Amy Grant Is On The Devil's Side

By David J. Stewart | October 2005 | Updated January 2016

“I’M TRYING TO LOOK SEXY to sell a record...” (Rolling Stone, June 6, 1985, p. 10).[1]

Luke 6:26, “Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to THE FALSE PROPHETS.”

       Amy Grant is a tremendous singer and I admire anyone who works hard to succeed in life. As a musician myself, I like many songs that Amy sings. She's definitely a gifted singer. I am not publishing this article to be unkind. I'm the biggest sinner I know (and so are you if you're right with God and realize just how sinful we all are). James 2:10 says to commit one sin is equivalent to breaking all of God's Commandments in the Lord's eyes. The only righteousness which I possess is the imputed righteousness of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Grant has changed over the years, singing about her imperfections and those who wrongly judge her. Certainly, no one has a right to condemn anyone, for the Law of God condemns all humanity (Romans 3:19). Whatever sins Amy Grant has are none of my business or anybody else's. We are all big sinners in one way or another. 1st John 1:8-10 calls anyone a liar who denies their sinfulness. The apostle Paul knew how sinful he still was as a Christian, constantly struggling between the flesh and the Spirit of God Who lives in every believer (Romans 7:14-25).

Having said that, I published this article to expose Amy Grant, not for her sins; but rather, for her ecumenical associations, open use of occult symbols in her albums, Hollywood fame, wearing pants and sensual clothing on stage, her lackadaisical attitude toward sharing the gospel to get people saved... all part of the Godless New World Order. I'm tired of women singers being immodest and vile on stage and then downplaying it as just marketing techniques. Miss "Jesus Take The Wheel" (Carrie Underwood) is numero uno whore-of-the-year! Remember, even the Devil appears as an angel of light (2nd Corinthians 11:13-15; Matthew 7:15). So it's not surprising that the most immoral, slutty-smutty and disgraceful of singers claim to know and love Jesus.

Amy Grant said in 1985 that she was dressing sexy to sell a record, and she certainly has sold many records. As of 2009, Grant remains the best-selling Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) singer ever, having sold over 30 million albums worldwide. Amy's on top of the world. She was honored with a star on Hollywood Walk of Fame in 2005 for her contributions to the entertainment industry.

Tragically, Amy Grant's music is so vague, wishy-washy, and doctrinally deficient that Roman Catholics support her. Amy Grant was interviewed[2] by (the world's largest Catholic network) on July 22, 2010 by Billy Atwell.

As a born-again believer who loves Jesus Christ, I am appalled that any professed Christian would remain totally silent about the evils of the damned Catholic religion, which is leading billions of people into the Lake of Fire. It doesn't require a degree in theology to know that Catholicism is of the Devil. Everything about Catholicism is a cruel hoax, intended to keep men blinded from the truth and lead them into Hell forever (2nd Corinthians 4:4). Religion wants to fit us with glasses; but the Lord wants to open our eyes. Have you believed a lie?

I don't condemn anyone, for the Bible condemns all of us as guilty, dirty, rotten, hell-deserving sinners. My salvation solely rests in Christ's righteousness, because of the precious blood that He gave for our sins. My intention is not to be unkind; but rather, to expose the demonic nature of so-called "Christian rock," and also to expose Amy Grant as a bad influence for Christian teenagers to follow. Amy states . . .

“CHRISTIANS CAN BE SEXY. What I’m doing is a good thing” (Amy Grant, interview, People, July 15, 1991).

This goes contrary to 1st Timothy 2:9 which instructs Christian ladies to dress in "modest apparel." The issue is not about the performers personally; but rather, about the worldly music they claim to sing in Jesus' name and the kind of role models they are for teens. Here's a perverted (and retarded) snapshot from Amy's mega popular video 'BABY, BABY'. Amy's not only the “Queen Of Christian Pop,” but also the queen of sinful compromise. This is how Amy serves God . . .

Jude 1:17-19, “But, beloved, remember ye the words which were spoken before of the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ; How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts. These be they who separate themselves, sensual, having not the Spirit.”

Amy Grant's so-called 'music video' 'BABY, BABY' is more resemblant of 101 sexual positions than a music video. And then like a little spoiled brat she publicly whines about people who are JUDGING AMY! Of course Christians get upset when Amy behaves like a slut and openly admits dressing sexy to sell an album...

