Thank You

By David J. Stewart

Ephesians 3:20, "Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us."

The rainbow is a constant reminder that God keeps His promises, including the PROMISE of eternal life to those who believe on Jesus as the Christ (Titus 1:2).       I thank God for the opportunity to help others. What a privilege! It is God's Holy Spirit working in me, and in you if you're a born-again believer who loves the Lord, that prompts us to go soul-winning and love the truth. Without Jesus Christ we can do nothing (John 15:5).

I also want to thank all of my faithful web visitors who have been so supportive and encouraging over the years. There are so many names that I could mention, and please forgive me that I cannot remember all of you. At any given time, different names come to mind. While returning from California recently from neck surgery, I literally asked the guy on the airplane next to me what year it was. He thought I was joking. I held back the tears as I couldn't remember what year it was. He said it was 2009. I showed him my customs form (which is required to land in Hawaii and any U.S. Territory) and I had wrote 2008 multiple times on my form. I didn't know what year it was. The prescription medication I need for pain causes me to forget things. Nevertheless, God is with me and sustains me in my darkest hour.

Thank you Hanner Jacobs for calling me at the hospital after my surgery. It was a pleasant surprise. I can't tell you how much your call meant to me. You have suffered more than most people could ever imagine and to receive a phone call from you was sincerely an honor. Thank you with all my heart. Thank you Cindy for your heartfelt encouragement, for you too have suffered much over the past couple years. Thank you Anthony in the Netherlands, who offered to fly to California to help me during my surgery. Thank you James in Ireland for your wisdom and help. Thank you Joe, for your website is always an encouragement. I pray that more Christians would get angry over sin and start their own websites.

Thank you Shibu, Eric, Philip and Elvis for your encouraging e-mails. Thank you to Carol in England, and Lilia in Canada, and Matthew in South Africa. Thank you Dan, Susan, George, Bernie, Devon and Mark. Thank you Kathy, David, Quincy, Cheryl and Tom. Thank you Pastor Younce, for making your Scripturally sound books freely available online and for encouraging me as a younger preacher. Thank you so much all of you! You're all my family.

You have all encouraged me so much and you know who you are. You are all a part of this ministry. This ministry is much bigger than I am. I am just a messenger, a voice, preaching the great truths of God's Word. God is great and His Word is great. I am just a humble sinner being used of God to preach the Gospel and help others in the Lord.

There are many others, and I haven't forgotten you. PLEASE do not feel bad if you're not listed here. I am thinking of others of you as well, and you know who you are, and you are dear to me. I may not remember all of your names, but I remember the encouragement you have given me, and God certainly knows who you are.

Although I have many enemies, I still pray for them as people and have no evil thought toward them. I don't love people for who they are; but rather, because of who I am. That is God's love which the Holy Spirit sheds abroad in the heart of every true believer who loves Jesus Christ (Romans 5:5). Everyone has burdens to carry. I think the greatest compliment I've ever received was from a gentlemen (whose name I cannot recall) who said, “Thank you for allowing the Lord to do all this through you.” I like that, because it shows that it is God's Spirit at work through this ministry, and not my own human effort. By God's grace I pray, hope and plan to continue. One day at a time.

I am just a clump of clay and God is the Potter. He still has a lot of work to do on me. I pray for His will to be done. That is all that concerns me. I want the praise of God, not men (John 12:43). I don't care if I'm unpopular here on earth, just so long as God is pleased with my life for Him.

Thank you again to all those who are praying for my health problems. I am still suffering in much pain, just as before my neck surgery. There has been NO relief whatsoever in the intensity and continuity of my pain. It is agonizing and debilitating. I realize that many people are suffering in much physical and emotional pain. So I don't ask for anyone's sympathies, just your prayers, please. If you'd like to send a brief message, here's my temporary e-mail. It's difficult for me to have a permanent e-mail, because before long I'm receiving hundreds of e-mails and simply cannot respond to all of them. People sometimes thank my ministry “team,” but there's no team. It's just little ole' me. 

I love you all in the Lord whoever you may be, truly. I just wanted to say, “Thank you” to all those who have encouraged me over the years and have kept little ole' me in your prayers. I am humbled.

“And we know that we are of God, and the whole world lieth in wickedness” (1st John 5:19).

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!