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  • File : 1250709577.jpg-(11 KB, 352x299, beatdown.jpg)
    11 KB Mentally challenged kid gets beaten, possible murdered in fight Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:19:37 No.5144491
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:20:54 No.5144504
    In the town I used to live in one of the more well-known handicapped guy got beaten up by another handicapped guy cuz he thought he was hitting on him
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:26:08 No.5144545
    >> dirt 08/19/09(Wed)15:30:12 No.5144584
    Which one is the retard?
    I honestly can't tell.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:31:02 No.5144593
    Fucking despicable. This is why fuckwits shouldn't be allowed to learn to fight. Who the fuck stomps on someone's head INSIDE a fucking dojo, when he's clearly won?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:34:34 No.5144631
    I hope both these mongs get assraped.
    >> dirt 08/19/09(Wed)15:35:42 No.5144640
    Oh shit.
    Stomping on the guy's head was definitely not cool.
    Especially after the retard said that he won...
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:37:11 No.5144650
    me neither. Is it the black guy? Or the one yelling "YOU CAN DO THIS" or whatever. I want the latter to be beaten.
    >> dirt 08/19/09(Wed)15:39:03 No.5144666
    Yeah, it gets more clear at the end, it was the black guy, in the picture.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:39:38 No.5144670

    >Mentally challenged kid gets beaten, possible murdered in fight
    >Mentally challenged kid gets beaten
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:39:44 No.5144672
    I don't really understand why they were fighting.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:40:26 No.5144678
    What the hell is going on here, someone explain this shit.
    >> IREPORT Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:40:39 No.5144682
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:41:09 No.5144688
    The retard was probably annoything the people there
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:41:10 No.5144689
    He doesn't seem like a retard, he's just going on about Jesus all the time. Oh right, religious people are retards.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:41:29 No.5144693

    Its niggers we are talking of, they`r more or less all retarded.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:41:56 No.5144700
    Just some arrogant bible freak getting his ass kicked.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:43:32 No.5144714
    Listen to his fucking voice, he seems like some kind of autistic kid or some shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:44:17 No.5144721
    Whatever he is, I'm loving this video.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:45:30 No.5144735
    Created this yesterday:
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:49:44 No.5144764
    That was uncalled for.

    And unless he was murdered, nothing could be done about it. It was almost 25 years ago, and if nothing has been done yet, no one probably gave a shit about him.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:50:00 No.5144767
    Stereotypical Retarded Person
    Thinks they're a kung fu master because they watch DBZ.
    Started annoying the local dojo, about their not being good fighters.
    Gets the shit beat out of him.
    It's sometimes the only way you can really teach a retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:53:07 No.5144792
    They didnt have DBZ in 1984
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)15:55:24 No.5144814
    Obviously the man that was beaten up had some talent, but he appeared to be one of the people that focus more on style than actual fighting.

    He should have gone to a Tai Chi dojo...
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:01:01 No.5144860
    well insert another action cartoon then
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:11:17 No.5144950
    I bet that nigger had to beat up the aspie to earn his way into the redneck karate club. It was probably his brother.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)16:43:48 No.5145274
    THANK GOD. I wish it were actually legal to beat the shit out of those fucking ugly deformed fish-faced retards. I volunteered at a school for those ugly little fucks and all they tried to do when they weren't moaning and trying to speak human language was trying to rape and kill each other. Sick pieces of shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:08:33 No.5145498
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:10:54 No.5145515


    You can see Willie "The Ice Man's" Myspace by looking at google's cache.

