King James Glossary

Patriotist Staff Columnist Richard Power


The endless and tireless assault on the Authorized Translation of the Holy Scriptures appears to me to have added a word of two to the English Language. Whether or not this is a fact is of little import, but in searching my 1828 American Dictionary of the English language I find the word 'archaic' is missing. There is an 'archaism,' which is undoubtedly the root word, since it means 'an ancient or obsolete phrase or expression.' What we are going to do in this little study is to investigate the claim of detractors of the Authorized Translation that it contains too many archaic and/or difficult words for the reader to understand well.

I can, without picking up a Bible, think of quite a few words that we do not see much in print or hear in conversation any more, but words are words. A word is not embalmed and laid to rest in a hole in the ground or cremated. It may fall into disuse, but it and its meaning will always be just what they were intended to be. Of course, some have done a lot of good words the disservice of connecting a totally different meaning to them than they were originally intended to convey. When archaic words, such as 'kill' or 'murder' did not fit the coloquial usage of the day, they were given different names, such as 'choice' or 'choose.' I cannot help but think such a method is in the works when the very word of God is approached with the intention of changing His clear statements into wishy-washy, compromiseable interpretations.

Altogether, there are about 150 words in the Authorized Version that are more or less not in common usuage today. A great number of them are still in use in particular fields, but are mostly unknown to those not engaged in those activities. Only 15 can realistically be called archaic, but we will examine the whole list of 150 for this study.

Thirty of the words are different types of stones, mostly gemstones, and are still not commonly known amongst the majority of people.

Twenty to thirty are building terms used only by those in the design and building of structures.

Bible believing and reading people generally have a much more rounded vocabulary than the average man on the street. Those who never read the Bible are often the biggest critics of the language in it. What difference if they don't even read it? No more than any other informational or educational books such as encyclopedias and dictionaries that sit on shelves and gather dust.. The best way to handle confrontation with the few remaining unknown words is to look up their definitions and learn them. Using them in your day to day life will soon eleminate the problem and increase your enjoyment you are blessed with when you read the Word.

In 2 Corinthians 11:1-4 Paul warned of the false teachers and their tactics, which would even include a perverted gospel. Learn the meanings of the words, don't accept the 'modernization' which is an abomination to God.

In the following list of words, I will indicate the Scripture passages where they appear, but will not write them in. With the meaning of the word right in front of you, take the time to read them for yourself. If I were a betting man, I would bet that you soon began to enjoy this 'homework assignment' and would continue reading the wonderful book with all the answers.


[This list is intended to grow as needed. If you know of a word in the King James translation of the Holy Bible that you think belongs on this list, please e-mail me, and it will be considered.]


ABATED - [Gen. 8: 3,8,11; Lev. 27: 18; Deut. 34: 7; Jude 8: 3] Reduced to a lower state; decreased; subsided; declined.

AGATE - [Ex.28: 19 and 39: 12; Eze.27: 16] A colorful and plentiful gemstone. It can be translucent, or have integral swirls and designs. Agates are still very popular gems and are found nearly everywhere in the world.

AGUE - [Lev.26.16] A bodily shaking or shivering similar to that occasioned by terror. In the verb form it is to cause a shivering or strike with a cold fit.

AMERCE - [Deut.22: 19] To punish by pecuniary penalty, the amount of which is not fixed by law, but left to the discretion of the court.

AMETHYST - [Ex.28: 19 and 39: 12; Rev.21: 20] A relatively deep blue gemstone. Used in jewelry and ornamentations. Very much still a favorite stone today.

ANON - [Mat.13: 20 ; Mk. l: 30] quickly; immediately; in a short time. Used by Christ in the Gospel of Matthew.

ASP - [Is.11: 8] A small and hooded serpent of the Middle East, mostly Egypt and Lybia. It is venomous and deadly poisonous. The bite is almost always fatal.

ASSAYED - [ Deut.4: 34; 1 Sam.17:39; Acts 9: 26 and 10: 7] - attempted; tried; endeavored.

ASSWAGED - [Gen.8: 1; Job 16: 6] abated; subsided; decreased; reduced.

AUL - modern day spelling is AWL - [Ex.21: 6; Deut.15: 7] An iron instrument with a sharp point for piercing holes in leather. It is also used by sail, tent, and rope makers.

AUSTERE - [ Lk.19: 21,22] as applied to a man Stern; rigid, steadfast.

