What do we know about modern day truckers?
#HonkHonkMostly they are private business men/women. They deal with consumer debt for their equipment that rivals your home mortgage. Scheduling, client services, navigation, fulfillment.
Licensure, quarterly filing, And don’t forget about peeing in a cup for compliance.
But they are not watching CNN at 6 PM. Remember that a preponderance of their news sources come from their cell phones and talk radio. They are modern-day Caballeros.
I don’t mean to romanticize it, but your 9to5 office politics - your seeker sensitive policies - your woke sensitivities don’t wash with the reality of a self employed trucker.
This is not the Spanish Inquisition. No one should be surprised that truckers turned out to be smart savvy brave and patriotic. They see the part of America you forgot because you live behind a curtain.