The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation

  7 8 9
  Ethic Level Handling of Truth Courage Level
4.0 Bases ethics on reason. Very high ethic level. High concept of truth. High courage level.
3.5 Heeds ethics of group but refines them higher as reason demands. Truthful. Courage displayed on reasonable risks.
3.0 Follows ethics in which trained as honestly as possible. Moral.(22) Cautious of asserting truths. Social lies. Conservative display of courage where risk is small.
2.5 Treats ethics insincerely. Not particularly honest or dishonest. Insincere. Careless of facts. Neither courage nor cowardice. Neglect of danger.
2.0 Below this point: authoritarian.(23) Chronically and bluntly dishonest when occasion arises. Truth twisted to suit antagonism. Reactive, unreasoning thrusts at danger.
1.5 Below this point: criminal. immoral. Actively dishonest. Destructive of any and all ethics. Blatant(25) and destructive lying. Unreasonable bravery, unusually damaging to self.
1.1 Sex criminal. Negative ethics. Deviously dishonest without reason. pseudoethical(24) activities screen perversion of ethics. Ingenious and vicious perversions of truth. Covers lying artfully.(26) Occasional underhanded displays of action, otherwise cowardly.
0.5 Nonexisitent. Not thinking. Obeying anyone. Details(27) facts with no concept of their reality. Complete cowardice.
0.1 None. No reaction. No reaction.
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22. moral: simply totally and only - of or concerned with the judgement of the goodness or badness of human action and character; pertaining to good and evil. Designed to teach goodness or correctness of character and behavior; instructive of what is good and bad.
23. authoritarian: favoring complete obedience to authority as opposed to individual freedom.
24. pseudo-: (prefix) false, insincere.
25. blatant: verb bad, obvious.
26. artful: 1. crafty; cunning; tricky.
27. detail: 1. to give particulars of, to describe fully.