Life is So Short, Are You Ready for Eternity?

By David J. Stewart | November 2017

John 3:16, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son,
that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

       I learned November 20th, 2017 that my 46 year old sister was found dead on a park bench in Chicago. She suffered a fatal heart-attack. I hadn't found out about it until just now.

“Every truth that you learn—if it is in fact a truth—has with it, not only the opening of your eyes to a beauty, but opening your eyes to a duty! God says, 'You learn this, in order that you may do, this.'” —Pastor Jack Hyles (a quote from the timeless MP3 sermon, Real Truth Verses Synthetic Truth)

Here's why churches are dying all over the world...

“Churches die because they take the truth, but do not take the corresponding responsibility, that is always accompanying truth! They, for their eyes [are] open to beauty, and their eyes are not open to duty. So when a truth, does not have obedience to its accompanying obligation and responsibility, when that obligation is not carried out, you have a dead fundamental church! I call 'em 'the evangelical church.' I don't like the word 'evangelical,' I like the word FUN-DA-MENTAL CHURCH! Old-fashioned, hellfire, brimstone, hell-raising, barn-stormin', window-rattlin', shingle-pullin', hollerin', screamin', bellerin', preaching with conviction and courage and character, that teaches people to change what they do, once they change what they know!!!” —Pastor Jack Hyles (a quote from the timeless MP3 sermon, Real Truth Verses Synthetic Truth).


“So what's happened? We're sitting around learning synthetic truth instead of real truth.” —Pastor Jack Hyles (a quote from the timeless MP3 sermon, Real Truth Verses Synthetic Truth).


“Do you know what depth is? Depth is the display of knowledge. Shallowness is the transfer of knowledge. ... What has happened to those churches? I'll tell you what's happened, we have put down the seeing of the duty, and just want to examine the beauty. So we examine the Word. You're not supposed to examine the Word, unless you obey the corresponding responsibility that your examination has accompanying it.” —Pastor Jack Hyles (a quote from the timeless MP3 sermon, Real Truth Verses Synthetic Truth).


Souls Are Dying!

Precious Christian Testimonies

How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
(an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Hank Lindstrom, 1940-2008)

“The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”)

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!