“I’M TRYING TO LOOK SEXY to sell a record...” (Rolling Stone, June 6, 1985, p. 10).

What do you expect? This is NOT condemning Amy, but simply discerning whether or not she's the type of role model America's youth should have. The following information is about Amy's music and public image. Amy states . . .

“I'm a singer, not a preacher, I'm not looking to convert anybody” says Christian rock diva Amy Grant. (Los Angeles Times, 5/4/84, pg. 2-c) Grant goes on to demonstrate her spirituality by saying, “I'm not going to say too often that I like a cold beer while watching a football game. That might bother some of my fans.” (Greensville News, 5/4/94)

As Christians, we should all be trying to get souls saved. Proverb 11:30, “The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise.” Amy Grant has made tens-of-millions of dollars through her musical career, professing to be a Christian and singing worldly music in the name of Jesus; but she has not glorified God when she neglects to use her massive public influence to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the lost. Daniel 5:23, “...the God in whose hand thy breath is, and whose are all thy ways, hast thou not glorified.”

Amy Grant professes to be a Christian, and I am not one to judge whether she is or not, but when any so-called Christian celebrity is honored by Hollywood and is praised by unsaved Catholics and is popular with the sinful world, something is very wrong. 2nd Timothy 3:12 says that believers who live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution. When you stand up for Jesus and carry a Bible, the world will forsake you immediately (John 15:19). Amy Grant is so worldly, immodest, sensual, sinfully proud, high faced, irreverent and carnally-minded that the heathen world loves her. That is NOT Biblical Christianity!

Luke 8:15 teaches that every believer ought to obediently sow the seed of the gospel to win souls to Christ. Amy Grant openly admits that she has no intention of winning anyone to the Lord. What a sad testimony. I preach mostly against celebrities who masquerade as Christians, who falsely claiming to love God; while hiding their candle under a bushel, and remaining silent about everything that is unholy, evil, a deception, and of the Devil. Jesus said those who love Him obey His Commandments (John 14:15). I'm sick and tired of so-called “Christian” singers shining in humanity's spotlight, being honored by the wicked, supporting the homosexual agenda, and no one has anything negative to say about them because they never take a stand for anything that pleases God. Philippians 2:21, “For all seek their own, not the things which are Jesus Christ's.” To stand for God nearly always means to stand alone.

Jesus plainly taught that no one can serve God and money. Matthew 6:24, “No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.” Amy Grant, Michael W. Smith, TobyMac, and all the rest of today's apostate CCM singers are serving mammon, i.e., money. They all know that to raise a flag for God would be career suicide. Hollywood doesn't honor God-fearing Christians who speak out against sin and evil. As you follow the public careers of your favorite CCM singers, you will (guaranteed) eventually see them embrace the homosexual agenda in one way or another.

Amy Grant admits that she has made some bad decisions in life, as we all have; but that does not excuse her present worldliness, hob-knobbing with homosexuals, apostate religious affiliation with Billy Balaam (Graham) and fruitless testimony as a professed believer. She is a friend of the sinful world, which James 4:4 says makes her God's enemy. James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.” Being a “friend” in James 4:4 means “to assist” the heathen world. Amy grant is pulling on the same rope as the Devil's crowd. She openly admits her ignorance of the Scriptures...

"That’s one reason I started writing songs, because I DIDN’T WANT TO IMPOSE MY RELIGION ON ANYONE. This way the audience can sit back and draw its own conclusions. … My art and the feeling I am trying to communicate through the songs, it would be silly for me to say, this is who God is; I DON’T HAVE ANY ANSWERS" (Amy Grant, interview, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct. 21, 1984).

There's a fine line between forcing one's religious beliefs upon another person verses sincerely caring about other people and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with them. Very few people care enough to see the difference, because they are simply against God and the Bible, period. Amy Grant considers sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ with her fans as imposing her religious beliefs upon them. That is tragic and sad. Millions of lost sinners about to be cast into the Lake of Fire will one day look at Amy and ask, “Why didn't you warn me? You knew the truth, but failed to warn me, why?” One thing is for certain, the Godless music industry controls Amy Grant.