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:20:48 No.5145583
    >some talent

    Are you kidding? His kicks were very telegraphed and his arm movements were retarded. I'm surprised that it took a serious practitioner that long to beat him. Guess that's what happens when you take a crappy art and think a single punch or kick will stop someone. That "black belt" didn't throw a single combo.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:23:36 No.5145615
    they had karate kid, very popular in the 80s
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:24:30 No.5145620
    I wonder if the "so-called" retard is faking it..
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:27:18 No.5145645
    He's a badass retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:28:45 No.5145659
    typical negroid activity.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:30:02 No.5145673
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:30:02 No.5145674
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:32:38 No.5145692
    go comment and bump the digg!
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:33:15 No.5145697
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:36:45 No.5145719

    digg it bitches...spread the word
    >> BALLING !!K7GWUlK4DfM 08/19/09(Wed)17:37:17 No.5145723
    ps. no on in that video is retarded plus it happened in 1984
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:37:55 No.5145731
    This is pretty bad. Granted, I expecting just a complete beatdown. The guy that dies does have some skill, but this is pretty horrible. Especially after I read about how he was baited to the dojo.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:39:19 No.5145742
    I want to see this happen.


    Video Link:

    MySpace Link:

    Nigger's name:
    Willie J. Dennis
    -> Sauce:
    (Anybody might get the rest? Phone # and address)

    Nigger's Instructor:
    Bobby Joe Blythe
    989 Robin CT. Hanford, California

    Step 1: Send Video Link to all of the Nigger's MySpace friends
    Step 2: Send said Video Link to all of Bobby Blythe's Facebook friends
    >> Actwoven !!6DbgT+wwyGr 08/19/09(Wed)17:42:02 No.5145761
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:43:08 No.5145772
    Even if nobody dies, the coach and the negro are bastards and I'd like to see them inconvenienced.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:45:18 No.5145787
    A bump for your cause.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:45:35 No.5145790
    I'm not sure which is more subhuman. A retard or a nigger.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:45:59 No.5145794
    How could such ppl have blackbelts ?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:46:27 No.5145798
    It's touching how he said his master is "Jesus Christ". Religion may be bullshit, but at least some people gain a sense of hope and comfort through it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:47:49 No.5145808
    The guy who got beaten was decent. He was polite and fought fairly, and he accepted when he'd lost.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:48:54 No.5145815
    Are there any more videos of retards getting beaten out there? This was awesome.

    I don't understand why fags are bitching.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:54:05 No.5145845
    He isn't retarded. A little dim maybe but far from retarded. However that was still completely out of order. I have done Muay Thai for 3 years now and we do full sparring but that would never be allowed, in fact if you carried on stomping the guy or something equally uncalled for one of the instructors would probably beat the shit out of you personally for being such an asshole.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:54:14 No.5145846
    What the fuck. I've seen a lot of shit, but is just too fucking real.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:56:29 No.5145860
    He was doing a funny little dance imbetween strikes. He was pretty shit probably just watched Enter the Dragon a lot of times.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:57:41 No.5145868
    The other guy started with a cheapshot to the balls too. How could he be pissed off enough to stamp on his head when he started it?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)17:59:11 No.5145878
    Holy shit that was awesome until the guy started stomping him. Then he went too far. He wasn't retarded I don't think. Btw that dojo was filled with rednecks and niggers.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:00:46 No.5145892
    Yeah. I can understand the black belt losing it (although he's still scum), but the instructor there was despicable.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:01:06 No.5145896

    He had some good kicks though, I'm willing to bet he could take most people on /r9k/
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:01:07 No.5145898
    So where and how did this video surfaced? Lets grt this shit started.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:01:07 No.5145899
    Guy acted like an arrogant fuckhead. But the nigger went to far, typical nigger behavour.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:01:42 No.5145902
    I don't wanna watch it. Summary please?
    >> Joshisaالله أكبಠ_ಠ ...°ܢo...ಥ_ಥ !dSsVR48M6g 08/19/09(Wed)18:04:13 No.5145916

    Man enrages chimp in karate costume.

    Chimp goes into Chimp rage and kills man.

    Whites do nothing to stop chimp from killing man.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:04:41 No.5145921
    Skinny guy is brought into the gym to do a demonstration.
    Black belt attacks him, a reasonably fair fight commences (some kicks to the thighs)

    Victim admits defeat, black belt starts fighting like a dickhead, knocks him to the ground, then stamps on his head till it bleeds.

