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https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/cont/comment-eng.htmSecretary to the Governor General . So I imagine there's a lot of people falling and complaining about the criminal calling themself Prime Minister and the Governor General has the obligation in the duty, recognizing what's taken place this terrorist murder, he must be removed. Now she's a willful blindness. That's a criminal code application. If she doesn't do something, and I'd like to know how many other people have called and complained.
Governor General, maybe shirking her duty, and entering into treason against the people of Canada.
And I'm just trying to find out if she recognizes her position in law is she's not obligated.
I'm putting the demand for accommodation upon her by this telephone recording.
Okay, the demand for accommodation is part of Canadian law.
It's part of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. It's the top law in the country. When you have a prime minister exhibiting criminal activity towards his own people, it's time to have them arrested.
When you go to the police, with the police, all the people that are in charge, the police are may sign it, brotherhood. I know some of these people and they swear oaths to lie, cheat, and even murder for each other if necessary.
Now, that's a criminal element working with inside our government it Trudeau is one of them.
He's got the RCMP protecting them.
They tell everybody to fall in the city, please.
The city, please tell us everybody for pulling the RCMP.
This is evidence of criminal activity taking place within our police departments, they're violating one answer or the Criminal Code.
They're violating 423 of the Criminal Code
And worst of all, they're violating 465.
That's a conspiracy to encourage other people to commit a crime of not investigating a report of a criminal event.
They're aiding and abetting the crime.
So I want I would like to find out?
The governor general has an obligation to dissolve parliament and kick this prime minister and his crew of criminals right off the bench.
They ignored the PCR test and five Supreme Courts in Europe, that PCR test is bogus.
Five courts in Europe said no, it's no good, not reliable,
The Canadian media didn't cover that because they're in bed with the pharmaceutical companies.
They're helping this criminal enterprise take place where the highest vears report in history, that's the vaccine adverse reporting system. It's got the high 30 years of accumulated data didn't even come close to the amount of deaths that took place in eight months this vaccine.
Now the Governor General has a duty and an obligation to be aware of these types of statistics. Otherwise, it's willful blindness.
Trudeau is killing people and he's encouraging people to discriminate, attack and abuse. Those of us that are not taking The vaccination and don't wear a mask.
He was on public television said so he thinks we're misogynist or racist, and that we're not to be tolerated and we're taking up space.
That's his words right out of Hitler's own mouth. Hitler said the same words.
Do we really need to tolerate these people? they're taking up space, quote, unquote, from Hitler. And the governor general sits back and lets this happening sounds like she's in a criminal enterprise herself.
And her names have to pique her name will get put on the Criminal Court in The Hague. There's already a 46 page copy going on there.
It's been served on Boris, all of a sudden Boris Johnson got scared and backed off.
It's been served on a bunch of others, too.
This is serious stuff. That's the International Criminal Court. Because all of these guys, all these government leaders, they're all in bed with these pharmaceutical companies and taking over the world.