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fileAddison.Wesley-Building.Solutions.with.the.Microsoft.NET.Compact.Framework-2003.chm2022-02-20 21:551961 KB
fileAPress A Programmer's Introduction to C#.pdf2022-02-20 21:541091 KB
fileApress Accelerated C Sharp 2010.pdf2022-02-20 21:557199 KB 21:5413115 KB
fileApress.Beginning.ASP.NET.4.In.C.Sharp.pdf2022-02-20 21:5516795 KB 21:5414806 KB
fileApress.Data.Entry.and.Validation.with.CSharp.and.VB.Dot.NET.Windows.Forms.eBook-LiB.chm2022-02-20 21:5512665 KB
fileBeginning 4 in C# and vb.pdf2022-02-20 21:5514412 KB
fileC# 2005 for Dummies.pdf2022-02-20 21:548869 KB
fileC# 3.0 Design Patterns.pdf2022-02-20 21:552886 KB
fileC-Sharp Developer's Guide to ASP.NET XML & ADO.NET (Addison Wesley-2002).chm2022-02-20 21:552256 KB
fileC-Sharp Network Programming (Sybex-2003).chm2022-02-20 21:546441 KB
fileCaliberRMSDK60.zip2022-02-20 21:5532718 KB
fileCharles Petzold - Programming Microsoft Windows with C#.pdf2022-02-20 21:549343 KB
fileChat.zip2022-02-20 21:5422 KB
fileCLR via CSharp 3rd Edition - Jeffrey Richter.pdf2022-02-20 21:5427493 KB
fileCoolLayout.NET.zip2022-02-20 21:54117 KB
fileCopyRightJOD.Zip2022-02-20 21:5530 KB
fileCSharpCheatSheetProject.png2022-02-20 21:55421 KB
fileCylinderTrackBar.zip2022-02-20 21:5431 KB
fileExpert C# 2008 Business Objects (2009).pdf2022-02-20 21:5424594 KB
fileHead First CSharp 2nd Edition May 2010.pdf2022-02-20 21:5531327 KB
fileInside_C#.zip2022-02-20 21:546991 KB
fileMS Press - Inside C Sharp [2nd Edition, 2002].chm2022-02-20 21:548998 KB
fileMusicMakerRTM.zip2022-02-20 21:55114 KB
fileO'Reilly - NET framework essentials.pdf2022-02-20 21:551695 KB
fileO'Reilly - Programming C# 2nd Edition.pdf2022-02-20 21:557457 KB
fileO'Reilly C Sharp 3.0 in a Nutshell (3rd Edition).chm2022-02-20 21:557571 KB
fileO'Reilly C Sharp 3.0 Pocket Reference.chm2022-02-20 21:54940 KB
fileO'Reilly C Sharp and VB.NET Conversion Pocket Reference.chm2022-02-20 21:54158 KB
fileO'Reilly C Sharp Cookbook (2nd Edition).chm2022-02-20 21:551964 KB
fileO'Reilly C Sharp Essentials (2nd Edition).chm2022-02-20 21:54348 KB
fileO'Reilly C Sharp Language Pocket Reference.chm2022-02-20 21:55151 KB
fileO'Reilly C# 3.0 Cookbook (3rd Edition).pdf2022-02-20 21:543091 KB
fileO'Reilly C# 3.0 Design Patterns.pdf2022-02-20 21:551876 KB
fileO'Reilly Head First C#.pdf2022-02-20 21:55149094 KB
fileO'Reilly Learning C Sharp 2005.chm2022-02-20 21:542741 KB
fileO'Reilly Learning C Sharp.chm2022-02-20 21:55950 KB
fileO'Reilly Objective-C Pocket Reference.chm2022-02-20 21:54190 KB
fileO'Reilly Programming C# 3.0 (5th Edition).pdf2022-02-20 21:543646 KB
fileO'Reilly Visual C Sharp 2005 A Developer's Notebook.chm2022-02-20 21:544908 KB
fileOReilly - Programming Web Services with Soap.pdf2022-02-20 21:541160 KB
filePearson-C.Sharp.4.0.Unleashed.2011.RETAiL.EBook.pdf2022-02-20 21:5550011 KB
filePetzold Programming Windows With C# Examples Cd.zip2022-02-20 21:5512198 KB
filePragmatic Unit Testing In CSharp with NUnit 2nd Edition.pdf2022-02-20 21:541577 KB
filePro ASP.Net in C# 2010.pdf2022-02-20 21:5538286 KB
filePro ASP.NET MVC 2 Framework.pdf2022-02-20 21:5510276 KB
filePro C# 2010 and the .NET 4 Platform.pdf2022-02-20 21:5423807 KB
fileProgramming_C#.pdf2022-02-20 21:552762 KB
fileShapedFormB2.zip2022-02-20 21:542 KB
fileSharpChess_Source_v0790.zip2022-02-20 21:54843 KB
fileSyngress C# for Java Programmers.pdf2022-02-20 21:547483 KB
fileTEKST.zip2022-02-20 21:548 KB
fileTVS_2_SETUP.ZIP2022-02-20 21:5523791 KB
fileVisual C# 2010 Recipes No Cover.pdf2022-02-20 21:545303 KB
fileVisual Studio .NET C# Study Guide.pdf2022-02-20 21:559706 KB
fileWeb udvikling med Visual Studio.zip2022-02-20 21:552277 KB
fileWrox.C.Sharp.2008.Programmers.Reference.Nov.2008.pdf2022-02-20 21:5520691 KB