The Illuminati love to hide things in plain sight. As the saying goes, “You can't see the forest for the trees.” Symbolism and occult imagery are subconsciously perceived, but on a conscious level will not be seen. Amy Grant is no exception. Here's Amy Grant making her famous El Diablo hand sign on stage.

Be warned friend, the Devil is working relentlessly to corrupt what's left of family values and moral character in America. You're going to see satanism trying to creep it's way into our lives in every way possible. With Harry Potter, Devilish shows like Charmed and Witches, Country singers popularizing songs written by satanists, the Godless Public School System, multitudes of corrupted Bible versions, pagan holidays, Rock 'N' Roll music, Rap, Punk, Godless CCM music, false religions, sexually degenerate TV, apostasy in the church, abortion, adultery, homosexuality, and every other evil imaginable... how long can America last??? Even the New King James Bible has an occult symbol on the front cover.

Christianity is NOT religion, it is being born-again by the incorruptible Word of God. 1st Peter 1:23, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” Amy Grant says she doesn't want to impose her religion on anyone, all she wants to do is sing and make lots of money. Although Amy made this statement over 25-years ago, she has lived up to her apostate statements throughout her career, never having shared the gospel truth with her fans. Amy admits that she doesn't have any answers, and still doesn't from reading her website, song lyrics and recent interviews; but the Bible certainly does have the answers, which is why Jesus told us to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES in John 5:39.

Amy Grant doesn't want the answers which God provides in the Bible. Instead, Amy says she lives by her own views...

“I don’t feel like it’s my mission in life to preach to people. I feel like it’s just my gift to communicate life as I see it” (Amy Grant, Family Weekly, August 11, 1985).

May I humbly say, I am as narrow-minded as the Bible. I believe that the King James Bible is God's inspired Words, each and every word of it! I sincerely doubt if Amy Grant is truly a born-again Christian, because she openly states that she doesn't have ANY ANSWERS. If you know how you got saved, then you do have the answer of how to go to Heaven. Does Amy not know how she came to be born-again? Is she saved at all? I think not. Amy admits that she has religion; but that doesn't mean she is saved. Most people have churchianity without Christianity. Remember that the Scriptures warned us that religious phonies would fill our churches in the Last Days (2nd Timothy 3:5), being sensual and worldly, professing a form of godliness but denying the power of the gospel thereof (Romans 1:!6).

The Bible says from such TURN AWAY (2nd Timothy 3:5). You should turn away from Amy Grant and the rest of the apostate Ecumenical Movement which has infected America's churches today, leading Protestants, Evangelicals and Roman Catholics into a One World Religion. Amy Grant is extremely popular and well supported by Roman Catholics, all of which think keeping the Seven Sacraments will get them into the kingdom of God.

People don't realize that 501c3 state-licensing and the Homosexual Agenda are helping the Ecumenical Movement unite all the churches in apostasy. Max Lucado encourages America's churchgoers to receive, support and encourage illegal immigrants (a CFR agenda, promoting the North American Union). Rick Warren is a CFR member and has flip-flopped on Proposition 8 in California concerning gay-marriage (as a chameleon changes colors to adapt to its surroundings). Whether it be your favorite CCM singer coming out of the closet, or befriending those who come out of the closet, or apostate religious authors Like Joel Osteen, Rick Warren and Joyce Meyer, they're all leading America away from the God of the Bible into apostasy!

If Amy is saved, then she is very far from God to avoid her Biblical duty to be a soul-winner (2nd Corinthians 5:11). Jesus taught that the seeds which fell amongst the thorns are those believers who are choked by the cares, riches and pleasures of THIS LIFE, and never bring forth any fruit (Luke 8:14). Jesus commanded His disciples to lay up treasures in Heaven (Matthew 6:20). Romans 10:14-15 plainly teaches the importance of soul-winning. It is apostasy for Amy grant, or any professed Christian, to shirk off their responsibility to win souls. Every believer has a duty to win souls by sharing the good news of Jesus Christ crucified, buried and risen for our sins. God does the saving, our part is to simply preach the gospel (1st Corinthians 3:6-9). The Word of God is TRUTH (John 17:17), and not just “my religion” as Amy states.

Grant may shine as a star here in this sinful world, having her name glamorized on the Hollywood Walk of Fame; but she will be oh so poor in Heaven, never having used her influence to win any lost sinners to Jesus Christ. Instead she has led millions of fans into the Ecumenical Movement. Religious Pop music doesn't get people saved. Romans 1:16 proclaims that it is the GOSPEL that is the power of God unto salvation.