    The instructor tells some students to drag the body outside, and it's put in a dumpster.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:05:14 No.5145924
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    Yes. Yes there are.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:05:28 No.5145925
    That's totally fucked up. The guy with the black belt deserves to be castrated with a rusty knife. The retarded guy made it clear he wasn't going to get voilent, so why the fuck did he attack, especially at the balls. The other guy made it clear so many times he didn't want to fight.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:05:46 No.5145933
    doooooooood wat the ffffuuuck...i agree, watever he was talking about religion blah blah...this shit was WRONG. with all the locating and life ruining skills possessed over at /b/, somebody should be able to find these faggots and make em pay
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:06:27 No.5145935
    The disgusting thing is how nobody says a word.

    I wouldn't be able to contain myself if I was present.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:07:48 No.5145944

    yea no shit. this was a blatant set up. fffuuuu-


    /b/ won't care
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:08:16 No.5145945

    anon TY so much for making my day. Fucking WIN.
    god i hate retards. the karate vidya is really terrible, but yours rocks lol.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:08:18 No.5145947
    Because of niggerdom.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:10:25 No.5145966
    This dummy was in my shopping center while I was on a Bodyguard Job in Washington, DC. This guy was in the Pizza Hut eating pizza off the plates of others and the Pizza Hut Manager ran him out with a pistol. Later the very same day, police officers were called to remove him from a nearby pharmacy after having been caught reaching into customer's purses. A short time after that, he visited a Napa Auto Parts store next to my Karate Dojo and told the management he planned on teaching in that Dojo and that Jesus taught him.

    The Napa guys told him he was confused (their polite way of warning the man against such action), but not wanting to miss a show, they told the man they would close early just to watch and that he must not know the owner, which is nobody to play with.. Needless to say, the police pulled him out of the dumpster behind my Karate Dojo where he was neatly placed. Semper Fi to all my Marine brothers. The karate student in the white is also a Marine Sgt. and a brand new Black Belt. Never get stupid with a Marine, you could get jacked up and have your clock stopped.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:11:36 No.5145972
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:11:47 No.5145973
    -Effeminate guy is giving some kind of sermon to a Dojo.

    -Claims to be priest and master of some kind of bullshit martial art

    -Says Jesus promoted him to be a master lol

    -He starts sparring with the "black belt" (without any pads on, retards)

    -He tells the guy to stop doing something and says he needs to teach him blah blah

    -Guy gets angry the fight for a bit, it becomes apparant that the "retarded" guy is not a real kartaka(sp?)

    -Guy gets knocked down and starts getting angry and winning.

    -He carries on beating the shit out of him, "retarded" guy says that the other guy has won the fight, and to stop.

    -He carries on beating the shit out of him and even stomps him when he is on the ground until at the last moment someone stops it.

    -"retarded" guy is left in a pool of blood unable to move, they drag him out of the back door.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:12:44 No.5145979

    Military r-tards always have something to prove. DONT FUCK WITH ME OR ILL KILL YOU. Just like a gangsta, and no better.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:13:57 No.5145989
    The white faggot is the worst of the bunch.
    He is just so fucking smug.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:14:22 No.5145992
    typical negroid fail
    Why haven't we set fire to everyone of these monkeys is beyond me
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:14:56 No.5145997
    Gangsters and marines are welfare queens, have an obsession with guns and violence, yeah there are some obvious parallels.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:15:16 No.5145999

    Marines are retards
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:15:49 No.5146002
    Marines are redneck pussies. They are poorly trained compared to army corps in other countries.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:15:57 No.5146003
    You seem to remember this story really well.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:16:58 No.5146010
    To many niggers, /b/ wouldn't care.

    Lulz, talentless martial artists. Poor display, looked like a monkey that learned how to kick. Also neither of them were protecting there face, any street fighter would have K.O'd them in seconds.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:18:12 No.5146023

    yes it was hilarious, being retarded is not an excuse for being a cunt(retards have low iqs but they're not animals)
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:18:22 No.5146025

    I copy/pasted from a website, its the original description of the video when it was originally uploaded.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:18:34 No.5146026
    Marines have small penises and were never hugged by their fathers as chidlren; they then take it out on others through voilence.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:18:59 No.5146030


    I LOL'D
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:19:55 No.5146043
    Ok, made me rage. The original was on youtube?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:20:20 No.5146048
    Video in summary: Retarded guy keeps going on about how Jesus taught him karate, and gave him a red belt (To some Nigger that probably worked hard for his black belt) Fight starts, Retard doesn't like the way he is fighting, Nigger finally snaps because of how much of an arrogant douche the Retard is being (Even though he doesn't know it) Nigger starts whaling on him, Retard knows that he is going to get hurt badly and surrenders (Should have been over after that) Then the Nigger just doesn't stop and killed/almost killed the Retard.

