The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation

  10 11 12
Speech: Talks
Speech: Listens
Subject's Handling of Written or Spoken Comm(32) When Acting as a Relay Point Reality(35) (Agreement)
4.0 Strong, able, swift and full exchange of beliefs and ideas. Passes theta comm, contributes to it. Cuts entheta(33) lines. Search for different viewpoints in order to broaden own reality. Changes reality.
Will talk of deep-seated beliefs and ideas.
Will accept deep-seated beliefs, ideas; consider them.
Passes theta comm. Resents and hits back at entheta lines. Ability to understand and evaluate reality of others and to change viewpoint. Agreeable.
Tentative.(10) expression of limited number of personal ideas.
Receives ideas and beliefs if cautiously stated.
Pass comm. Conservative. inclines toward moderate construction and creation. Awareness of possible validity of different reality. Conservative agreement.
Casual pointless conversation.
Listens only to ordinary affairs.
Cancels any comm of higher or lower tone. Devaluates(34) urgencies. Refusal to match two realities. Indifference to conflict in reality. Too careless to agree or disagree.
Talks in threats. Invalidates(29) other people.
Listens to threats. openly mocks theta(30) talk.
Deals in hostile or threatening comm. Lets only small amount of theta go through. Verbal doubt. Defense of own reality. Attempts to undermine others. Disagrees.
Talks of death, destruction, hate only.
Listen only to death and destruction. Wrecks theta lines.
Perverts comm to entheta regardless of original content.
Stops theta comm. Passes entheta and perverts it.
Destruction of opposing reality. "You're wrong." Disagrees with reality of others.
Talks apparent theta, but intent vicious.
Listens little; mostly to cabal,(31) gossip, lies.
Relays only malicious comm.
Cuts comm lines. Won't relay.
Doubt of own reality. insecurity. Doubt of opposing reality.
Talks very little and only in apathetic tones.
Listens little; mostly to apathy or pity.
Takes little heed of comm. Does not relay. Shame, anxiety, strong doubt of own reality. Easily has reality of others forced on him.
Does not talk.
Does not listen.
Does not relay. Unaware of comm. Complete withdrawal from conflicting reality. No reality.
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28. tentative: hesitant, not definite, done as a trail.
29. invalidate: Invalidation (refuting or degrading or discrediting or denying something someone else considers to be fact).
30. theta: reason, serenity, stability, happiness, cheerful emotion, persistence and other factors which man ordinarily considers desirable.
31. cabal: 1. a secret plot.
32. comm: abbreviation of communication.
33. entheta: means enturbulated theta (thought or life); especially refers to communications, which. based on lies and confusions, are slanderous, choppy or destructive in an attempt to overwhelm or suppress a person or group.
34. devaluate: 1. to deprive of value; reduce the value of..
35. reality: is fundamentally agreement. That which we regard to be real is real.