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folderwtyler-cv-files2022-02-21 01:58
file2011-06-07.log2022-02-21 01:5818 KB
file2011-06-08.log2022-02-21 01:5820 KB
file500-element ultrasound phased array system for noninvasive focal surgery of the brain - A preliminary rabbit study with ex vivo human skulls.3822022-02-21 01:58765 KB
fileA 256-element ultrasonic phased array system for the treatment of large volumes of deep seated tissue - Daum - Hynynen - IEEE 1999.pdf2022-02-21 01:581368 KB
fileA beam-forming transmit ASIC for driving ultrasonic arrays - 2001.pdf2022-02-21 01:5829 KB
fileA hemisphere array for non-invasive ultrasound brain therapy and surgery.pdf2022-02-21 01:58428 KB
fileA portable high-intensity focused ultrasound device for noninvasive venous ablation - 2009.pdf2022-02-21 01:586252 KB
fileA PVDF receiver for ultrasound monitoring of transcranial focused ultrasound therapy - Hynynen - IEEE - 2010.pdf2022-02-21 01:58634 KB
fileA study of various parameters of spherically curved phased arrays for noninvasive ultrasound surgery - Hynynen - 1995.pdf2022-02-21 01:58493 KB
fileCommunications - High-intensity focused ultrasound for noninvasive functional neurosurgery - tcMRgHIFU - neuropathic pain.pdf2022-02-21 01:58548 KB
fileDesign and characterization of a high-power ultrasound driver with ultralow-output impedance - 2009.pdf2022-02-21 01:58959 KB
fileDesign and evaluation of a feedback based phased array system for ultrasound surgery.pdf2022-02-21 01:58383 KB
fileDevelopment of a portable therapeutic and high intensity ultrasound system for military, medical, and research use - 2008.pdf2022-02-21 01:581092 KB
fileDiode laser generated ultrasound for human blood cell lysis.pdf2022-02-21 01:58445 KB
fileDriving circuitry for focused ultrasound noninvasive surgery and drug delivery applications - Hynynen - 2011.pdf2022-02-21 01:58421 KB
fileEfficient numerical acoustic simulation on graphics processors using adaptive rectangular decomposition - 01:586546 KB
fileFocusing of therapeutic ultrasound through a human skull - A numerical study - Hynynen - 1998.pdf2022-02-21 01:58356 KB
fileget.txt2022-02-21 01:581 KB
fileHigh-intensity focused ultrasound with large scale spherical phased array for the ablation of deep tumors - 2009.pdf2022-02-21 01:58714 KB
fileHow_to_build_a_hydrophone.html2022-02-21 01:586 KB
fileImage-guided 256-element phased array focused ultrasound surgery - 2008.pdf2022-02-21 01:58760 KB
fileInvestigation of a large-area phased array for focused ultrasound surgery through the skull.pdf2022-02-21 01:581860 KB
filemanual-watermark-removal-example.zip2022-02-21 01:58635 KB
fileMapping local cavitation events in high intensity ultrasound fields.pdf2022-02-21 01:581340 KB
filemeh - sheep - In vivo transcranial brain surgery with an ultrasonic time reversal mirror - 2007.pdf2022-02-21 01:58965 KB
fileMulti-element ultrasound phased array applicator for the ablation of deep-seated tissue - 2011.pdf2022-02-21 01:58531 KB
fileNon-Invasive Brain-to-Brain Interface_ Establishing Functional Links between Two Brains_ Seung-Schik Yoo_ Hyungmin Kim_ Emmanuel Filandrianos_ S2022-02-21 01:58694 KB
fileNoninvasive functional neurosurgery using ultrasound - William J. Tyler - 2010.pdf2022-02-21 01:58370 KB
fileNoninvasive neuromodulation with ultrasound_ - a continuum mechanics hypothesis - 2010.pdf2022-02-21 01:58837 KB
filenotes.txt2022-02-21 01:5826 KB
fileOptimum protocols in the design of 2-D spherical-sectioned phased-array for 3-D focused ultrasound surgery - 2008.pdf2022-02-21 01:58518 KB
filePlasma formation and temperature measurement during single-bubble cavitation.pdf2022-02-21 01:58359 KB
filePrediction of the skull overheating during high intensity focused ultrasound transcranial brain therapy - IEEE - 2004.pdf2022-02-21 01:58977 KB
filePrediction of the skull overheating during high intensity focused ultrasound transcranial brain therapy_ M Pernot_ J F Aubry_ M Tanter_ F Andre_2022-02-21 01:58977 KB
fileRemote Excitation of Neuronal Circuits Using Low Intensity Low Frequency Ultrasound_ William J Tyler_ 2010.pdf2022-02-21 01:58591 KB
fileRemote excitation of neuronal circuits using low-intensity, low-frequency ultrasound.pdf2022-02-21 01:58591 KB
fileSafety issues for HIFU transducer design - 2003.pdf2022-02-21 01:58393 KB
fileSFNposterAbstracts2010.pdf2022-02-21 01:5856 KB
fileTowards multifocal ultrasonic neural stimulation - pattern generation algorithms - Hertzberg - J. Neural Eng. - 2010.pdf2022-02-21 01:58700 KB
fileTranscranial pulsed ultrasound stimulates intact brain circuits - 2010.pdf2022-02-21 01:582510 KB
fileTranscranial Pulsed Ultrasound Stimulates Intact Brain Circuits_ Willian J Tyler_ 2010_ jneurotechnique_ Tufailetal061010.pdf2022-02-21 01:582510 KB
filetyler-profile.html2022-02-21 01:5848 KB
filetylerlab-opening.txt2022-02-21 01:582 KB
fileUltrasonic neuromodulation by brain stimulation with transcranial ultrasound_ Yusuf Tufail_ Anna Yoshihiro_ Sandipan Pati_ Monica Li_ William J2022-02-21 01:582005 KB
fileUltrasound Induced Cell Membrane Porosity_ Jianmin Cui_ 2004_ jultrasmedbio.pdf2022-02-21 01:58276 KB
fileurl.txt2022-02-21 01:582 KB