ADDRESS OF AUDITOR TO PRECLEAR - SATURDAY EVENING COURSEcontinuation 2/3[go to part of this lecture]With this technique, instead of coming up from the bottom and releasing the computation, you just drive in from the top with a wedge and pry these two closely associated late life facts apart. By late life, I mean postspeech. There are lots of locks up the line, and you can make the standard memory circuits go back into those locks and pry them apart. Make a test on a few of the people around you at work or someplace just to find out how this works, and you will be amazed to find that somebody has a headache and you say, "Well, what have you been thinking about lately?" "I don’t know. I have just got this awful headache." "Well, go on, what have you been worrying about? What’s worrying you?" "Well, come to think about it, my mother- in- law has been staying with us for about three weeks." "You’ve had a headache for all three weeks?" "Come to think about it, yes. I have. Ha- ha, that’s silly. That’s silly." "How’s your headache?" "It’s gone." You can cure a headache this way quite often. You can also cure a headache sometimes merely by taking a person back to a pleasurable moment, settling him in it, making him go through it very solidly, then bringing him up to present time and something will have happened that has kicked the headache out. There is not much use running engrams out of a person who doesn’t believe that there are such things as engrams and doesn’t believe he has contacted anything. There is no reason to try to tell him or evaluate for him the fact that he has been running out engrams. He had better know that himself, and if he doesn’t know it then there is something very wrong with his case. You can take a psychotic and tap the holders and denyers in his case. He is dramatizing in front of you and you just list the holders and denyers and persuade him to repeat these and you will quite often get him back up into present time. It may take you six months of work and it may only take you an hour. The case which is badly deranged by somebody else’s bad auditing is best opened up by this method because this person is not going to respond to auditing, as the somatic strip and the file clerk are stalled down and they are not going to cooperate with you. But if you, by some other method that hasn’t been tried on them yet particularly, can suddenly clip in and say, "Do so- and- so," and give them a little bit of relief one way or the other, the somatic strip and the file clerk say, "Hey, this guy’s sharp! Let’s go to work." The next thing you know you are getting engrams, lots of them. There’s a new pinpoint bombing technique which has been brought up lately whereby one takes the person and settles him very solidly into one of his own dramatizations, and then lets him get madder than the devil at whoever he’s mad at during that incident, and then moves him back by telling him, "Now let’s go back to the earliest time that somebody got mad at somebody else around you." And if you have settled him well enough, he will sometimes shoot right back to the beginning of the fight chain. It works the same way on other dramatizations. You may be able to get the basis of the chain. That technique is now under test and is proving workable. The question has been raised that one may become an ally4 of the preclear. Go ahead and become an ally. It won’t last long. His selfdeterminism will come up to a point where one day you say, "You know all that advice I’ve been giving you about the car, I do think you ought to buy a Ford." And he will say, "Nuts, I’m buying a Chevrolet." Or, maybe you have been nursing somebody along saying, "Now you’ve got to work with your wife. A lot of you will be starting teams and there is nobody else around," and he will go along with you. The person is in pretty bad shape and you have been patching him up here and there and somebody else has been working him and then suddenly one day you say, "Well, how are you getting along with your wife?" And he says, "I haven’t been working with my wife for two weeks. I went out and found someone over at Millboro, and I’ve been working with him, I’ve got him trained up pretty well." Pat yourself on the back. He has come up above the transference level. Patching up cases or taking a case which has never been in Dianetic therapy but which has become very distrustful of his fellow humans is at first a rather thankless proceeding. It’s in such a case that an auditor has to exercise an enormous amount of self- control and persuasion. Such a person is liable to be very insulting. They are likely to have very bad habits. If you are dealing very much with people who are neurotic, they may appear nice people, but just keep the family jewels locked up and fully expect sooner or later to have one of them run off the rails on you. That doesn’t mean that it should break your faith in humanity. To date, I think I’ve lost something in the neighborhood of four or five hundred dollars treating patients, by