Of Revelations
John Michell
Page 78
"A remarkable
use of the number 3168
occurs in Plato's account in Book V of Laws of the mystical dimensions
of the perfect city. Throughout his work Plato makes guarded reference
to a secret canon of numbers that applies universally to every aspect
of human life and activity, including government, astronomy accoustics,
kinetics, plane and solid geometry and divination. Linear measurements,
areas and volumes are obviously incommensurable, but Plato declares
that there are certain numbers that link these with each other and with
all phenomena capable of being measured. As an example of these numbers,
the study of which Plato recommends as the most sanctifying of all pursuits,
he gives 5040."
Page 77
Chapter 7
"If the numbers
of the sacred principles, mentioned by St John in connection with the
New Jerusalem, are obtained by the Greek text by the cabalistic method
of gematria, it is found that they cor-respond to the dimensions of
the city set out in Fig 16
"Of all the canonical numbers the most notable is 3168.
"A remarkable use of the number 3168
Bruce Cathie 1977
Chapter 5
Page 53
universe does not rely on chance to manifest within itself the physical
substance which we percieve and call reality. A very strict and ordered
system of mathematical progressions is necessary to create the smallest
speck of matter from the primeval matrix of space.
During my years of research into the complexities of the earth grid
system Ihave gradually built up a picture in my mind of the possible
geometric combinations necessary to form matter from resonating, interlocking
My limited abilities in the various academic fields have made this task
a taxing one at times, but I think I have discovered how to apply the
original values, published in my first two books, in a practical mathematical
sense, to build up a model which demonstrates the harmonic formation
of matter.
This model indicates to me that the number of individual elements to
be found in the universe will be
Each of these elements will have, in theory, six isotopes, which will
make up a completed table of separate substances numbering 1008.
An isotope is an atom of the same element which has a different nuclear
mass and atomic weight.
Mathematically, the progression would create 144
of separate substances giving a theoretical value of 1152
The difference
between the total number of substances ( 1008
and the harmonic value in octaves ( 1152
) would be,
the light harmonic. The table of the elements, in octaves would create
a cycle which would be in perfect resonance with the harmonic circumference
of every atom from which it is constituted. It will be demonstrated
that the harmonic circumference of every atom is 1152
The harmonic values which create the geometric structure of matter can
all be derived from the basic harmonic of the speed of light,144. I
have shown in Chapter Four how all the spherical / Page 54 / bodies in the
universe are precipitated from space by resonances tuned to the reciprocal
harmonic of light (6944). This applies to an atom and to the largest
of planetary bodies, as the geometric harmonic diameter of any sized
sphere has a constant harmonic affinity with the light reciprocal.
Once the precipitation of physical matter has occurred, the build up
of the substances we know as the elements takes place, according to
a very well-ordered mathematical sequence. Light-waves, guided seemingly
by superior intelligence, form intricate interlocking grid patterns
which graduate from the simple to the more complex, as the elements
from hydrogen, at the lower end of the scale, to element 144,
come into being.
When we think of reality we think of mass in relation to any physical
manifestation, and the smallest particle of physical matter that we
are aware of is the electron. Therefore, electron mass must be the starting
point in our quest for a feasible theory to explain the structure of
matter The physics books give the best experimental value for rest mass
of 9.11
x 10 /-
for the electron, ( 9.2
x 10 /-31in
some physics books ) and all modern-day calculations
for mass and energy have a relationship relative to this figure. To
form the basis for a harmonic series we must find a mass number for
the electron which can be derived directly from the harmonic of light,
The mathematical
analysis I carried out on the Great Pyramid gave me the first clues
upon which to base a unit for electron mass that would show connecting
relationships throughout the atomic scale. The theoretical figure proved
to be 9.24184 units. This was a fairly close approximation to the harmonic
equiva-lent of 9.11 found by scientific experiment. A difference of
1.426 per cent.
To form an atomic structure, the electron mass unit must have some sort
of constant mass ratio in relation to the protons which form the nucleus
of an atom. Most textbooks give an experi-mental value for this ratio
of 1836
Ifound again from my work on the Pyramid that the most likely true value
was 1833.464944 units. This turned out to be the theoretical length
of the Grand Gallery in geodetic inches, and indicated to me that the
gallery was in fact constructed as a wave guide, tuned to light harmonics.
The actual mathematical derivative proved to be:
/ Page55 /
144 x 4
= 576 = 1833.464944
pi pi
This is equivalent to four times the speed of light harmonic, divided
by the mathematical constant pi .We now find that if we multiply
electron mass by this constant to calculate the mass of the proton,
we have
9.24184 x1833.464944 = 16944
units to the nearest round figure. The harmonic mass of the
proton in the atomic nucleus is therefore a constant of 16944.
This value has been shown as 1695 in my previous books with my admission
that I was not aware of its significance. The constant of 16944 is also
evident in many parts of the structure of the Great Pyramid.
The average radius of action of the electron around the atomic nucleus
must also have a constant harmonic value in order to set up a system
of expanding spheres which encompass the structure of each element.
