Today in America, the Progressive Democrat Party elites use these same 8 tactics against the American public:
1 Control of information. Preventing any news unfavorable to the ruling Democratic Socialists from reaching Americans. Only pro-communist/pro-government control mass media allowed.
2 Lock-down = restricting contact with neighbors, co-workers, and church members by locking us down based on a treatable virus. That leaves contact only with media figures who tell us only what the ruling elite wants us to hear.
3 Endless repetition – dozens of times daily if you read and/or watch the news. If you hear the Big Lie often enough, then you begin to think it is true.
4 Continuous condemnation of all groups and values the progressive socialists disagree with. AKA “cancel culture.”
5 Creating distrust by inciting Americans to inform on one another. Doxing and outing the addresses and names of children and other family members, so protesters can harass them at their homes and make death threats against them.
6 Making Americans entirely dependent on authorities. “Follow the science!” “Only Dr. Fauci and we know best!” “Do what we tell you to do, or you will die from the Wuhan virus!”
7 Continual preaching that progressive Democratic socialists operate on higher moral standards. “We are good because we are for equity, inclusiveness, and equal outcomes for everyone, whether they worked for it or not.”
8 Making Americans feel guilty for not acting out a role defined by the progressive Democratic socialists. “Do what we tell you! Publicly agree with what we say! Or else you are a despicable racist who should be ashamed. Your family and friends should shun you and condemn you.”
What to do?
Don’t depend on government authorities for information and medical advice. Seek out your own. Seek out contrarian sources of news, like America Out Loud.
Seek out your family, neighbors, and church members. Talk to them. Listen to them. Get other points of view from people you know and trust.
Turn off CNN, NBC, CBS, NPR, and ABC news. Take a walk. Read a book. Work on a home improvement project.
Don’t accept that the progressives are morally superior—just the opposite.
Don’t feel guilty that you are a hard worker who achieves success by your own efforts. Be proud.
When you recognize one of the 8 brainwashing techniques being used, name what they are doing. Without sounding preachy, you can comment to a friend or acquaintance about the technique being used. “Did you notice how they condemned that man as a racist without evidence?”
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