accidentally leaving change around while treating somebody I didn’t know was a kleptomaniac— it wasn’t part of the diagnosis. And I’ve had people halfway through to clear all of a sudden put the money back in the drawer again. That was about the first time I learned about how, as people come up the line, their honesty level comes up too. When you are doing a lot of diagnosis and people are being sent to you from clinics, or you are working around, you may very well expect to find your cuff links missing, or you may even find your reputation being ruined in the neighborhood by this person whom you started into therapy and then dropped. The case is then trying to do everything possible including ruin your good name to get back into therapy again. None of these are good enough reasons to become angry with a patient. You start doing that and somebody else in Dianetics is going to get a patient on his hands. The sense of reality is important, the cooperation of the person is important, and it is pretty well up to you, not the patient, whether you get cooperation or not. Because you can get cooperation. However, there may be cases where somebody so violently hates men that they have to be worked by a woman, and vice versa. We even set up a situation one time where we worked a patient with a mechanical contrivance, a psychometric box which talked and got the answers back. The person was psychotic and hated men and women. All we did was to take an interoffice phone circuit and audit him with it, and it worked all right. One could, with a psychotic or the person who gets messages from the angels, put a nice white gown on some girl sometime and have her walk into the room with moonlight- type lighting and start auditing. Those things sound silly, but some inventiveness along this line could produce some results. I had a dear old lady one time who was perfectly willing to be treated by me up to the moment when she found out I wasn’t a chiropractor. And at that moment I was a dog because I had misrepresented myself. Nobody had ever said I was a chiropractor as far as I could find out. So I sold her on the idea that I wasn’t a chiropractor, I was a swami, and she bought this okay. She would be treated by a swami. I don’t think she had any idea what a swami was, but it was something mysterious. Her engram bank had gotten set up in a certain way so that she was talking to the dead spirits of her father and mother. She was trying to keep them from quarreling with each other as angels now in the Great Beyond, and because the engrams were in full sonic she could hear them quarreling. She had a command which said, "Go back to sleep." In the middle of an operation some doctor had pushed her in the chest and said, "Go back to sleep," so she was drifting up and down the time track as she slept. In a half- waking state, she would hear these voices quarreling and she was sure that it was her parents quarreling over her, and whether or not she should cross the Great Divide and dwell with them forevermore in eternal bliss and peace. This was the exact content of the engrams she was running, but trying to get her to contact those engrams was very difficult. So, as a swami I told her that it was very easy for anyone to put a person into a certain state whereby they could communicate with the dear dead and departed, and we ran that thoroughly out of her case, listening to the Great Beyond. The inventiveness which one can use in reaching a psychotic or a severely neurotic person is very great. Don’t put it under the heading of charlatanism. It is absolutely necessary to try to match up some part of yourself with what such a person considers reality, even though their reality may be quite illusionary. Reality is something which we have under very hard study. I notice back over the last two or three thousand years a lot of philosophers have argued as to what is reality. All you have to do is read two or three books on the subject and things get so unreal that you are rocking on your fins for days. But I am sure and I am sure that you are sure that there is such a thing as reality which we perceive by our senses and which then as we look at it, remember it and compare it, we consider to be the real world, the finite universe. But just think for a moment. That is quite an observation, quite a mechanical trick. We observe, with our perceptics, l color, depth, space, forms, various energies, and by some means or other get them translated, and then they go into the bank and they have a label on them: reality. Now, if some part of that environment says, "That is not reality, you are not doing anything that is real," the whole bank seems to do a recession. So it’s up to us to put the person into contact with it again. You will find your hardest cases are those cases which have been sufficiently abused to destroy their sense of reality. Your own inventiveness could be called upon very definitely in- establishing the bond of affinity, if we just had a little firmer grip on what affinity actually is. It would be interesting to be able to both establish or break the bond. The law of affinity becomes very embarrassing to a male hypnotist, for instance, who is foolish enough— and many of them are— to hypnotize a nymphomaniac, or for a woman hypnotist to hypnotize a satyr. I was working with a hypnotist who had as one of his patients a nymphomaniac. And he said, "Now none of your tricks, Ron. This woman is coming up here. Don’t you tell her anything about me, and don’t you direct her attention toward me. I’m trying desperately to keep from treating her in any way. I don’t want to have anything to do with her, but she keeps hanging around all the time." So I said, "All right," and I was immediately very interested. He was so afraid of something. Was he afraid of something because he was just afraid, or would it actually take place? It became immediately a scientific experiment. He had to leave the room for a moment after the girl came in, so I handed her a Hindu hypnoscope. She was quite suggestible. And I said, "You know, it’s the funniest thing, but as you gaze at this a little light like a neon light rolls around in it." She looked at it for a moment and said, "I don’t see that." And I said, "Well, look more closely at that spot in the center." So she did, and her eyes went pop. I didn’t say a word after that. The hypnotist came back in and started to work her, so of course we got immediate cross- hypnosis. He started speaking to her and he went on speaking to her for a few minutes, and then he left the room and I woke her up. Hypnotism’s very interesting. Nor about a week this woman was on the telephone any hour of the day or night trying to talk to him! An auditor would do well to find out about hypnosis since he is going to have to undo hypnotism in many cases. And he will get this phenomenon of cross- hypnotism, where an operator has a person hypnotized and someone else just drifts by and says a word, not even to the person, and then the operator tries to do something and the patient won’t wake up. So the hypnotist has to ask the other person to wake her up. That person does so and the patient wakes up. He has sort of walked through the affinity and carried some of it away with him leaving the operator no longer operating. Well, that was what happened to this hypnotist. A good book on the subject is Hypnotism Comes of Age, but there is an old- timer published about 1900 called Twenty- five Lessons in Hypnotism and you can get it in secondhand bookstores for 35 cents. It is published by I. N. Ottenheimer Publishing Company, Baltimore, Maryland, and is by M. Young. That contains in it far more information than you will find in any modern book in the library. It is very fascinating and is in a very brief form. It could be scanned over in an evening. He covers in there clairvoyance and other things. Don’t take him too literally on some of these things. I’m sure that he was certain that he could levitate people merely by hypnotizing them and so on. But nearly everything in that book is possible by hypnotism and can be done, and almost anything in that book can be found in somebody’s reactive mind. For instance, in the last four days I have had three hypnotisms. Of course I work on a lot of people at random. But that is still a very high percentage since there couldn’t have been more than 20 people that I worked on during that period. I even came across a hypnotic technique used in the beginning of an operation, with a complete blank- out under ether, with the command "You won’t remember this." So in order to break up a hypnotism you had better know what hypnotists do. You had better know that the forgetter mechanism is the first thing you hit in a hypnotism. You had better know that they use terms of regression. They get a person in deep trance and send him back down the time track. They think they are making the person smaller or it is his imagination or something else at work. They will try to go back and find, for instance, the cause of stuttering and will tell a person, "Stay there." Using hypnosis in therapy would work except for one thing. Trying to hypnotize people you learn quite rapidly that the percentage of people who are hypnotizable is relatively low. Further, if a person is stuck somewhere on the track, efforts to hypnotize him or give him narcosynthesis are met with a complete blank wall. A hypnotized person seems to possess less force to buck into his engrams. It would be fortunate for us if hypnotism would result in reaching a sees- all- knows- all mechanism in the mind. But you start asking a patient when he is hypnotized for positive and definite answers about this and that and it is pretty blank or fuzzy. If one is trying to run an operation out of someone with a bad holder, and one tells him bluntly that one is going to hypnotize him, and then starts trying to hypnotize him, he may start to laugh. It is a rejection mechanism. He feels himself going under but he can’t go under, and he will begin to exhibit the manifestation of a hebephrenic. And just like pushing against a spring mattress, the more one tries to force him down, the more he comes back. If you take what is known as the Charcot mirrors or more modern methods of spinning discs, and make the person face it, he will occasionally become terrified or exhibit the emotion of the engram which he is dropping back into and you can get data that way. You won’t break it very thoroughly but you will get data. In a few cases I have actually broken an engram and have gotten off a considerable fear charge by an effort to hypnotize a person who is severely held on the track. One notable case was held in a nitrous oxide incident at 3 years of age. He had had some accident to his mouth and something had to be done to a tooth, so they gave him nitrous oxide. Mama was there and she kept telling him to lie still and stay there. She also said, "Don’t let him up," and, "Don’t let him wake up." A Charcot mirror used on that patient in a dark room caused him to let out three or four piercing shrieks and start to chatter madly about "He’s going down again, he’s going down again." This was Mama becoming alarmed because the child got so limp. After he dramatized Mama, suddenly we had the anesthetist and then we had some more of the patter. We would get a good run on it, with the patient screaming out a phrase or two. Then he would struggle out of it again, and 15 or 20 minutes later all of a sudden he would become fascinated and pulled back into it again and we would get another phrase out. Then about half an hour later the same sort of thing would happen. We finally broke that engram during the person’s fifth hour in therapy. He was one of these can’t see, can’t hear, can’t feel, aren’t alive, don’t know cases. The patient was pretty suggestible and would drop into amnesia trancel as soon as he was told to close his eyes. When I was first working it and knew that was undesirable, I was using smelling salts on the patient which was not too workable. So the patient would go into an amnesia trance, and I would run him back to an engram and run the engram. Then I would wake the patient up and tell him to remember the engram and start feeding him phrases while he was wide awake, and have him crawl through it then in a more or less wide- awake state, being very careful to keep him jogged up all the time so he wouldn’t sink into an amnesia trance again, getting it up to a second tone. I have worked that Method on some patients. It is workable where you have a patient who goes immediately into amnesia trance. I didn’t tell the patient anything. I just started feeding him repeater techniques wide awake, making him keep his eyes open, holding his eyes open if possible, and chucking him in the ribs if he started to slide off, and just got him repeating. And he slid down and started to contact the incident and suddenly the whole thing more or less flashed into view. Benzedrine works somewhat, but some patients under Benzedrine hypnotize just as rapidly as ever. Hypnotism, by the way, is not sleep. The value of Benzedrine is unfortunately not as good as it might be. In some patients the administration of Benzedrine assists markedly the contact and deintensification of emotional charges. Yet I’ve had patients that were quite null. In fact, one of the smoothest, easiest things an engram does if it has that as its content is to nullify or deepen the effect of drugs. I have had patients that I fed blanks to (probably made out of flour). I had one patient worked up on Benzedrine blanks to 100 milligrams a day, and this patient was going around quite high, feeling wonderful. If you get somebody who starts to demand Benzedrine runs of you and if you have a bottle of blanks, why, feed him all the blanks you want to, you may get remarkably better results. On the other hand, he may have the phrase "Pills send me right to sleep," or "One pill doesn’t do me any good, it takes two to do any good." And you will actually find with such a patient that you feed him one of anything and it doesn’t do him any good. But you take baby- size aspirin and feed him two of them and they do him good. They turn off his headache. But one full- sized aspirin which has more aspirin in it doesn’t affect his headache because it isn’t two pills. On the administration of Benzedrine, after 10 to 20 milligrams you should expect a changed manifestation on the part of the patient in from half an hour to 45 minutes. It bites at about that time and it goes through then for the next two or three hours as very stimulative. It may only be stimulative in the muscles, and you may not be getting any better engrams at all, but it is definitely stimulative. The next thing that you can expect from it is that at the expiration of from four to six hours it goes off in a slump. There is a short period of depression. You can work the patient on the upgrade or you can work him on the downgrade. Quite often that period of depression which follows produces a better state of mind for the release of painful emotion. If it has been administered at 2 or 3 o’clock in the afternoon, at about noon the next day you can expect the last side effects of it to wear off, and one could normally expect the patient to have a sleepless night after that. When a patient is given Benzedrine, the Benzedrine effects can be nullified to permit the patient to sleep by the administration of some soporific such as scopolamine, which would produce a very remarkable manifestation. Benzedrine quite often makes people talk. If they are then fed "scope" they really turn into chatterboxes, and one can very often expect them to just talk and talk and talk and talk practically about nothing. Nembutal will do the same thing, so don’t be alarmed at the chattery, drunken aspect of somebody. Nevertheless, the effects of Benzedrine can be eliminated to a marked degree by the administration of a soporific afterwards. The administration of drugs during therapy must bring about the following factor: Sooner or later you are going to get a patient who has no somatics and you are going to figure out that this is because his engrams say so. Then you are going to find out that he takes lots of Pyrobenzamine or some other drug which knocks off psychosomatic illnesses to some slight degree, perhaps by doing something to the histamine balance. Benedril and Pyrobenzamine in a patient will sometimes inhibit a solid manifestation of a somatic. For instance, if you are trying to find the source of a person’s sinusitis and he is busily taking handfuls of Pyrobenzamine to turn it off, you are not going to locate it. I have had four patients to date that I had worked on for three or four hours realizing something was very wrong. The first one taught me that I’d better ask. Now I say, "Do you take cold drugs or anything like that?" "Oh, yes, I take 150 milligrams of Pyrobenzamine every four hours." Caffeine has a stimulative effect. It possibly comes closer to center than Benzedrine does, but the heart action can certainly be revved up with caffeine. The most workable test of Benzedrine is in a psychotic where it makes the person more accessible. Half an hour after the administration of 20 milligrams of Benzedrine one starts to get cooperation, which continues for perhaps two hours and then no cooperation. The theory that preceded the use of stimulants is that they have proven efficacious in some slight degree, and biochemically we may discover some stimulant or some something that turns on enough emotion so that we can discharge emotional engrams. That’s a very serious problem and a tough one just on this basis. The theory behind it is very precise. We are trying to wake up the analyzer from the first time it went to sleep to the last time it went to sleep, so we don’t give the patient a depressant, we give him a stimulant. We found that in some patients it was quite workable, in others it was utterly inefficacious. I wish the biochemists would get busy. We need that one- shot clear. I have found that people heavily saturated with alcohol would very often contact material which heretofore had been blocked off, but would not have enough push to go through it. They would later sober up with the engram in restimulation, which was a nasty situation. Fortunately, knowing what the engram was, I could get them to repeat themselves back into it. If you are treating alcoholics you have to keep them on alcohol while you are treating them, because you won’t’ be able to get them off. The way to gain altitude as an auditor is to find somebody who is a setup, and whip this person into a block of engrams, get some convulsions and release the material. The person gets up and says, "I feel wonderful, I could go out and lick the world!" and the auditor will have altitude. Your own belief in yourself and your ability to audit deteriorates the instant that you start up against a case which just plain won’t give out anything. An auditor who is up against this is in a bad situation. He has not had a good, solid look at engrams in action. You learn about engrams by looking at them. You learn about the reactive mind by looking over what the reactive mind can do. There is where you get your practice, not just plugging away at somebody who can’t give out anything. As a consequence, one’s training is held up. Any student who is having trouble with his co- audit partner is also being retarded in his training to some slight degree, in that his own aggressiveness on the subject is probably dropping. The best remedy in the world for it is to look around and see somebody who needs help, tell them to close their eyes, and work on them a little bit. Simply test out a few people until you find a nice, easy case, then go into that case and knock out basic- basic, start an erasure and start coming up the line, plow, plow, plow, with good visio, sonic and everything else. It doesn’t matter how psychotic or how neurotic a person is, you will still find a lot of setups. The aberrative value has nothing to do with it. [Part 3] |