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fileElements of Algebra - Springer-Verlag New York. Leonard Euler (auth.) (1984).pdf2022-02-22 06:2431871 KB
fileFoundations of Differential Calculus - Springer. Euler, J.D. Blanton (2000).pdf2022-02-22 06:241148 KB
fileIntegral Calculus. Euler (Translated and annotated by Ian Bruce).pdf2022-02-22 06:24452 KB
fileIntroduction to Analysis of the Infinite. Volume 1 - Springer-Verlag. Leonard Euler, J.D. Blanton (1988).djvu2022-02-22 06:241862 KB
fileIntroduction to Analysis of the Infinite. Volume 2 - Springer-Verlag. Leonard Euler, J.D. Blanton (1989).djvu2022-02-22 06:243135 KB