AXLTREE - [1 Kings 7: 32,33] A piece of timber or bar of iron fitted for insertion in the homs [hubs] or naves of wheels on which they turn.

BDELLIUM - [Gen.2: 12; Num.11: 7] - 1. pearl or pearl apperance 2. A gummy resin produced by a tree that is reddish brown in exterior color and internally clear much like glue. Slightly bitter to the taste, but with a plesant aroma. It is used as a perfume and as a medicine.

BERYL - [ Ex.28: 20 and 39: 13; Song 5:14; Dan.10: 6; Rev.21: 20] Hard mineral. Used as a gemstone. It has a blue-green color and is similar to an emerald

BESOM - [Is.14: 23] A broom or brush made of twigs for sweeping.

BEWRAY - [ Is.16: 3] betray; show; make visible; disclose.

BLAINS - [Ex.9: 9,10] pustules; blisters; inflamatory sores.

BOISTROUS - [Mat.14: 30] Loud; violent; tempestuous; noisy

BOLLED - [Ex.9: 31] Poded or capsuled seeds of a plant. [From boll]

BOLSTER - [1 Sa.19: 13, 16; 1 Sa.26: 7, 11, 12, 16] Long pillow or cushion to support the head. It is usually used under the pillows.

BOTCH - [Deut.28: 27, 35] Swelling of the skin; large ulcerous affection.

BRIGANDINE - [ Jer.51-3] A coat of mail armor.

**Mail armour is no longer worn, but the product and the name of it are historic fact and should not be changed or deleted.

BRUIT - [Jer.10:22; Nah.3: 19] Report; rumor, to noise abroad.


CALAMUS - [Ex. 30: 23; Song 4: 14; Eze. 27: 19] - A sort of reed, or sweet scented cane, used by the Jews as a perfume.

CALKERS - [Eze.27: 9, 27] Those who caulked the seams in ships. It was a job that required a lot of attention to detect and caulk leaks that began as the ship's timbers worked at sea.

CAMPFIRE - [Song 1: 14; 4: 13] Spelling reduced to CAMPHOR with the passing of time. It is an aromatic substance extracted from Asian camphor trees. It has an overpowering aroma and is said to induce sweating with prolonged exposure.

CARBUNCLE - [Ex. 28: 17; 39: 10; Eze. 28: 13] - A beautiful gem of a deep red color. When held up to the sun, it loses its deep tinge and becomes exactly the color of a burning coal.

CASSIA - [Ex.30: 24; Ps.45: 8; Eze. 27: 19] - A genus of plant with many species. The Biblical cassia is an oil extracted from one of these. It was very aromatic, and used as a perfume by the Jews.

CAUL - [Ex.29:13,22; Lev.3:10,15; Lev.4:9; Lev.7:4; Lev.8:16,25; Lev.9:10,19; Hos13:8] - A membrane in the abdomen that covers the internal organs and intestines. The word is often used to describe a female hair covering similar to a net.

CELESTIAL - [1 Cor.15:40] Heavenly, belonging to, related to, or dwelling in heaven.

CHALCEDONY - [Rev.21:19] gemstone mineral resembling white agate w/color of milk diluted in water. Contains veins, spots, and circles.

CHAMBERLAIN - [2 K.23:11; Est.2:3,14,15; Acts 12:20; Rom.16:23]- a servant who has care of the chambers [rooms] in a house, inn, or hotel.

CHAMOIS - [Deut.14.5] an animal of the goat or antelope kind, whose skin is made into soft leather.

CHAPITER - [One of the builder's terms] [1 K.7:16,17,18,20,31; 2 K.25:17; 2 Chr.3:15; Jer.52:22] - upper part of a column or pillar.

CHECKER - [1 K.7:17] variegate cover with crossing lines.

CHIDE - [Ex.17:2; Judges 8:1; Ps. 103:9] contend angrily.

CHOLER - [Dan. 8:7; 11:11] Passionate anger, wrath

CHRYSOLITE - [Rev.21:20] a gem stone w/prevelant color some shade of green.

CHRYSOPHRASUS - [spelled CHRYSOPHRASE in the modern world] [Rev.21:20] a beautiful green gemstone near the hardness of flint.

CIRCUMSPECT - [Ex.23:13] - cautious, prudent; watchful on all sides; examining carefully all the circumstances that may affect a determination; or a measure to be adopted.

