Apparently It pays to be an idiot of the Law! I had this backwards when I first read the definition of Idiot in Blacks Law. So it seems we want to be be an Idiot of the Law.
“Non-Resident Non-Persons” are literally called “idiots” under the etymology of the word
To an idiot from an idiot.
True story: A man went to court. He told the judge he was an idiot and didn’t understand their statutes. He asked, “Do you prosecute idiots in your court room?”
“No,” said the judge. “Get out of here.” He left. The Judge then said, “If there are any other idiots in my courtroom, get out now.” They all stayed, got prosecuted, and fined . . . except the idiot who left the courtroom.
IDIOT. A person who has been without understanding from his nativity, and whom the law, therefore, presumes never likely to attain any. Shelf. Lun. 2. See Insanity. State v. Haner, 186 Iowa, 1259,173 N.W. 225.
IDIOTA. In the Civil Law. An unlearned, illiterate, or simple person. Calvin. A private man; one not in office.
In Common Law. An idiot or fool.
[Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition, p. 880]