Because "Tong-Nou" and "Chu-Teng" have a difficult game play and are not suitable for kids, O.S.D. decided to produce an entertainment CD-ROM game both for kids and adults.

This CD-Rom is titled "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" and is based on japanese proverbs. The "Roly-Polys" characters are very cute, pretty and funny in their design and gameplay, right those stuff kids like.

In future releases, the "Roly-Polys" will be starring in adventure games located all over the world.

This title was hybrid CD-ROM both for Windows and Macintosh. Release date was November 1996 in Japan. Releases for US and Europe is not yet decided, because there are now not publishers for these countries. If You be interested in distributing them please contact us.


The Roly-Polys profile

"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog" was one of the finalists in Macromedia's Multimedia Award Kidware, which is held in San Francisco 4th September 1996.
To get a look at the Roly-Polys, we made a demonstration game. This game requires the Shockwave plug-in for playing and viewing.

The Roly-Polys's SLOT MACHINE