CIRCUMSPECTLY - [Eph. 5:15] cautiously; with watchfulness every way; with attention to guard against surprise or danger.

CLEMENCY - [Acts 24:4] mildness of temper

CLOUTED - [Josh.9:15] - patched; in this case most likely with a piece of leather.

CLOUTS - [Jer.38:11,12] In this case, the definition of the iron plates fitted to an axle tree to prevent wear probably applies, rather than that of a cloth patch. Rags were included in the things used here, and that indicates they were padding for the iron.

CONCUPISCENCE - [Rom.7:8; Col.3:5; 1 Th.4:5] irregular desires for carnal pleasure.

CONY - [Lev.11:15; Deut.14:7] [plural CONIES inPs.104:18: and Prov.30:26] - a rabbit; quadruped of the genus Lepus.; short tail and naked ears; the fur is brown in the wild state.

COPING - [another building or architectural term] [1 K.7:9] top cover of a wall, made sloping to carry off the water.

COPULATION - [Lev.15:16,17,18] the act of coupling; embrace of the sexes in the act of generation.

CRISPING PINS - [Is.3:22] - curling irons.

CUMBERED -[Lk.10:40] - loaded, crowded, troubled, burdened. [uses in Lk.13:7 - CUMBRETH, and in Deut.1:12 - CUMBRANCE.

DANDLED - [Is.66:12] - danced on the knee or in the arms as is done to amuse a child.

DEARTH - [Gen.41:54; 2 K.4:38; 2 Chn.6:28; Neh.5:3; Jer.14:1; Acts 7:11 & 11:28] - scarcity, want, need, loss famine.

DISCREET - [Gen.41:33,39; Titus 2:5] - prudent; wise in avoiding errors or evil, and in selecting the best means to accomplish a purpose; cautious; wary.

DISSEMBLED - [Josh.7:11; Jer.42:20; Gal.2:13] - DISSEMBLERS - [Ps.26:4] - DISSEMBLETH - [Prov.26:24] - DISSIMULATION - [Rom12:9; Gal.2:13] - a hiding under a false appearance; false pretension; hipocrisy. Can include the assuming of a false or counterfeit appearance which conceals real opinions or purposes.

ENSUE - [1 Pet.3:11] - follow or come after.

ESCHEW - [1 Pet.3:11] - ESCHEWED - [Job 1:1] - ESCHEWETH - [Job 1:8; 2:3] - flee from: shun; avoid.

ENUCH - [2 K.9:32; 20:18; Is.39:7: 56:3; 56:4; Jer.29:2; 34:19; 38:7; 41:16; 52:25; Dan. 1:3,7,8,9,10,11,18; Mt.19:12; Acts 8:27,34,36,38,39] - a male of the human species castrated. Most often employed as servants to the female quarters as chamberlains.

EXTOL - [Ps.30:1, 68:4; 145:1; Dan.4:37]- to raise in words or eulogy; to praise; to exalt in commendation; to magnify.

FITCHES - [Is 28:25, 27; Eze 4: 9] Chickpeas.

FLUX - [Acts 28: 8] Act of flowing, passing as a fluid. Medically an issue or evacuation from the bowels or other part; as the bloody flux of dysentery.

FRAY - [Deut 28: 26; Jer 7:33; Zec 1: 21] Biblical use is to terrify or frighten.

FRET - [Ps 37: 8] Tease, irritate, make angry

GAINSAY - Lk 21: 15; Titus 1: 9; Acts 10: 29; Rom 10:21; Jude 11] To contradict; to oppose in words; to deny or declare not to be true what another says; to controvert; to dispute; applied to persons, or to propositions or facts.

GALBANUM - [Ex 30:34] a ceremonial oil extracted from a Middle Eastern plant. It has a fine blue color that changes to purple when exposed to the air.

GARLANDS - [Acts 14: 13] An ornament of flowers, fruits and leaves intermixed; used at the gates of temples where feasts and solemn rejoicings were held.

GLISTER - [1 Chr 29: 2; Lk 9: 29] to shine; to be bright; to sparkle; to be brilliant.

GREAVES - [1 Sa 17: 6] Armor for the legs; a sort of boots.

HABERGEON - [Ex 28:32; 39: 23; 2 Chr 26: 14; Job 41: 26; Neh 4: 16] A coat of mail or armor to defend the neck and breast. It was formed of little iron rings united, and descended from the neck to the middle of the body.