    Fuck the Nigger
    Fuck the Retard

    Nigger is a fucker for beating up a Retard AFTER HE SURRENDERED
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:20:24 No.5146049
    He's fighting a retard, Mr. Hardcore. He doesn't need to protect himself.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:20:50 No.5146054
    Karate is a load of bullshit unless it's kyokushin Karate.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:21:34 No.5146058
    Besides a retard being dead; I think the funniest part was how a "black belt" fought like a fucking pussy and took so long to kill a retard. Turns out CHING CHONG NIP NONG fighting is just flashy shit.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:21:45 No.5146061
    The nigger's primal ape instincts are live and kicking i see
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:21:54 No.5146063

    Yeah, the fat white guy in the video uploaded it himself then took it down. He must be retarded or something.

    The black belt is now a karate instructor(!).
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:22:24 No.5146067
    thanks for the summary

    didn't feel like raging
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:22:54 No.5146073
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:23:42 No.5146082
    Some slow punches going on there. Notice the lack of skill when grabbed by both parties, Judo would have ended this.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:23:57 No.5146085
    I think you mean, 'Karate is a load of bullshit'.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:24:07 No.5146086

    and for instigating the fight when the other guy only wanted to do a demonstration
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:24:27 No.5146089
    As said all Karate is flashy bullshit except maybe Kyokushin. Don't discount all Jap martial arts though, Ju Jitsu is good and so is Judo.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:25:03 No.5146093
    Unlike niggers amirite
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:25:16 No.5146094
    soooo has anybody done anything to these cunts? i mean, given we have some infoz on them and their whereabouts nao?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:25:18 No.5146095
    if you have a digg account, push this up.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:26:24 No.5146099

    Yeah, follow this


    Video Link:

    MySpace Link:

    Nigger's name:
    Willie J. Dennis
    -> Sauce:
    (Anybody might get the rest? Phone # and address)

    Nigger's Instructor:
    Bobby Joe Blythe
    989 Robin CT. Hanford, California

    Step 1: Send Video Link to all of the Nigger's MySpace friends
    Step 2: Send said Video Link to all of Bobby Blythe's Facebook friends
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:26:37 No.5146102
    Holy shit. The sound the victim makes after the fight is over reminded me of that 3guys1hammer vid. This guy's probably dead by now.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:27:12 No.5146108
    >I already checked into the source and found a group of people that have contacted Billy Joe Blythe and have reported the incident to the proper authorities. These concerned people have also been looking in Va hospitals to see if the victim had been treated for his injuries. This may have happened a longtime ago but that wont matter as long as people are trying to make things right.

    Found this in the UFC forum
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:27:34 No.5146112
    What do you expect they'd be charged for? It's not assualt and unless he died it wasn't manslaughter. He'd probably get a slap on the wrist.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:29:35 No.5146128
    No, but we can make things hard for them, the plan here is good>>5146099

    If the friends and family of those people see that video, things will be hard for them.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:29:35 No.5146129
    >It's not assualt

    the blackbelt instigated the fight and didnt stop even after being asked multiple times and even after the guy was unconscious on the floor.

    Thats assault retard.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:31:13 No.5146145
    >This happened in 1984. They baited the man into the dojo and severely beat him. Afterwards he was thrown into a dumpster and left to die. The police found him because someone reported that he was left in the dumpster. He did not die, but ended up in a mental ward at a va hospital. He had mental issues before the incident
    The guilty parties are Willie J Deans- The Attacker and Billy Joe Blythe- The Teacher. 2 other men were their and a women video taping it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:31:25 No.5146146

    People on contacted the police days ago. 4chan is an impotent, ineffective mess of a website.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:32:46 No.5146156
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:34:09 No.5146176
    It's at the very least aggravated assault.

