Listen, folks, if you are attending the convoy. You need to be well versed with the law to deal with these law enforcements.
This is the Charter of Rights for Canadians. You need to keep this copy on you when you are attending the Convoy.
Make the cops stand on their POLICE OATH.
If they are blocking and stopping you, preventing you from assembling. It is a violation of the Charter of Rights and Freedom. They are also violating their Police Oath. You film the interaction, so you take them to court.
That officer now is a TREASONOUS officer, he/she is not law abiding. They have violated their oath of duty. You do not comply and listen to treasonous police officers.
You need to record the interaction, get their badge ID and car vehicle plate and go after them with the law.
You folks need to be informed on how to fight this legally. If you are ignorant of your own rights and freedom. They will continue to bully, attack and block you. And you will comply.