Blame Congress for letting the federal health agencies harm the lives of millions of Americans in this pandemic. Sure, people despair about the incredible amount of influence over Congress by corporate, narrow and biased interests. But the bigger problem has been the uncontrolled power of Fauci and federal health agencies.
Congress had lost its power to offer needed alternatives to actions by Executive agencies, namely CDC, NIH and FDA. There is an important opportunity: recommission the Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, closed since 1995. It may be the only way to curb the powers of federal health agencies that have killed and harmed millions of Americans. This is serious government reform.
A number of examples will be given later on how OTA might have saved much of the pain, deaths and costs of the pandemic.
A brief account of how OTA functioned
Many people in Congress and elsewhere probably know little about OTA. But during its nearly 20-year life it was constantly cited in news media because its reports and activities were routinely being used by congressional committees and members. This was despite a small budget of about $20 million annually and only about 140 full time staffers.
For that small level of funding the nation received enormous benefits through wiser legislation, oversight and appropriations. Many observers estimated that the economic benefits were surely ten to 100 times greater than the cost for operating OTA. In this pandemic era OTA could have also done analyses to curb ineffective actions such as lockdowns, allow the use of cheap, safe generic medicines rather than depend on vaccines for the whole population and whose safety and effectiveness have been greatly challenged. see more important suppressed information like this come join us on suppressed voices of truth.