    Until the curb stomp.

    At that point it turns into attempted murder.

    All on video that any jury would convict on.

    The nigro is fucked.

    The white guy? Accessory at the very least, as anyone else there.

    They are all looking at 10+ years on crimes with no statute of limitations.

    If he died?

    Aggravated manslaughter.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:34:12 No.5146179
    it's not assualt, however he could be charged for grievous bodily harm and other things.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:34:54 No.5146182
    If the guy didn't die these people are fine, past the statute.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:36:05 No.5146195
    Dat nigga fucked. I hope he gets everything he deserves.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:36:13 No.5146197
    >Assault is often defined to include not only violence, but any physical contact with another person without their consent. In common law jurisdictions, including England and Wales and the United States, battery is the crime that represents the unlawful physical contact, though this distinction does not exist in all jurisdictions. Exceptions exist to cover unsolicited physical contact which amount to normal social behavior known as de minimis harm.

    Yeah, not assault retards.

    The moment retard said stop, it was assault. Since he said it from the start, it always was.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:36:29 No.5146199
    Yeah, but their reputations could be destroyed.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:38:32 No.5146210
    >Aggravated assault is usually differentiated from simple assault by the offender's intent (i.e., to murder, to rape etc.), the extent of the injury to the victim, or the use of a deadly weapon, although legal definitions vary between jurisdictions. For example, North Carolina has the offense of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill inflicting serious bodily injury.[7] The aggravating elements are clearly spelled out in the name of the crime. Sentences for aggravated assault are generally more severe, reflecting the greater degree of harm or malice intended by the perpetrator. In many cases, the perpetrator is sentenced to life in prison
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:38:32 No.5146211

    Its assault, he kicked the guy in the balls while he was talking to him. The fact that they are in a dojo makes no difference.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:40:19 No.5146227

    Add to that the fact that willie j dennis (the blackbelt) was in court yesterday for unrelated assault charges and you've got a solid case.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:40:52 No.5146232
    >>The fact that they are in a dojo makes no difference.

    It makes a small difference, but only in the minds of the jury.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:42:09 No.5146243
    It IS assault because the supposedly mentally challenged guy withdrew his consent. It's not assault as long as both parties consent to the contest, but the minute one person gives up then the fight should be over.

    There was no justification for the black belt guy to keep on hitting him after the guy had given up and there sure as hell was no justification to stomp on the man's head when he was already down. Both that guy and the lead instructor there are pitiful examples of martial arts. Martial Arts are for defense, not assault or to prove a point.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:42:43 No.5146246
    If anyone needed a reason to learn how to fight, this is it.

    Become a great fighter so you can stand in the way of scumbags like this.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:44:17 No.5146259
    Not to mention if the guy WAS mentally handicapped, it could be argued that he was incapable of consenting to the fight to begin with.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:44:26 No.5146260
    Makes it worse if anything:

    "The accused lured the mentally handicapped man to his dojo, where after setting up video recording equipment, he witnessed the defendant repeatedly beat the victim, culminating with a cubstomp to the the head. He then instructed other students to dispose of the body via the backdoor"

    Depraved indiference. This is attempted murder.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:44:32 No.5146261
    I hope this "black belt" gets what's coming to him.
    The guy gave him the win, he didn't need to beat him down and stomp on his head (possibly) killing him. Fucking shitbag thinks he can get away with being a savage because he's educated in "martial arts".
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:45:47 No.5146273
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    comments form the youtube
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:47:27 No.5146294

    I slapped my friend on the back in a friendly way a few days ago, am I going to jail? There was no express consent but I feel bad now :3
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:48:55 No.5146302

    I hope you're not trying to make a point because the law is pretty clear on what assault is.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:51:03 No.5146318
    No you're not going to jail because I doubt your friend cared enough to get the police involved, not to mention there is no evidence of said assault so the police would have no evidence to arrest you and the DA would have no evidence to prosecute you with.