The Devil's Music All Comes from the Same Company

EMI Group! Like Bob Dylan and Huey Lewis, who openly admit selling their souls to the Devil for worldly success, so do Amy Grant and others sell out by recording with heathen companies. Sparrow Records (shown on Amy's website at the bottom of all her 30 albums for sale) was acquired by EMI Group in the 1990's. EMI owns over 70 music companies! The EMI Christian Music Group is a division of the EMI Group, which also produce records for Pink Floyd, Katy Perry, Smashing Pumpkins, Grand Funk Railroad, Avalon, Sex Pistols, Iron Maiden, The Beatles, Snoop Dog, Toby Mac, and hundreds of other heathen groups (over 1500 total). It's really sickening if you realize what's going on. EMI Group is a heathen music production company out to make a buck, period.

They created their so-called Christian Music Group as part of their marketing strategy, and not because they love Christ nor care about getting anybody saved. The same parent company that sells Amy Grant's music sells Pink Floyd and Iron Maiden too. It's like a porno store in the rear with a Christian bookstore in the front, all operated by the same organization, trying to make money. There's nothing Christian about any of this garbage, not even the fake “Christian” label they slap across it. It's all a deception of the Devil, a “division” of the Godless parent company. As the saying goes, “The Apple never falls far from the tree” or “Birds of a feather flock together.” 1st Corinthians 10:21, “Ye cannot drink the cup of the Lord, and the cup of devils: ye cannot be partakers of the Lord's table, and of the table of devils.”

The idea of a heathen greedy music company starting a so-called “Christian” music sub-company to market a different group of society is nauseating to say the least. Now you know why the gospel is never preached at any of their CCM (Contemporary Christian Music) concerts. They're no more Christian than Ozzy Osbourne. EMI sells Katy Perry's records, a little tramp whore who lays with her legs open in her immoral video Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.). She sings about streaking in the park, getting drunk, having sex with a boy, and wanting to do it all again to her parents. Such destructive music is deliberately being targeted at teens today by scum Communists, God haters and Luciferian occultists to ruin them. It was Vladimir Lenin who said, “The best revolutionary is a youth devoid of morals.”


Amy Grant’s life and music have been marked by sensuality and pop psychology rather than true holiness and biblical truth. Her 1997 album, Behind the Eyes, made no mention of God or Jesus Christ and had no explicitly Christian lyrics. She told secular entertainment distributor IMusic that the song "Like I Love You" is actually about loving oneself!

Articles about Amy Grant in the secular media invariably reveal that she is loved not for her Christian message but for her sensuality.

People magazine noticed Amy’s lack of holiness in the performance of the video for the song "Baby, Baby."

"There’s saintly Amy cuddling some hunky guy, crooning ‘Baby, Baby’ into his ear and looking pretty SLEEK AND SINFUL…" (People, July 15, 1991 p. 71).

Amy Grant admits that...

"I’M TRYING TO LOOK SEXY to sell a record..." (Rolling Stone, June 6, 1985, p. 10).

When asked about the controversy surrounding this video, Amy replied:

"The whole thing just seemed very boring to me. Besides, shooting the video was a blast. IT'S FUN TO FLIRT if you’re a happily-married woman" (Woman's Day, Dec. 22 , 1992 , p. 35).

The Bible says that sexual flirting, immodest attire, and such things are basically the same as adultery. When Amy Grant dresses sensually and dances sensually in her performances, she is committing adultery with her audience. Such action does not contribute to a healthy marriage. Further, it is obvious now that Amy was NOT necessarily a happily-married woman when she spoke to Woman's Day magazine in 1992.


Amy Grant’s unscriptural philosophy is evident in the following statements she and her associates have made to the press:

"It seems to me that PEOPLE WHO ARE MOST ADAMANTLY AGAINST PREMARITAL SEX HAVE EXPERIENCED SOME KIND OF PAIN IN THEIR OWN LIVES. Like the people who say absolutely NO to rock & roll. Chances are it has something to do with a past sadness…" (Amy Grant, interview, Ladies Home Journal, December 1985, p. 210).

