The Hubbard Chart of Human Evaluation

  4 5 6
Sexual Behavior
Attitude toward Children
Command over Environment Actual Worth to Society Compared to Apparent Worth
Sexual interest high but often sublimated(8) to creative thought.
Intense interest in children.
High self-mastery. Aggressive toward environ.(14) Dislikes to control people. High reasoning, volatile(15) emotions. High worth. Apparent worth will be realized. Creative and constructive.
High interest in opposite sex. Constancy.(9)
Love of children.
Reason well. Good control. Accepts ownership. Emotion free. Liberal.(16) Good value to society. Adjusts environ to benefit of self and others.
Interest in procreation.(10)
Interest in children.
Controls bodily functions. Reasons well. Free emotion still inhibited. Allows rights to others. Democratic.(17) Any apparent worth is actual worth. Fair value.
Disinterest in procreation.
Vague tolerance of children.
In control of function and some reasoning powers. Does not desire much ownership. Capable of constructive action; seldom much quantity. Small value. "Well adjusted."
Disgust at sex; revulsion.
Nagging of and nervousness about children.
Antagonistic and destructive to self, others, and environ. Desires command in order to injure. Dangerous. Any apparent worth wiped out by potentials of injury to others.
Rape. Sex as punishment.
Brutal treatment of children.
Smashes or destroys others or environ. Failing this, may destroy self. Fascistic. Insincere. Heavy liability. Possible murderer. Even when intentions avowedly(20) good will bring about destruction.
Promiscuity,(11) perversion, sadism,(12) irregular practices.
Use of children for sadistic purposes.
No control of reason or emotions, but apparent organic control. uses sly means of controlling others, especially hypnotism.(18) Communistic.(19) Active liability. Enturbulates(21) others. Apparent worth outweighed by vicious hidden interests.
Impotency,(13) anxiety, possible efforts to reproduce.
Anxiety about children.
Barest functional control of self only. Liability to society. Possible suicide. Utterly careless of others.
No effort to procreate.
No command of self, others, environ. Suicide. High liability, needing care and efforts of others without making any contribution.
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8. subliminate: 1. to divert the energy of (an emotion or impulse arising from a primitive instinct) into a culturally higher activity.
9. constancy: 2. faithfulness.
10. procreate: to bring (a living thing) into existence by the natural process of reproduction, to generate.
11. promiscuity: 2. having sexual relations with many people.
12. sadism: 1. sexual gratification gained through causing physical pain or humiliation.
13. impotence: 2. complete failure or serious impairment of sexual power, especially in the male.
14. eviron: surrounding area; vicinity.
15. violatle: 2. (of a person) lively, changing quickly or easily from one mood or interest to another.
16. liberal: 6. favoring or permitting freedom of action, especially with respect to matters of personal belief or expression.
17. democratic: 2. in accordance with the principle of equal rights for all.
18. hypnotism: amnesia trance for the purpose of planting suggestions.
19. communist: 1. an advocate of communism (2. a system of social organization in which all economic and social activity is controlled by a totalitarian state dominated by a single and self-perpetuating political party.
20. avow: to admit, to declare openly.
21. enturbulate: cause to be turbulent or agitated and disturbed.