Christians Who Endorse Witchcraft

"He that saith unto the wicked, Thou are righteous; him shall the people curse, nations shall abhor him: But to them that rebuke him shall be delight, and a good blessing shall come upon them." -Proverbs 24:24,25

       Some Christians are sadly endorsing Harry Potter (the work of author J.K. Rowling); but they should be rebuking her and her works of darkness instead. 

In a November 1999 broadcast of his radio series "Breakpoint," author Chuck Colson commended Harry and his friends for their "courage, loyalty and a willingness to sacrifice for one another – even at the risk of their lives."  Colson dismissed the pagan practices as "purely mechanical, as opposed to occultic.  That is, Harry and his friends cast spells, read crystal balls and turn themselves into animals – but they don't make contact with a supernatural world. … [It's not] the kind of real-life witchcraft the Bible condemns."

And popular Christian publication World Magazine reviewed book one of the series in May 1999, calling it "a delight – with a surprising bit of depth."  Author Roy Maynard assured World readers that "Rowling … keeps it safe, inoffensive and non-occult.  This is the realm of Gandalf and the Wizard of Id, not witchcraft.  There is a fairy-tale order to it all in which, as Chesterton and Tolkien pointed out, magic must have rules, and good does not – cannot – mix with bad."

Even Christianity Today magazine has given positive reviews of the Harry Potter witchcraft series.  The sad truth that professed "Christians" are endorsing such Satanic inventions as Harry Potter clearly reveal the apostate times in which we are living.  When Christians no longer recognize evil as EVIL, then you know that society has been utterly desensitized to the exceeding sinfulness of sin (Romans 7:13).


Harry Potter Introduces Children to Witchcraft (Wicca)

Set in England, the books chronicle the life of young Harry Potter, whose wizard parents were killed by the evil Lord Voldemort.  Because Harry escaped the death curse of Voldemort, he was given a mark on his forehead – a lightening bolt.  On his 11th birthday, Harry receives an invitation to the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.  Each of the four published books represents a year at Hogwarts.

Voldemort is a non-physical "dark magic" being who inhabits the bodies of various characters in the books.  Perhaps most notably, Voldemort possesses Quirrell, Hogwarts' "Defense Against the Dark Arts" teacher.

Voldemort taught Quirrell, "There is no good and evil; there is only power, and those too weak to seek it."

Parents, did you read that?  Tens-of-millions of Children who watch or read Harry Potter are being taught that there is "NO GOOD OR EVIL; THERE IS ONLY POWER."  Though it is obvious in the Harry Potter series that Voldemort is the bad guy, children nevertheless are extremely impressionable.  The advice which Voldemort gives is more readily accepted as a universal truth rather than lies from a bad person.  Through the Harry Potter's series, Children are subconsciously being brainwashed by the damnable heresies of Wicca witchcraft.  Do you realize that Wicca teaches that there is no good or evil.  Wiccans believe that anything is acceptable just so long as no one is being hurt.  So according to Wicca, if two married couples are willing to indulge in adultery, it would be acceptable since all parties are in agreement.  Wicca totally disregards the laws of God and the authority of the Word of God.

Ironically, I often receive e-mails from Wicca witches arguing that Christianity and Wicca are closely paralleled.  You've got to be kidding?  Wicca's belief's are NOT even remotely close to the fundamental teachings of the Word of God.  The Bible specifies which activities are sinful (e.g., murder, adultery, fornication, homosexuality, stealing, abortion, gambling, drunkenness, witchcraft, lying, bearing false witness, bestiality, etc.).  Wicca however does NOT.  Wicca does NOT recognize the concept of "sin".  In fact, many of the activities which the Bible condemns as sinful are readily accepted in Wicca, such as fornication (sex outside of marriage).  Just because someone isn't being hurt doesn't make something right in God's eyes.  Wiccans do NOT recognize the Word of God and therefore have no solid foundation upon which their religion is based.  As you can imagine, individual Wiccan beliefs vary widely. 

In addition, Wicca teaches that there are HUNDREDS of deities (gods) from which you can choose from to worship.  The Bible clearly teaches that there is only ONE True and Living God (Deuteronomy 6:4).  Wicca and Christianity are two entirely different worlds apart.  The elements comprising the Harry Potter Series are far more resembling of Wicca than Christianity.  ALL witchcraft is SIN (1st Samuel 15:23).  The FACT that the Word of God specifically calls witchcraft a "sin" should settle the issue with every person who trusts upon the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation. 


Is Harry Potter Harmless?

Many parents, regardless of their faith, may not wish to have their children read about evil non-physical beings who drink the blood of animals to gain power.  But the books are marketed to children ages 9-12.  For Christians in particular, the acclamation given Harry Potter's world should be extremely disturbing.  Harry Potter is of the devil.

Might Harry Potter seem as real as life to his young fans around the world?  Do children accept Harry's lessons in practical witchcraft as an open door to an occult reality? Many Christian leaders have denied any such danger, but author J.K. Rowling admits that this happens. In an interview with Newsweek's Malcolm Jones, she said...

"I get letters from children addressed to Professor Dumbledore [headmaster at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the books’ setting], and it’s not a joke, begging to be let into Hogwarts, and some of them are really sad. Because they want it to be true so badly they’ve convinced themselves it’s true." (-Malcolm Jones, "The Return of Harry Potter!", Newsweek (Online), July 1, 2000, page 4.

Harry Potter isn't just fun and games to many children, it's a real place and the magic is real.  The subconscious mind is an extremely impressionable sponge.  Everyone has seen and heard things throughout their life that have "stuck" in their brains.  A person can see something just once and never forget it as long as they live.  The impression that Harry Potter has made upon tens-of-millions of the world's children is reflected in the numerous websites where a child can actually enroll into a school of witchcraft (for free).  Here are some links:

Official Harry Potter Hogwart's School of Witchcraft Logo

Children can actually enroll into the Hogwart's School of Witchcraft.

Here's another Hogwart's Witchcraft school where children are taught divination, charms, and potions.  This site is maintained by a 15-year old Canadian girl (just one of millions of young Satanist's being groomed to prepare the stage for the coming antichrist).

More Schools of Witchcraft for Children:

How can any professed child of God endorse, support, or recommend something as evil and wicked as Harry Potter?  Harry Potter isn't just harmless fun, it is preparing a generation of youth to rebel against God.  In case you don't know your Bible, 1st Samuel 15:23 calls witchcraft a "sin"!

"... the sin of witchcraft..." -1st Samuel 15:23

Potter Books: Wicked Witchcraft?

Watch a Video Clip of Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged

Apostasy in America!