Canadian PM Trudeau's Smear Campaign Goes Public as People Increasingly Anti-Mandate and Governments Become Desperate
Go narrative collapse! 🥳
A group of leading Jewish Israeli medical scientists, physicians, researchers and legal scholars have published an open letter to Canadian PM, Justin Trudeau, condemning his smear campaign against pro-choice, anti-mandate protests in Canada.
The Pulse has been on the scene in Ottawa since the beginning and
reports "these protests are nothing but peaceful and represent unity, love, and freedom."
Despite this fact, "police seem to be trying to evoke violence while, in some cases, being aggressive towards peaceful protestors," continues The Pulse.
Large numbers of police started moving in on protesters in downtown Ottawa making arrests — including high profile organisers Tamara Lich, Chris Barber and Pat King.
Ottawa police say they have made 70 arrests as of Friday (Feb 18) afternoon and towed at least 21 vehicles,
reports CTV News, but demonstrators have so far refused to leave the area.
The following open letter was published publicly on the
Twitter feed of Stanford Professor of Biophysics and the 2013 Chemistry Nobel Laureate, Michael Levitt (one of the authors):
As in many other countries since the outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, Canadians have been subjected to draconian restrictions placed on their basic freedoms, such as lockdowns, forced quarantines, mask mandates, school closures and more recently, vaccine mandates.
Leaders all over the world have begun to realize that these measures carry enormous harms, with little or no benefit. Others double-down on their previous position, denying the evidence and aggravating the damage done to the nation's livelihood and fundamental liberties.
In recent weeks, we have been following the news about the Freedom Convoy 2022 protests that have taken place in Canada in response to these measures. We witnessed, with mounting concern, how instead of a constructive dialog with the protesters, you adopted a smear-by-association campaign, portraying the protesters as 'Nazi sympathizers', 'racist' and 'antisemitic.' The last incident was your allegation on February 16 that a Jewish member of the Conservative Party was "standing with people who wave Swastikas."
We, an apolitical group of Jewish Israeli medical scientists, physicians, researchers and legal scholars, some of us second or third generation Holocaust survivors, are deeply concerned by your attempt to stigmatise the Freedom Convoy 2022 protesters as Nazi ideology supporters. The important fight against antisemitism should not be weaponized and directed at a legitimate civil protest which aims at restoring fundamental liberties, to what used to be, until not long ago, one of the freest countries in the world.
What does this mean?
We are witnessing the controlled Covid narrative in Canada (and globally) crumble as the general public are
increasingly aware of how nonsense the mandates and restrictions have actually become.
The CCLA is
taking the Candian government to court over the Emergencies Act, and the Canadian public are
increasingly supportive of the Freedom Convoy's objective - to end all Covid mandates.
Governments with draconian measures are increasingly
unsure how to proceed, and political leaders are shaken — realising they pushed the people of the world too far and trust in their competence has been obliterated, they are attempting to keep hold of the narrative by either
backing down or
fighting to stay the alpha.
Now there is a mutiny forming within Canadian parliament as politicians both
Conservative and
Liberal challenge Trudeau, and speak up for the protesters, with both the Conservatives and Bloc Quebecois
saying they will not support the Emergencies Act.
Canada is showing the world that through ongoing non-compliance from brave citizens, the true colours of politicians will surface, and people worldwide will unify around freedom.
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