Dear Truckers,
To those of you on your way to DC to stand for freedom, just remember that the media has already set the stage for the government to act irrationally.
They’ve already called you domestic terrorists, Nazis, white supremacists and more.
They do this for 2 reasons:
1. To make whatever action the government takes against you appear legitimate, even though it’s more likely not.
2. To drum up CIVILIAN opposition to you and your cause. The left, and their propaganda machine known as the main stream media have a history of hysteria like this being used to get their Sheeple to hit the streets and stand against a rally or protest they don’t sanction.
Whatever you do:
Do NOT Give Them ANY Excuses!
You have a chance to make history! Don’t screw it up!
Denounce and shut down people trying to bait you. Don’t fall for their manipulative tactics.
Stay safe, be effective!
With Love And Respect,
The Common Sense Conservative