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folderyou should be able to solve this2022-02-22 06:24
fileChallenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions. Volume 1 - Dover. A. M. Yaglom, I. M. Yaglom (1987).djvu2022-02-22 06:241580 KB
fileChallenging mathematical problems with elementary solutions. Volume 2 - Dover. A. M. Yaglom, I. M. Yaglom (1987).djvu2022-02-22 06:241315 KB
fileMathematical Problems for Chemistry Students - Elsevier. Gyorgy Pota (2006).pdf2022-02-22 06:243207 KB
fileMathematical Problems_ An Anthology - Gordon & Breach. Dynkin E. B., Rozental A. L. (Ed) (1969).djvu2022-02-22 06:24374 KB
fileMathematical Quickies_ 270 Stimulating Problems with Solutions - Dover Books on Mathematical and Word Recreations. (Dover Books on Mathematical and Word Recreations) Charles W. Trigg.pdf2022-02-22 06:243929 KB
fileThe Mathematical Recreations of Lewis Carroll_ Pillow Problems and a Tangled Tale - Dover Pubn Inc. Lewis Carroll, C. L. Dodgson (1958).djvu2022-02-22 06:242324 KB