"I’m a singer, not a preacher. I’M NOT LOOKING TO CONVERT ANYBODY. I feel people come to hear my music, not to hear me talk" (Amy Grant, St. Petersburg Times, Florida, April 7, 1984, p. 4).

"I don’t feel like it’s my mission in life to preach to people. I feel like it’s just my gift to communicate life as I see it" (Amy Grant, Family Weekly, August 11, 1985).

"I’ve become disillusioned, and that’s why my lyrics are less idealistic. I’m realizing that the world isn’t a perfect place, and GOD CAN’T SOLVE EVERYONE’S PROBLEMS" (Amy Grant, interview, Family Circle, September 9, 1986, p. 24).

"If an audience feels I’ve walked away from God because I no longer talk about Him onstage, then that’s their loss" (Amy Grant, Ibid.).

"I get tired of Christians trying to tell me what being a Christian is. I get tired of that kind of Christianity. … People asking, ‘Have you had your quiet time today?’ We have such a regimented idea of what Christianity is" (Amy Grant, 1980, cited by Bob Millard, Amy Grant, p. 107).

"That’s one reason I started writing songs, because I DIDN’T WANT TO IMPOSE MY RELIGION ON ANYONE. This way the audience can sit back and draw its own conclusions. … My art and the feeling I am trying to communicate through the songs, it would be silly for me to say, this is who God is; I DON’T HAVE ANY ANSWERS" (Amy Grant, interview, The Philadelphia Inquirer, Oct. 21, 1984).

"CHRISTIANS CAN BE SEXY. What I’m doing is a good thing" (Amy Grant, interview, People, July 15, 1991).

[The following is Amy’s own description of her actions before a crowd of 30,000 young people in Kissimmee, Florida, in 1978.] "We’re sitting there, I do my sound check. All these girls are in halter tops, great figures, everybody's wearing nothing, we’re in Floriday [her way of pronouncing Florida]. I’m eighteen, and I know what they’re thinking. I said, ‘I really want to know Jesus and I really want to love him except … my hormones are on ten, and I see you all … sitting out there getting chummy and praying together -- and WE’RE HORNY. MY FEELING IS, WHY FAKE IT? I’m not trying to be gross, I’m saying let’s be honest about what’s coming down’" (Bob Millard, Amy Grant, 1986, p. 103).


 The queen-bee of Christian rock is Amy Grant. Amy says,

“Why isolate yourself? Your life isolates you enough. I’m isolated when I walk into a room and somebody says, She’s a Christian and NOBODY OFFERS ME A JOINT and all the coke (cocaine) disappears. . .” (Bob Millard, Amy Grant, p. 169)

The Bible says in 2nd Timothy 2:22, "Flee also youthful lusts:", but Amy says...

"Petting happens . . . As a teenager, when I gave part of me to someone, I knew I was just going to flirt, HAVE A LITTLE FUN, . . ."(Bob Millard, Amy Grant, p. 30)

Amy Grant tells the Ladies Home Journal (Dec. 1985, p. 210)...

“It seems to me that people who are most adamantly against premarital sex have experienced some kind of pain in their own lives. Like the people who say absolutely no to rock ‘n’ roll. Chances are it has something to do with a past sadness…”

Amy's song, "Baby, Baby", was unprecedented in Gospel Music history topping the chart as the number-one spot on Billboard magazine. People magazine (July 15, 1991 p.71) says of Amy's video Baby, Baby...

"There's saintly Amy cuddling some hunky guy, crooning "Baby, Baby" into his ear and looking pretty SLEEK AND SINFUL. . . "After all, Amy confesses, "I'm trying to look SEXY to sell a record . . ." (Rolling Stone, June 6, 1985 p. 10)

In 1998 Amy left her husband of 16 years, Gary Chapman. Gary literally got on his knees and begged Amy to stay. In June 1999, Amy divorced Gary. And quickly, in March 2000, Amy married country star Vince Gill. In 1996, Vince’s wife Janis found a note—”I love you, Amy”—in his golf bag. (People, Nov. 29, 1999), As early as 1994, Amy told Gary,

“. . . I’ve given my heart to another man.” (CCM, January 2000, p. 36)

Amy admits to ABC's Primetime,

“I think that a part of me loved him [Vince] instantly.”

