13 | 14 | 15 | |
Ability to Handle Responsibility | Persistence on a Given Course | Literalness of Reception of Statement | |
4.0 | Inherent sense of responsibility on all dynamics.(36) | High creative persistence. | High differentiation.(40) Good understanding of all comm, as modified by Clear's(41) education. |
3.5 | Capable of assuming and carrying on responsibilities. | Good persistence and direction toward constructive goals. | Good grasp of statements. Good sense of humor.(42) |
3.0 | Handles responsibility in a slipshod fashion. | Fair persistence if obstacles not too great. | Good differentiation of meaning of statements. |
2.5 | Too careless. Not trustworthy. | Idle, poor concentration. | Accepts very little, literally or otherwise. Apt to be literal about humor. |
2.0 | Uses responsibility to further own ends. | Persistence toward destruction of enemies. No constructive persistence below this point. | Accepts remarks of tone 2.0 literally. |
1.5 | Assumes responsibility in order to destroy. | Destructive persistence begins strongly, weakens quickly. | Accepts alarming remarks literally. Brutal sense of humor. |
1.1 | Incapable, capricious,(37) irresponsible. | Vacillation(38) on any course. Very poor concentration. Flighty.(39) | Lack of acceptance of any remarks. Tendency to accept all literally avoided by forced humor. |
0.5 | None. | Sporadic persistence toward self-destruction. | Literal acceptance of any remark matching tone. |
0.1 | None. | None. | Complete literal acceptance. |
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36. Dynamics: in Dianetics, survival is understood to
be the basic single thrust of life through time and
space, energy and matter. Survival is subdivided into
eight dynamics. Man does not survive for self alone, nor
yet for sex, nor yet for groups, nor yet only for the
species of man. Man apparently survives, as do other
living organisms, along eight separate channels. These
channels are called the dynamics. 37. capricious: characterized by or subject to whim; impulsive and unpredictable. 38. vacillate: 1. to waver in decision or opinion. 39. flighty: 1. given to sudden whims; not taking things seriously. 40. differentiate: 3. to perceive the difference in or between. 41. Clear: an unaberrated person. He is rational in that he forms the best possible solutions he can on the data he has and from his viewpoint. He obtains the maximum pleasure for the organism, present and future, as well as for the subjects along the other dynamics. 42. humor: humor is rejection. The ability to reject. The ability to throw something away. That is humor. |