From Rexploit

Auditor Security Collection - FAQ

Wireless cards:

Q: What wireless card(s) should i buy, which works best with ASC?

Q: What USB wireless dongles should i buy, which works best with ASC?

  • We cannot say which one is really working in every environment, some where reported to work stable on a specific laptop, and another user told us that it is not working.

Q: Is my XYZ broadcom chip based card supported in ASC?

  • No, broadcom does not provide the nesscessairy chip information to the public, so no real driver can be developed. As long there is not driver, we will not include it.

Q: My card works with NDIS wrapper, why is it not working with ASC?

  • Even when your card would work you cannot use it for scanning / audit, because they do not support rfmon / monitoring mode. So buy another one, sorry.

BLuetooth Dongles:

Q: What USB bluetooth dongle should i buy, which works best with ASC?

  • Well there are many dongles working fine, generally i can suggest to buy a class 1 dongle, which means a range of 100m. Here are some working examples:
    • Linksys USSBBT100 (100m/Class 1)
    • Acer BT-700 (100m/Class 1)
    • Acer BU2-12J201151 (10m/Class 2)
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