Though Amy has denied any sexual contact with Vince before their marriage – few believe her – including Gary Chapman. When asked whether Amy and Vince were romantically involved, Gary says:

“Could I answer? Yeah. Will I answer? Probably not. I think by Amy’s admission they’ve been very dear friends for years. I suspect most people can add. I’ll leave that to their mathematical abilities.”

On Amy's Lead Me On album, Amy and Michael W. Smith wrote the "sin-temptation-adultery" song "Faithless Heart":

At times the woman deep inside me
Wanders far from home,
And in my mind I live a life
That chills me to the bone.
A heart, running for arms out of reach,
But who is the stranger my longing seeks?
I don't know.
But it scares me through and through,
'Cause I've a man at home
Who needs me to be true. . .
Oh, faithless heart,
You tempt me to the core,. . .
God, you know my feelings here
Could wipe my world away,
Ravaging the promises
A stronger heart once made,. . .

    - Faithless Heart, Amy Grant (Lead Me On, 1988)

Faithless heart — how true it was. . .

“For their heart was not right with him. . .” —Psalm 78:37


A frightening "mark" infiltrating much of the Contemporary Christian Music is occult symbols. And many of these symbols are blatant recognition of occult usage. Harpers' Encyclopedia of Mystical & Paranormal Experience (p.594) says, "Symbols are important to all esoteric teachings [occult], for they contain secret wisdom accessible only to the initiated."

In Amy's video, That's What Love Is For, some occult symbols are clearly and openly displayed. In the video, Amy, dressed in a red robe, (used in witchcraft rituals) strangely flashes a six-pointed-star on the palms of her hands. It is common knowledge the hands are the primary "contact point" in the occult. That is why you place your hands on the Ouija board and join hands in a séance.

The six-pointed-star Amy "communicates" is a hexagram. "Hex" is a spell used to place a curse. Hex is also the Greek word for the number six. Sean Sellars, a former Satanist, who was executed for sacrificing 3 people to Satan, says in his book, Web of Darkness (p.51), the hexagram "is said by some to be the most powerful and evil sign in Satanism and of all the occult world." Sellers also states, "The hexagram is used mainly in witchcraft to summon demons from the underworld." As Amy's is flashing the "hexagram", a mysterious black-attired man begins digging up a guitar (the curse) from the "underground"! This is no coincident or accident. These videos cost thousands of dollars to produce. They are researched and choreographed to the smallest detail.

AMY GRANT says, “I love to hear Billy Joel, Kenny Loggins and the Doobie Brothers” (Time, March 11, 1985).  Amy’s album House of Love includes the environmental-mother-earth song, “Big Yellow Taxi,” by new-age-priestess Joni Mitchell (Ibid.).  Mitchell is infamous for her open relationship with a spirit she calls “Art.”  Obviously she is communing with demons, and it is unconscionable for Amy Grant to be promoting Mitchell’s music to Christian young people.

A Role Model for Young People?

"A recent Rolling Stone piece portrayed her as a tough-talking, no- nonsense fundamentalist who is every bit as ambitious as the real Madonna, goes to Prince concerts (she doesn't enjoy the simulated masturbation) and frolics naked on secluded African beaches...." [1]

"The beach incident occurred during a vacation, she explains, and involved a woman companion. ''We threw off our clothes. Nobody was there, nobody saw us. It was such a free, wonderful, childlike experience. It was great. But then it can also be worded as 'let's get naked.' '' Such tidbits are fodder for fundamentalists who criticize Grant's worldly sound and appearances, although she says she ''would never do anything that I thought would be offensive. I'm just trying to live my life the best way I can.'' [1]

"I have a healthy sense of right and wrong, but sometimes, for example, using foul, exclamation-point words among friends can be good for a laugh." [2]

"Why isolate yourself? Your life isolates you enough. I'm isolated when I walk into a room and somebody says, She's a Christian and nobody offers me a joint and all the coke [cocaine] disappears. . ." [3]

"I remember years ago the first time I smelled anybody smoking a joint at a concert, I was thrilled. . . it meant to me that obviously this person is not affected by the church peer pressure." [4]


[1] (Gospel Singer Amy Grant Crosses Over,
[2] (Ladies Home Journal, December, 1985, p. 100)
[3] (Amy Grant, Bob Millard (New York, 1986), p. 169)

[4] (Amy Grant, Bob Millard (New York, 1986), p. 30)

The Devils' Music