    Unlike the guys in this probably didn't video tape it, providing plenty of evidence to the DA. Assuming the statute of limitations hadn't already expired.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:51:47 No.5146323

    I touched him, and there was no consent on his part. Do you truly believe he could successfully have me charged with assault if he didn't exaggerate the story at all? What about when you brush shoulders with someone on the subway?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:52:17 No.5146330
    Sauce on the quote?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:53:35 No.5146340
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    People seem to be operating under the assumption that this violence and inhumanity is due to the presence of black people, or the military background of some of the criminals. This is incorrect. It is due to the presence of Southerners. You see, Heaven gave Southerners their distinctive grating accent so that all good men might know when they are dealing with the imps of Dixie. If you find yourself dealing with a Southerner, ask yourself "What would William Tecumseh Sherman do?".
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:54:30 No.5146353
    Texas has no statute of limitations for murder or manslaughter charges.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:56:18 No.5146367
    Anybody else think that that guy is surprisingly agile for a retard?

    I mean, if you compare him to

    I'm actually fairly impressed.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:56:28 No.5146370
    >because I doubt your friend cared enough to get the police involved

    Did you infer from my story that he somehow got upset? He didn't, in fact my story is not real, it is a hypothetical to demonstrate how ridiculous the phrasing of that definition is.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:57:08 No.5146378
    From what I understand the guy did not die
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)18:58:24 No.5146389
    I wasn't assuming that he got upset. My point was that guys hit each other playfully all the time. We don't get the police involved because we don't see it as assault.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:00:27 No.5146403
    >>5146370 Implying playing around with someone is the same as attacking them with the intention of causing grievous bodily harm.

    Oh wow.

    By the way, you can, and will be sued for punching most people without their consent. They will win.

    Back to /b/ with you.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:00:35 No.5146404
    Actually you're right when you put it like that. I never took into account that they lured him there.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:00:36 No.5146405

    If you slap a stranger on the back in the same way you slapped your friend then you have committed assault.

    No one would report it, but the law dictates that its assault and all your musings about how ridiculous the definition is wont change it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:03:38 No.5146437
    That guy was struggling to breathe and left a trail of blood where they dragged him. He was on the floor and the guy continued to stomp him. If you can't differentiate between playful banter and that then your an idiot.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:03:44 No.5146438
    quoted for freaking truth
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:06:12 No.5146463
    Is the Digg link not working anymore?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:06:38 No.5146469

    Gentleman, I salute you.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:07:49 No.5146481
    Works for me
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:09:05 No.5146493
    Has anybody sent this info to the police?

    Seems like enough to get the nigger at least, if not the teacher as well, prosecuted.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:12:43 No.5146517
    Yes, the black belt was Mr. Dennis. The vid is on youtube. The head instructor was my sensei, Bobby Joe Blythe. I wasn't there but saw the video. He was high, not mentally handicapped. He had been in the shopping center all day causing trouble by trying to steal from women's purses and shoplift. He told the mechanics across the street he was going to go to the dojo and "get a job teaching" and was warned by the mechanics NOT to do it. He said God was his instructor and gave him his black belt. Everyone in the dojo took his presence as a challenge (old school thinking there). I don't like what happened and prefer not to get into that discussion because it would put me in an awkward position of having to defend the dojo but not agree with what was done. Besides, it happened in 1985. The dojo is no longer there (not for that reason), Mr. Dennis no longer teaches (not for that reason), and Sensei Blythe is retired. The only man who teaches still is Robert Zingg in West Virginia and he wasn't there when this happened. Mr. Zingg had the good sense to leave and start his own school in West VA. He would never do what was done. Hope that answers your questions. Good to hear from you!

