What to expect? What to do?
Imagine the penalty for election fraud is death, you committed fraud, and took power. Now, imagine that the evidence of your fraud is getting out.
What would you do? Would you surrender, hoping for Leniency? Or would you use all of the power that youโve obtained and resources at your disposal, to protect yourself, to forever secure your power?
This is critical to understand to anticipate what the global cabal will do next.
For you see, it isnโt just election fraud. It is a coup, treason, crimes against humanity, murder, propaganda, brainwashing, slavery, child rape, foreign corruption, and worse. Their goal is the destruction of America, the Constitution, and the elimination of its people.
Do you believe they will
-allow a fair election in Nov?
-tell the truth to us, using the 100% controlled media?
-act within the law?
-respond to your protests, phone calls, emails, as if they are beholden to you?
If you believe these things, you will be very surprised.
Do any words other than Evil and Treasonous describe them?
-Experiments on dogs/orphans
-US $ for Gain of function research in China
-Millions dead because of their lies
-Withholding treatment that would save people, while pushing treatments that will harm them
-Looting, riots, fires and destruction in cities
-Taking millions/billions from foreign countries while being obligated to those foreign powers.
-Human trafficking, Child rape on an UNIMAGINABLE SCALE
-Brainwashing a population
-Federal agencies working against the people, not for them
-Foreigners allowed to invade our country
-Appearing compassionate and caring, while truly acting to destroy us
-Controlling Republicans who will act against the people when told to
-Millions of votes stolen, altered and created. Military ballots changed, the very military they now control
-Literally executed a coup of the most powerful nation on earth.
They arenโt going to give up what they have worked so hard to take. They will do everything imaginable to ensure they keep the power, to see their objectives through to the end.
They are not going to play fair, or stop cheating. In fact they will cheat, lie, steal, and harm, more and worse, no matter how evil or sinister.
What can we do about it?
We cannot be nice, courteous, docile, or shy. We cannot keep blinders on, or pretend they will follow the laws. We cannot be surprised at the depths they will go. We cannot get this wrong, for there is no room left to give.
First and always, we must be lawful. What are we saving if we, too, violate the law?
We must protect those that cannot defend themselves, specifically children. The vaccine is meant to harm them, and pedophilia destroys their lives. Are not the children an unforgivable line that has been crossed?
We must be active/engaged. Find how to make a difference, what groups to join locally. For too long we have been asleep and compliant. No longer
We must be brave, courageous, bold, strong, united, and relentless. Like the movie Tombstone, Wyatt Earp saw his mission through to the very end, when the last cowboy dropped the red sash. We too must see this through to the end, until the very last of them has given up.
Lastly, we must wake up more people. Too many people are still brainwashed, still unknowingly fighting against God and the truth. They canโt comprehend the magnitude of evil, they canโt believe it is as bad as it is. Too many people still think it is about Rs and Ds, business as usual politics.
We must unite in vast numbers, hundreds of millions, and lawfully take back power, to give to the people again. Institute new controls based on what went wrong, so that the treasonous, evil few canโt take our nation ever again.
If not enough people are engaged, there will come a time where it canโt be fixed. Donโt wake up a year from now wishing that you had gotten involved, but didnโt.
It is now, or never.
Resolve to make a difference today, and every day, until it is over.
Disgusted Vet