10 |
11 |
12 |
Speech: Talks |
Speech: Listens |
Subject's Handling of Written or Spoken
Comm(32) When Acting as a Relay
Point |
Reality(35) (Agreement) |
4.0 |
Strong, able, swift and full
exchange of beliefs and ideas. |
Passes theta comm,
contributes to it. Cuts entheta(33)
lines. |
Search for different
viewpoints in order to broaden own reality. Changes
reality. |
3.5 |
Will talk of deep-seated beliefs and ideas. |
Will accept deep-seated beliefs, ideas;
consider them. |
Passes theta comm. Resents
and hits back at entheta lines. |
Ability to understand and
evaluate reality of others and to change viewpoint.
Agreeable. |
3.0 |
expression of limited number of personal ideas. |
Receives ideas and beliefs if cautiously
stated. |
Pass comm. Conservative.
inclines toward moderate construction and creation. |
Awareness of possible
validity of different reality. Conservative agreement. |
2.5 |
Casual pointless conversation. |
Listens only to ordinary affairs. |
Cancels any comm of higher
or lower tone. Devaluates(34)
urgencies. |
Refusal to match two
realities. Indifference to conflict in reality. Too
careless to agree or disagree. |
2.0 |
Talks in threats. Invalidates(29)
other people. |
Listens to threats. openly mocks theta(30) talk. |
Deals in hostile or
threatening comm. Lets only small amount of theta go
through. |
Verbal doubt. Defense of own
reality. Attempts to undermine others. Disagrees. |
1.5 |
Talks of death, destruction, hate only. |
Listen only to death and destruction. Wrecks
theta lines. |
Perverts comm to entheta regardless of
original content. |
Stops theta comm. Passes entheta and perverts
it. |
Destruction of opposing
reality. "You're wrong." Disagrees with reality
of others. |
1.1 |
Talks apparent theta, but intent vicious. |
Listens little; mostly to cabal,(31) gossip, lies. |
Relays only malicious comm. |
Cuts comm lines. Won't relay. |
Doubt of own reality.
insecurity. Doubt of opposing reality. |
0.5 |
Talks very little and only in apathetic
tones. |
Listens little; mostly to apathy or pity. |
Takes little heed of comm.
Does not relay. |
Shame, anxiety, strong doubt
of own reality. Easily has reality of others forced on
him. |
0.1 |
Does not talk. |
Does not listen. |
Does not relay. Unaware of
comm. |
Complete withdrawal from
conflicting reality. No reality. |