The convoy, and all those supporting on the ground, are braving the blizzard like snow fall and far below freezing temperatures. Nothing will stop this from landing in Ottawa!
Country singer Paul Brandt sang for the truckers and admins on their Zello feed yesterday. Fun surprise!! 🎤🎼🎤
Russell Brand did a 15 minute piece about the convoy, truckers and how the msm isn’t covering it. 🙌🏼🇨🇦🇺🇸💪🏼
https://t.me/FreedomforCanadians/2709Please SIGN and help with the MOU for the truckers as they will be presenting this in Ottawa. They still need 104,000 signatures!!! 🙏🏼 🖊📝🖊
https://canada-unity.com/mou/From the truckers south: the peace bridge border crossing let everyone in, vaxxed or not! 🇨🇦🚫💉🚫💉🇺🇸
The rumor of Tim Hortons turning people away today is correct. However, that was only one of the franchisees. The head office disagreed with what they did and made them shut down for the day. Timmy’s head quarters supports the movement. ☕️☕️☕️
There are already rigs, trucks and people at parliament waiting for the convoy to join. Nothing has been blocked off and all roads clear. 🎉🙌🏼🎉🙌🏼🎉
Hundreds opening their homes for truckers to sleep, shower and be fed. Even a private land that will be welcoming in 175 trucks, with food waiting for them. The true united Canadian spirit! 👩🏼🤝👩🏻💗👩🏼🤝👩🏻💗👩🏼🤝👩🏻
East convo has entered Quebec and staying there for the night. 🚛😴🚛😴
Severe large accident Southbound on 401. It’s reported that it was ahead of the convoy and didn’t involve anyone from the convoy. Sending prayers 🙏🏼💗
It’s confirmed that GoFundMe is releasing funds. 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼
Military is with us!!! They are not with JT but they also aren’t allowed to come with us. They are NOT going to try to stop us, they are not allowed. They said they are rooting us on from the sidelines!! 🙌🏼🤝✊🏼