    BTW, the guy who was beat was in jail somewhere in southern VA. last time I heard anything about this (a couple months ago), according to what Sensei Blythe heard from law enforcement friends.
    Sensei is on FB too.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:22:52 No.5146579
    The white belt fought like a fag. Any decent fighter would have taken out the retard with a hook or something, punch to the face. The white belt guy fought like a fag and didn't protect himself at all.
    >> SOME MORE INFO ON BOBBY Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:23:05 No.5146582
    >In the Marine Corps from 1977-78, I studied Tozan Ryu@ Shorin Ryu under the tutilage of Bobby Joe Blythe, then a 6th Dan. Mr. Blythe was the only American Instructor representing Shinsuke Kaneshima of Okinawa. Mr. Blythe taught kumite, various open hand and weapons katas, and he was small aircraft pilot instructor. Mr. Blythe spent about 12 years in Okinawa and married an Okinawan native, who was instrumental in the introduction to Sensei Kaneshima.

    Any information could be useful. We need as much info about this guy as possible.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:26:43 No.5146603
    The internet had gave me quite a tough stomach. Rarely is it that I find something so repugnant. I'm not religious, but the guy seemed so sweet when he was saying Jesus was his master, and he didn't even want to fight the guy. The fucker just attacked him. Broke my heart to hear him say he wasn't a fighter.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:33:05 No.5146663
    Totally agree mang. But we can't just let these fuckers get away with it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:33:40 No.5146670
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:34:16 No.5146678
    Is this copypasta or a real statement from a 4channer who was actually there?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:35:32 No.5146689
    The guy didn't die.

    Who fucking cares?
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:36:13 No.5146693
    It's still wrong and they went unpunished. Justice must be served
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:38:28 No.5146715
    There is discussion of it here:

    Seems like the guys on this forum have already alerted the local media where Bobby Joe Blythe lives, and the authorities.

    I hope these fuckers get their lives ruined.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:38:29 No.5146716

    The instructor in the video who uploaded it onto youtube says he didn't die. Who's to say he's not lying? His student just stomped a guy on the head, and he had the guy dragged out to a dumpster, and brags about the trail of blood left behind. This shit shouldn't be left unpunished.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:39:50 No.5146731
    Man, I can't read the Marine's comments. This sort of shit makes me so mad. I hate it when idiots put on a gi and think they're god's gift to combat. That's just brutal, senseless violence, and this is coming from someone who does MMA.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:41:47 No.5146747

    Its a real statement but I copy-pasted it from this thread>>5146715
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:42:42 No.5146753
    Good, another undesirable dead. This should be done more often.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:43:26 No.5146760
    an hero is me.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:43:42 No.5146764
    in high school these 2 retards always used to (try to) fight each other. it was very awkward and perhaps the most encompassing thing i have ever seen, as i could not look away.

    we never tried to stop them from fighting because we were too busy laughing in awe, and we we were assholes, young assholes.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:46:34 No.5146785
    ugh, those noises that he was making at the end were a "death rattle". I think they killed that guy.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:47:20 No.5146793
    The funny thing is that the retard actually held his own against the black belt. Shows how fucking useless karate is.

    I'm a regular, untrained guy and if that retard could hold his own I could probably knock that black belt faggot out.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:49:00 No.5146808

    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:53:00 No.5146844
    So it really was Bobby Joe Blyth who uploaded the video to YouTube?

    Fucking idiot, he brought on the shitstorm that will ultimately get him in a shitload of trouble.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:54:08 No.5146857
    This is what happens when you watch too much Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)19:57:04 No.5146899
    I looked death rattle up on wikipedia just after seeing you say it:
    >>the death rattle is a strong indication that someone is near death, it can also be produced by other problems that cause interference with the swallowing reflex, for instance, brain injuries.

    So yeah, if he isn't dead like you imply, he was probably at least comatose afterwards.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)20:03:19 No.5146959
    I fucking laughed. You roll up into someone's house and challenge them, then get your ass handed to you..

    The only thing they did wrong was video tape it.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)20:05:09 No.5146976
    Google cache of Youtube channel "bobbyjoeblythe007"
    (Click "cached" on 4th result)

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    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)20:08:40 No.5147010
    Fucking this. I'd love to see that black guy face someone at my MMA gym and get his ass kicked.
    >> Anonymous 08/19/09(Wed)20:10:56 No.5147041

    He didn't challenge him. He just wanted to teach. He expressed this clearly before and during the fight.

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