HELVE - [Deut 19: 5] The handle of an axe or hatchet

HIGGAION - [Ps 9: 6] a musical notation.

HOARY - [Prov 16: 31] white or gray with age.

IGNOMINY - [Prov 18: 3] Public disgrace; shame; dishonor; shame.

IMMUTABILITY - [Heb 6: 17, 18] unchangeableness; the quality that renders change or alteration impossible; invariableness. Immutability is an attribute of God.

IMPORTUNITY - [Lk 11: 8] pressing solicitation; urgent request; application for acclaim or favor, which is urged with troublesome frequency or pertinacity.

INCONTINENT - [1 Cor 7: 5; 2 Ti 3: 3] not restraining the passions or appetites, particularly the sexual appetite; indulging lust without restraint or in violation of law; unchaste, lewd.

INDITING - [Ps 45: 1] committing to words in writing; dictating what shall be written.

JACINTH - [Rev 9: 17; 21: 20] A species of very bright, clear, and translucent gem.

JASPER - [Ex 28: 20; Eze 28: 13; Rev 4: 3] A gemstone of the agate type that yields itself to an excellent polish.

JUSTIFY - [Ex 23: 7; Deut 25: 1; Job 9: 20; Is 5: 23; Lk 10: 29; Rom 3:30; Gal 3: 8] To pardon and clear from guilt and merited punishment, and to accept as righteous on account of the merits of the Saviour, or by the application of Christ's atonement to the offender in New Testament Scriptures.

KINE - [Gen 41: 2, 3, 4, 18, 19, 20, 26, 27; Deut 28: 18, 51; 1 Sa 6: 7, 10, 12, 14; 2 Sa 17: 29; Amos 4: 1] The plural of cow.

KNOP - [Ex 25: 33, 35; 1 Kin 6: 16] a knob; a tufted top; a bud; a bunch; a button.

LASCIVIOUSNESS - [Mk 7:22; 2 Cor 12: 21; Gal 5: 19; Eph 4: 19; 1 Pet 4: 3; Jude 4] Looseness; irregular indulgence of animal desires; wantonness; lustfulness.

LEES - [Is 25: 6; Jer 48: 11; Zeph 1: 12] sheltered: calm; a place defended from the wind.

LIGN-ALOES - [Num 24: 6] [lignum, wood, and aloes] Aloes-wood

LIGURE - [ Ex 28: 19; 39: 12] a kind of precious stone.

LOWRING - [Mat 16: 13] lowering [as dark clouds lowering toward the ground]

LUCRE - [1 Sa 8: 3; 1 Ti 3: 3, 8; Titus 1: 7, 11; 1 Pet 5: 2] Gain in money or goods; profit; usually in an ill sense of something base or unworthy.

MANDRAKES - [Gen 30: 14, 15, 16; Song 7: 13] A plant of Spain, Italy and the East. It is a narcotic and its fresh roots are a violent cathartic.

MANTLE - [Judg 4: 18; Isa 15: 27; 28: 14; 1 Kin 19: 13, 19; 2 Kin 2: 8, 13, 14; Ezr 9:35; Job 1: 20; 2:12; Ps 109: 29; Is 3: 22] A kind of cloak or loose garment to be worn over other garments.

MAW - Deut 18: 3] the stomach of larger animals.

METEYARD - [Lev 19: 35] A yard, staff or rod used as a measure.

MILCH - [Gen 32: 15; 1 Sa 6: 7, 10] Giving milk; as a milk cow.

MINCING - [Is 3: 16] Cutting into small pieces; speaking or walking affectedly.

MOLLIFIED - [Is 1: 6] softened; appeased

MURRAIN - [Ex 9: 3] An infectious and fatal disease among cattle.

NITRE - [Prov 25: 20; Jer 2: 22] A salt, called also salt-peter[ stone-salt.] In modern nomenclature, nitrate of potash. It is a white substance, and has an acrid, bitterish taste.

ODIOUS - [1 Chr 19: 6; Prov 30: 23] 1. hateful; deserving hatred. It expresses something less than detestable and abominable; as an odious name; odious vice.

2. Offensive to the senses; disgusting; as an odious sight; and odious smell.

ONYCHA - [ Ex 30: 34] supposed to be the odiferous shell of the onyx-fish.

ONYX - [Gen 2: 12; Ex 35: 9, 27; 1 Chr 29: 2; Job 28: 16; Eze 25:13] A semi-transparent gem with variously colored zones or veins, a variety of chalcedony.

