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fileData Mining Using Grammar Based Genetic Programming and Applications - Wong, Cheung.pdf2022-02-21 03:271958 KB
fileEvolutionary Computation for Modeling and Optimization - Daniel Ashlock.pdf2022-02-21 03:278658 KB
fileEvolutionary computation, vol.1 basic algorithms and operators - Baeck T., Fogel D.B., Michalewicz Z.djvu2022-02-21 03:274418 KB
fileEvolutionary computation, vol.2 advanced algorithms and operators - Baeck T., Fogel D.B., Michalewicz Z.djvu2022-02-21 03:273359 KB
fileFRONTIERS OF EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION - Anil Menon.pdf2022-02-21 03:275834 KB
fileGenetic Programming An Introduction On the Automatic Evolution of Computer Programs and its Applications - Morgan Kaufmann.pdf2022-02-21 03:277596 KB
fileGenetic programming Complex adaptive systems - Koza J.R..pdf2022-02-21 03:275599 KB
fileGenetic Programming Theory and Practice II - John Koza.pdf2022-02-21 03:2713094 KB
fileThe Handbook of Evolutionary Computation - Kenneth De Jong.pdf2022-02-21 03:2711133 KB