As the number of protons in the nucleus increases with the build up
of each element, the spherical space which houses the electronshell
must expand to accommodate an equal number of electrons. Although the
protons and electrons are nothing more than extremely concentrated wave-forms,
we consider them as physical particles in order to build up a picture
of our model As each electron cloud, or shell expands outward from the
nucleus, we find that it can accommodate only eight electrons. The shell
is then filled up and another expansion must take place in order to
form a new shell or harmonic zone, which again builds up to a maximum
of eight electrons. As the magnitude of the harmonic resonance intensifies,
heavier and heavier elements are produced until we reach a maximum of
144 elements. The light harmonic is then equal and the cycles
have been completed. The whole series is a repetition of octaves of
wave-forms forming more and more complex structures.
The harmonic radius of the electron movement which creates each shell
is equivelent to the mass ratio of the proton and electron; i.e.1833.464944
units. By increasing or decreasing this radius by the power of 10 a
constant harmonic circumference for each electron shell can be calculated.
The circumference can then be divided equally into an octave of eight
electron positions which are spaced at 144 units (or the harmonic of
light) apart. For example, three different atomic structures would have
the same harmonic radius. The different harmonic jumps to
the / Page 56 Diagram (Omitted)
Page 57 Continued from page 55 / power 10 in
the radii being noted by the shifting of the decimal point.
A. Radius =
464944 units
Diameter =
Circumference =
929888 x pi = 11520
number of electron positions = 8
11520 ( 8 = 1440
B Radius = 18334.
Diameter = 36669.
= 36669.
29888 x pi = 115200
number of electron positions = 8
115200 ( 8 = 14400
Radius =
Diameter =
= 366692.9888 x pi = 11520000
number of electron positions = 8
1152000 ( 8 = 144000
And so on.
We can see by calculation that the proton will always have a harmonic
value of 16944
and the electrons positioned around it will always have a spacing equivalent
to the speed of light harmonic
/ ( see diagram
6.) Page 56 (Omitted)
Showing A: Mass relationship of proton and electron.
Harmonic radius of action of electron.
C: Harmonic circumference of electron travel around proton.
Spacing of electrons at harmonic distances around harmonic circumference
Mass relationship of proton and electron = 1833.464944 : : 1
The mass relationship of the proton and the electron was found to be
( 288 x 2 )/ pi =1833464944 harmonic (by calculation: see
Grand Gallery, Great Pyramid). This theory of the structure of matter
indicates how each element in the atomic table of elements is built
up from harmonic wave-forms. The radius of motion of the electron has
a constant harmonic value of 1833464944. The radius increases in harmonic
jumps of 10 units thus creating a constant harmonic circumference of
action of 1152 units. Each electron shell of harmonic circum-ference1152
can be divided into eight electron positions 144 units apart. As each
electron is created in each shell, it is therefore spaced at a constant
distance of 144 units (or the speed of light harmonic) from its neighbour
Page 57 Continues /
The harmonic
cross-sectional area of each atom, regardless of the physical substance
it constitutes, would likewise have a constant value of 1056 (accurate
to the first four figures). I had constantly come across this figure
in my research over the pre-vious few years and believed it (in error)
to be the harmonic of the total number of elements in the atomic table.
My recent work has convinced me finally that the completed table num-bered
and this seems logical when all the associated harmonic relationships
are taken into consideration. I pointed out in my second book that the
scientists have positioned electronic listening stations, spaced just
on 1060 minutes of arc apart, in various places round the world, to
monitor the results of atomic testing. It is likely that the exact spacing
is 1056 / Page 58 / minutes of arc.
This would tune the relative position of each station to
the structure of the atom.
As each atom moves through space, it traces out a spiralling
path. During its travel it is spinning, and at the same time revolv-ing
end over end, according to the harmonic theory. It turns through 180
degrees for each forward movement equivalent to its diameter (or 144
units).During each 1808 of movement it forms a particle of matter or
antimatter, in alternate pulses, due to the constant change of mathematical
sign from positive to negative and back to positive etc. This sets up
the 288-unit pulse which constitutes a full cycle of matter formation.
The volume of the cylindrical space traced out by one double pulse is
equal to 304128 cubic units. The reciprocal of this number is 3288.
I'm not sure what this denotes but possibly the cubed space formed by
the harmonic 288
As each octave of electromagnetic resonance is built up, creating an
intricate interweaving of wave patterns, the different elements begin
to form. At each full octave a new element is produced. That is, when
an element has been formed, followed up the scale by its six similar
isotopes, the next harmonic jump to produce a full octave occurs with
the simultaneous creation of the next higher element. This process continues
right up the scale until all 144
elements are produced."
ConciseScience Dictionary
'handy and readable
for scientists aged nine to ninety' Nature
" galaxy A
vast collection of stars, dust, and gas held together by the gravitational
attraction between its components. Galaxies are usually classified as
elliptical, spiral,
or irregular in shape. Elliptical galaxies
appear like ellipsoidal clouds of stars, with very little internal structure
apart from (in some cases) a denser nucleus. Spiral
galaxies are flat disc-shaped collections of stars with prominent
arms. Irregular gal-axies have no apparent structure or shape.