OSSIFRAGE - [Lev 11: 13; Deut 14: 12] The ospray or sea-eagle. In Leviticus 11: 13 it denotes a different fowl.

OUCHES - [Ex 28: 11, 13, 14, 25; Ex. 39: 13, 16, 18] bezels, sockets, mountings in which a precious stone or seal is set.

PATRIMONY - [Deut 18: 8] A right or estate inherited from one's ancestors.

PENURY - [ Prov 14: 23; Lk 21: 4] needy, want of property; indigence, extreme poverty.

PERADVENTURE - [ Genesis chapters 18, 24, 27, 31, 32, 38, 42, 43, 44, 50; Exodus chapters 13, 32; Numbers chapters 22, 23; Josh 9: 7; 1 Sa 6: 5; 9: 6; 1 Kin 18: 5, 27; 2 Kin 2: 16; Jer 20: 10; Rom 5: 7; 2 Ti 2:25] by chance; perhaps; it may be.

PILLED - [Gen 30: 37,38] peeled

PLAITING - [1 Pet 3: 3] folding, doubling, braiding.

PROPITIATION - [Rom 3: 25; I Jn 2:2; 1 Jn 4: 10] The atonement or atoning sacrifice offered to God to assuage his wrath and render Him propitious to sinners. Christ is the propitiation for the sins of men.

PROPITIOUS - [Not in Scripture, but included here for further magnification of the definition of the word above. This act is the one thing most misunderstood by the unbeliever, so with the destiny of all mankind at stake, this extra explanation is added. The hope is that even one more person will accept Him as his personal Saviour while there is still time. rp] Applied to God: Disposed to be gracious and merciful; ready to forgive sins and bestow blessings.

PURLOINING - [Titus 2: 10]-- stealing.

PYGARG - [Deut 14: 5] A fowl of the falcon species.

'The surest way to liberty is to serve God.'[Matthew Henry]

RAIL - [2 Chr32: 17; 1 Sa25: 14; Mk15: 29; Lk23: 39] - to utter reproaches; to scoff; to use insolent and reproachful language; to reproach or censure in contemptuous terms; followed by at, against, on.

RAVENING - [Ps22: 13; Eze22:25,27; Mt7: 15; Lk11: 39] 1. Preying with rapacity; voraciously devouring; as a ravening wolf. 2. Eagerness for plunder [Lk11.]

RECONCILE - [Lev6:30; 1 Sa29:4; Eze45:20; Eph2:16; Col 1: 20] to conciliate anew; to call back into union and friendship the affections which have been alienated; to restore to friendship or favor after estrangement; as, to reconcile men or parties that have been at variance.

REPROBATE - [Jer 6:30; Rom 1:28; 2 Ti 3:8; Titus 1:16] 1. Not enduring proof or trial not of standard purity or fineness; disallowed; rejected. 2. Abandoned in sin; lost to virtue or grace. 3. Abandoned to error, or in apostasy.

RIGOUR [RIGOR] - [Ex 1:13,14; Lev 25:43,46,53] Strictness; exactness without allowance, latitude, or indulgence.

SAPPHIRE - [Ex 24:10; Job 28:16; Lam 4:7; Eze 1:28; Rev 21:19] A very hard gemstone, second only to the diamond. Colors can be blue, red, violet, yellow, green, white or transparent. Some reflect as a star, others radiate like a cat's eye.

SARDINE [SARDIUS] - a gemstone. one of these was in Aaron's breastplate [Ex 28:17]

SARDONYX - [Rev 21:20] A gemstone; a reddish yellow or orange colored agate with an undulating surface.

SATIATE - [Jer 31:14; Jer 46:10] to fill; to satisfy appetite or desire; to feed to the full, or to furnish enjoyment to the extent of desire. To gratify desire to the utmost.

SCALL - [Lev 13:30-37; Lev 14:54] scab, scabbiness, leprosy.

SCHISM - [1 Cor 12:25] A division or separation in a church or denomination or Christians, occasioned by a diversity of opinion; breach of unity among people of the same religious faith. In Scripture, the word seems to denote a breach of charity, rather than a difference of doctrine.[Comment by Noah Webster]

SEETHE - [Ex 16:23; Deut 14:21; 2 Kin 4:38; Eze 25:4; Zec 14:21] to boil; to prepare food by boiling.

