Copied* Could it be that the truckers strike is being lead by controlled opposition with the intended goal of promoting more New Age False Awakening / False Light? Is it possible that we are seeing is the powers that be are exploiting the will, and good intentions of the people by tricking them into bringing about the controlled demolition of the classic trucking, and freight industry as we’ve always known it in North America?
The Hegelian dialectic is Satan’s favorite move, with a track record of success imo. Might this cause a PROBLEM with the supply chain that invokes a REACTION demanding a SOLUTION? Perhaps a technological ‘SOLUTION’. I mean apparently, according to some, artificial intelligence is far superior to those dirty biologically intelligent, disease ridden, pesky and sickly, image bearers of God aka humans.
Take a look at the up and coming autonomous driving software company, Aurora. For now there’s a safety driver behind the wheel, and a copilot for backup. BUT (there’s always a but) Aurora plans to be FULLY AUTONOMOUS by 2023. Wow that’s perfect timing in correlation to be thee perfect SOLUTION to the possible near future supply chain crisis caused by this current strike. Not to mention several of the world’s largest podcasters, influencers, and billionaires are backing this movement. Sus? Elon Musk of Tesla says he “supports the truckers” and he is building an autonomous semi lol. You be the judge…
Marc Benioff is Chair, Co- Chief Executive Officer and Avi-Founder of Salesforce and a pioneer of cloud computing.
He’s the CEO and founder of CONVOY, which makes an app for truckers. They are a key player in the digitization, and automation of the trucking industry. Benioff just happens to be fully integrated and unified with the World Economic Forum (WEF), the Fourth Industrial Revolution, and the coming Great Reset aka New World Order.
Conspiracy theory? Well then - Benioff also serves as the inaugural Chair of WEF's Forum Center for the Fourth Industrial Revolution in San Francisco (sourced below). If you know anything about the WEF/Great Reset/Fourth Industrial Revolution, then that speaks volume.
Convoy is an app (sourced below) truckers are currently using to automate routes, loads, scheduling and more. It is but one of the tentacles stretching out that will eventually contribute to the grand infrastructure being built today that I personally anticipate will allow for the AI robots to dominate, and monopolize tomorrow’s autonomous trucking industry. Kinda like what Uber and Lyft did to traditional taxis.
Could this be part of one HUGE Anti-human, pro AI-supremacy, digital dystopian Beast System NWO takeover? Nah, it’s probably all just a near mathematically impossible coincidence that just happen to align perfectly with the globalists agenda…
Below are the official sources to back this “conspiracy theory.”
Aurora Rolls Out Self-Driving Semi Trucks: (autonomous driving technology): Convoy (trucking app): Marc Benioff (World Economic Forum): Dorothy Li (Chicom?) Chief Technically Officer (CTO) of Convoy: Kroger expands autonomous delivery with new vehicles: E S L A Semi by Elon Musk: Musk tweet says “Canadian truckers rule” lol): is using fully driverless trucks to ramp up its online grocery business: