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file1zpxcv.jpg2022-02-21 09:0772 KB
fileAs We May Think - The Atlantic Monthly July. Vannevar Bush (1945).epub2022-02-21 09:07340 KB
fileEngines of Creation. The Coming Era of Nanotechnology - Eric Drexler.pdf2022-02-21 09:071074 KB
fileMirror Worlds_ or the Day Software Puts the Universe in a Shoebox...How It Will Happen and What It Will Mean - David Gelernter (1993).pdf2022-02-21 09:0713295 KB
fileSumma Technologiae - University of Minnesota Press. Stanislaw Lem (2013).epub2022-02-21 09:07569 KB
filewhy-contain-it-30023620.png2022-02-21 09:07243 KB