SELVEDGE - [eX 26:4; Ex 36:11] the edge of a cloth, where it is closed by complicating the threads; a woven border, or border of close work.

SIGNET - [Gen 38:18; Ex 28:11; Ex 39:14; Jer 22:24; Dan 6:17; Hag 2:23] a seal; an ornate badge.

SINEW - [Gen 32:32; Is 48:4; Job 10:11; Eze 37:6,8] a tendon; that which unites muscle to a bone.

STACTE - [Ex 30:34] a fatty resinous liquid matter, of the nature of liquid myrrh, very odoriferous and highly valued.

STANCHED [ Lk 8:44] stopped or restrained from flowing.

STRAKES - [Gen 30:37; Lev 14:37] streaks on a surface.

STROWED - [2 Chr 34:34] scattered; spread by scattering.

SUCCOR - [2 Sa 8:5; 2 Sa 18:3; Heb 2:18] to help or relieve when in difficulty, want, or distress; to assist and to deliver from suffering; as, to succor a besieged city.

SUPERFLUITY - [James 1:21] superabundance; a greater quantity than is wanted; something beyond what is wanted.

SURFEITING - [Lk 21:34] the act of feeding to excess.

SURMISING - [ 1 Ti 6:4] suspecting; imagining upon slight evidence. The act of suspecting; as, evil surmisings.

SYCAMINE - [Lk 17:6] a different orthography of sycamore; a sycamore tree.

TABOR - * Listed here because it appears in several places with different identities. 1. A mountain in Issachar & Zebulon [Josh 19:22; Judg 4:6,12,14; Judg 8:18; Ps 89:12; Jer 46:18; Hos 5:1] 2. A plain in Benjamin [1 Sa 10:3] 3. A Levitical city in Zebulon [1 Chr 6:77]

TACHE - [Ex 26:6,11,33; Ex 35:11; Ex 36:13,18; Ex 39:33] something used for taking hold or holding; a catch; a loop; a button.

TENONS - [Ex26:17,19; Ex 36:22,24] In building and cabinet work, the end of a piece of timber, which is fitted to a mortise for insertion, or inserted, for fastening two pieces of timber together.

TERRAPHIM - [Judg 17:5; Judg 18:17,18,20; Hos 3:4] household deities or images.

TERRESTRIAL - [1 Cor 15:40] pertaining to the earth; existing on the earth; as terrestrial animals; bodies terrestrial.

TETRARCH - [Mt. 14:1; Lk 3:1; Lk 3:19; Lk 9:7; Acts 13:1] A Roman governor of the fourth part of a province; a subordinate prince. In time, this word came to denote any petty king or sovreigh.

THYINE - [Rev 18:12] this is thine wood, a precious and rare wood.

TOPAZ - [Ex 28:17; Ex 39:10; Job 28:19; Eze 28:13; Rev 21:20] A yellowish color gemstone found in Arabia.

TOW - [Judg 16:9; Is 1:31; Is 43:17] the coarse or broken part of flax or hemp that is left when it is combed into good fiber. Weak and useless for any good purpose.

TROW - [Lk 17:9] to believe; to trust; to think or suppose.

UNCTION - [1 Jn 2:20] Richness of gracious affections; divine or sanctifying grace. ********Administered by God, not men.[author]

UPBRAID - [Judg 8:15; Mt 11:20; Mk 16:14]1. To charge with something wrong or disgraceful; to reproach. 2. to reproach; to chide. 3. reprove with severity.

VERMILION - [Jer 22:14; Eze 23:14] a bright, beautiful, red color.

VOID - [Gen 1:2; Num 30:12,13,15; Deut 38:8; 1 Kin 22:10; 2 Chr 18:9; Ps 89:39; Ps 119:126; Prov 7:7; Prov 11:12; Is 55:11; Jer 4:23; Nah 2:10; Acts 24:16; Rom 3:31; 1 Cor 9:15] 1. empty; vacant; not occupied with matter. 2. Having no legal or binding force; null; not effectual to bind parties, or to support a right. 3. free; clear; as, a conscience void of offense. 4. destitute; as, void of learning; void of reason or common sense. 5. unsubstantial; vain. 6. to render useless or of no effect.

WIMPLE[S] - [Is 3:22] a hood or veil

WOT - [Gen 21:26; Ex 32:1; Num 22:6; Josh 22:5; Acts 3:17; Rom 11:12; Phil 1:22] to know; to be aware.

Mr. Power may be reached for comment at