The sun belongs to a spiral galaxy known as the Galaxy (with
a capital G) or the Milky Way System."
English Dictionary 1974
To draw out and twist
breathing hole, esp. in the lower animals; a vent hole for lava, etc.
) Forming a spire
, spiral or coil; continually winding about and receding from a centre;
continually winding as the thread of a screw. A spiral curve forma-tion,
spring or other object; a continuous banked turn made
during a glide with the moter stopped or ticking over.
spirant [
breathe] A consonant in the articula-tion of which breath is not
wholly stopped, a continuable sound
procession of the Holy Ghost.
A tapering, conical, or pyramidal structure, esp
a coil; a single turn in this, a whorl, a twist. spiry
extinct genus of brachio-pods with spiral
appendages. spiriferous
genus of bacteria having a spiral
a bacterium of this genus. spirillar,
Bruce Cathie 1977
Page 47
The next
interesting figure to have a look at is the spiral.
When we really think about it there is no such thing as true circular
motion at any point of the universe. This is due to the relative motion
of all physical bodies in space. Although we may describe a perfect
circle relative to our position on earth, the instrument used to describe
such a circle in actual fact would carry out a spiralling
path in relation to the universe as a whole. When we think of all the
different movements we are subject to we realise that it is virtually
impossible to calculate the path taken by a physical body when it moves
from one spacial position to another. For instance, we would have to
take into account the actual movement in relation to the earth, the
spin of the earth, the movement of the earth around the sun, the sun's
movement within our galaxy, galactic movement and so on. For instance
we would have to take into account the actual movement in relation to
the earth,the movement of the earth around the sun, the sun's movement
in our galaxy, galactic movement and so on.
From all the research I have done so far I have come to the conclusion
that during the formation of matter the wave-forms from which physical
substance is manifest move through spiralling
of 371.1340* cycles. These cycles set up a resonating pulse which gives
a harmonic reciprocal to the value of 269444 discussed
in other sections of this book.The value for " / Page 49 continues
from page 47 / pi
in relationship to the radius of the spiralling
motion is difficult to calculate due to the multi-dimensional movement.
But I believe the value to be 3.24 ; the value of two pi, which
would allow for the double cycle of matter and antimatter.
The square root of this figure is 2.545584412, which is harmonically
equivalent to the value built into the polar square section of the world
grid system.
The world grid system itself is set up in harmony with the natural spiralling
of the wave-forms in physical sub-stance. The main poles of the two
interlocking grid systems on the earth's surface are placed at intervals
on the natural spiral
coincide with the harmonics of the reciprocal of light, and a value
which appears to be associated with the cross sectional area of the
The north and south poles of one grid are displaced 694.4 minutes of
arc from the north and south geographic poles.
The second interlocking grid has poles which are displaced 1054.4 minutes
of arc from the geographic poles: the difference in latitude being 360
minutes , or six degrees. The two grid pole positions, north and south,
fall on a spiralling
curve which commences at the north and terminates at the south geographic
pole. This is probably very hard to visualize without the appro-priate
demonstration models, but suffices it to say that the harmonic points
on the natural spiral
sympathetic resonance to be set up which combine with those of lights,
gravity and mass
I indicated in my earlier work that I believed the craters were / Page 50 / formed by explosions
from below the surface. This would have been caused by the instability
of spiral
within the grid system. This could have been brought about by interference
with the system in the ancient past, based on advanced scientific knowledge.
All the evidence being compiled in modern times indicates that at some
time round eleven to twelve thousand years ago a major catastrophe occurred
which caused world wide devastation
Page 58
"As each atom
moves through space it traces out a spiralling

Page 121
"Another curious
fact is the prevalance in Malta of the spiral
design which, in many parts of the globe signifies the Universe. It
is a matter for speculation how the peoples of the ancient world came
to adopt this sign, corresponding as it does to the actual configuration
of most of the 'islands of cosmic space."
With Alizzed holding the light, the Scribe spun more yarn.
" the number 1,836
would have the same connotations"
"A remarkable use of the number 3168
1 8 3 6
+ 8 + 3 + 6
1 + 8
1 + 8
3 + 1 + 6 + 8
3 1
6 8
"the number 3168 occurs"
"the number 1,836 would have the same connotations"
+ = 5004
"the number 3168 occurs"
"the number 1,836 would have the same connotations"
the number 3168
x 1 x 6 x 8 = 144 1
+ 4 + 4
= 9
x 4 x 4
= 16 1
+ 6
= 7
the number
x 8 x 3 x 6 = 144 1
+ 4 + 4
= 9
x 4 x 4
= 16 1
+ 6
= 7
the number 3168
+ 1 + 6 + 8 = 18 1
+ 8
= 9
the number
+ 8 + 3 + 6 = 18 1
+ 8 =
the number 3168
minus 1836
= 1332 1
x 3 x 3 x 2 = 18 1
+ 8 = 9 1
+ 3 + 3 + 2 = 9
the number 1863
+ 8 + 6 + 3 = 18 1
+ 8
= 9
1 + 8 + 3 + 6 = 18 1
+ 8 =
= 27 2
+ 7 = 9