electricity. (BIEM, p. 1) See E-METER.
HUBBARD GUIDANCE CENTER, that department of the technical division of a Scientology Church which delivers auditing. Department 12, Division 4. (BTB 12 Apr 72R) Abbr. HGC.
HUBBARD STANDARD DIANETICS COURSE, teaches about the human mind, mental image pictures, the time track, locks, secondaries and engrams. The processes taught are Standard Dn auditing and Dn assists. (CG&AC 75) Abbr. HSDC.
HUMAN ENGINEERING, it’s adapting the machinery to fit the person. It’s adapting machinery and spatial arrangements and desks and chairs and things like that. The adjustment of the machinery and spatial arrangements to the people who are operating it is important. (ESTO No. 12, 7203C06 SO II)
HUMAN EVALUATION, a diagnosis of behavior. (5108CM13A)
HUMANITARIAN OBJECTIVE, the humanitarian objective is to make a safe environment in which the fourth dynamic engram can be audited out. By engram we mean the mental block that prevents peace and tolerance; by fourth dynamic we mean that impulse to survive as mankind instead of just individuals. Obviously we must do this. (Ron’s Jour 68)
HUMOR, humor is rejection. The ability to reject. The ability to throw something away. That is humor. (8ACC-27, 5411CM05)
HURDY-GURDY SYSTEM, a "hurdy-gurdy" was a musical instrument played by turning a crank so that a wheel striking strings in turn caused music. The "hurdy-gurdy" system was so called because the auditor went round and round the points of the ARC triangle (A-R-C) plus enforced and dominate, inhibit and nullify on persons the pc had known, session after session to restore his memory. Mentioned on page 65, Book 2, Science of Survival and described in full later in that same chapter on pages 77-83. (LRH Def. Notes)
HVA, 1. Hubbard Validated Auditor. A Class V auditor. This level is taught at Church of Scientology Saint Hill organizations and contains materials about the chronological development of Scn with full theory and application. (CG&AC 75) 2. Class V reviews all the classes and retrains where necessary and awards permanent classification for all the lower certificates as well as Class V. (Aud 8 UK)
HYPER-SONIC, if a person hears voices which have not existed and yet supposes that these voices really spoke, we have "over-imagination." In Dn imaginary sound recall would be hyper-sonic, (hyper=over). (DMSMN, p. 188)
HYPER-VISIO, if a person sees scenes which have not existed and yet supposes these scenes were real, we have "over imagination." In Dn imaginary sight recall would be hyper-visio, (hyper=over). (DMSMN, p. 188)
HYPNOTISM, 1. an address to the reactive mind. It reduces self-determinism by interposing the commands of another below the analytical level of an individual’s mind; it enturbulates a case markedly, and materially aberrates human beings by keying in engrams which would otherwise lie dormant. (SOS, Bk. 2, p. 220) 2. a continuing inflow without an opportunity on the part of the subject to outflow. (Dn 55!, p. 63) 3. the process of restimulating states of apathy by the introduction of additional engramic content which would thereafter be as compulsive as the other data in the incident. (5109CM17B) 4. amnesia trance for the purpose of planting suggestions. (Exp Jour Winter-Spring 1950)
HYPO-HEARING, a condition in which a person has something he is afraid to hear. He plays the radio very loudly, makes people repeat continually and misses pieces of the conversation. Men and women are "hysterically" deaf without any conscious knowledge of it. Their "hearing just isn’t so good." In Dn, this is being called hypo-hearing, (hypo=under). (DMSMN, p. 189)
HYPO-SIGHT, the person who is always losing something when it lies in fair view before him, who misses signposts, theater bills and people who are in plain sight is "hysterically" blind to some degree. He is afraid he will see something. In Dn this is being called, since the word "hysterical" is a very inadequate and overly dramatic one, hypo-sight, (hypo=under). (DMSMN, p. 189)
HYSTERIA, the phenomenon of being out of control. (AAR, p. 91)