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folderGTK2022-02-22 06:14
folderMOTIF2022-02-22 06:14
folderNCURSES2022-02-22 06:14
folderPERL-TK2022-02-22 06:14
folderQT2022-02-22 06:14
folderX WINDOW2022-02-22 06:14
fileDesigning Interfaces - Jenifer Tidwell 2010.pdf2022-02-22 06:1414467 KB
filefree and open-source software display servers and UI toolkits.png2022-02-22 06:14214 KB
fileGraphical User Interface Programming.pdf2022-02-22 06:14458 KB
filepike84bitblt.pdf2022-02-22 06:144927 KB
fileThe Linux Graphics Stack.png2022-02-22 06:14141 KB
fileWindow Management Algorithms For An All Points Addressable Display - John Will Webster 1983.pdf2022-02-22 06:147737 KB