The Killer Vaccines
An Honest Physician Warns of Serious Dangers

An important message to NewsMax readers:

Dr. Blaylock
Dr. Russell Blaylock

Vaccines routinely given to millions of children and adults can be very dangerous to your health, a respected neurosurgeon warns.

"The medical industry is making a fortune promoting and requiring unnecessary vaccinations," Dr. Russell Blaylock warns in The Blaylock Wellness Report – published by

Dr. Blaylock says that during the past few decades we have seen a “vaccination explosion.”

For example, the number of vaccines given to children has increased from a few vaccines, for polio and other common childhood diseases during the 1950s, to some 22 mandatory inoculations for many schoolchildren today.

Vaccines are even being promoted for newborns, often for diseases that pose no risk to children. The greatest danger is the vaccines themselves.

And many in the medical community would like to see annual flu vaccinations as mandatory.

Powerful lobbies are pushing for many more new vaccinations to be added to the list!

The popular theory is that vaccines vastly decrease the risk of disease, so the more the better.

But don’t believe it, Dr. Blaylock warns.

He argues that vaccinations themselves are now causing a major upsurge in childhood diseases, adult maladies – and even deadly ailments such as Gulf War Syndrome and Lou Gehrig’s disease.

Dr. Russell L. Blaylock is an admitted medical maverick. He doesn’t parrot what the New England Journal of Medicine – which receives heavy subsidies in advertisements – claims.

Dr. Blaylock is a nationally recognized, board-certified neurosurgeon, health practitioner, author and lecturer. He has more than a quarter century of medical experience.

And he is now editing The Blaylock Wellness Report because he believes too many Americans are not getting the best advice for preventing and dealing with cancer, heart disease, diabetes, brain diseases such as Parkinson's and Alzheimer’s, and dozens of health problems besetting the American people. You can get the report by going here.

In his latest report Dr. Blaylock challenges the conventional wisdom that vaccines are the “golden path to health” and offers these startling conclusions:

There are serious dangers in our present vaccine policy, a policy that may cause tremendous harm to the human brain.

Deadly and debilitating diseases such as Gulf War Syndrome, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease may be caused or greatly aggravated by overvaccination.

The mysterious Gulf War Syndrome – which may have killed hundreds and seriously incapacitated tens of thousands of GIs – may have been caused by overvaccination.

In his wellness report Dr. Blaylock says, “Our soldiers were given approximately 17 vaccinations during a short period of time, despite manufacturers’ warnings that many of the vaccines were to be spaced over a one-year period.”

The interaction of so many vaccinations administered so closely together is extremely harmful and dangerous, according to Dr. Blaylock.

It’s an important warning for you, because many doctors like to give multiple vaccines at the same time.

The largely uninvestigated effect on humans of administering several vaccinations together or within a short period of time can be serious.

Dr. Blaylock adds that there may be many long-term harmful effects of vaccinations, especially on the brain. Find out the full benefits by going here.

These effects include:

Despite growing scientific evidence of the terrible health effects of overvaccination, pharmaceutical companies and other “big medicine” lobbyists continue to push for many more mandatory vaccinations of children and adults.

Lifesaving Advice

In The Blaylock Wellness Report, you will discover critically important information that you’ll find nowhere else, information that could improve – and maybe even save – your life.

In the current edition you’ll discover:

And there’s much, much more in The Blaylock Wellness Report. Just go here now!

Each month you’ll hear about the latest medical breakthroughs and the simple ways you can improve and protect your health.

Here are some tips from Dr. Blaylock in the current edition:

The information presented by Dr. Blaylock is both timely and extremely important.

Dr. Blaylock’s credentials include 26 years of experience in neurosurgery, editorship of the respected Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons and Journal of the American Nutriceutical Association, and many years as Clinical Assistant Professor of Neurosurgery at the Medical University of Mississippi.


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Vaccinations - The Hidden Facts

Doctors Are Third Leading Cause of Death

Vaccines - Five Baffling Vaccination FACTS

When Legal Drugs Kill

Vaccines Are Being Made From Aborted Fetuses

Biblical Support for NOT Vaccinating

Crib Death or Vaccine Death?

Vaccinations Can Kill Your Baby


Drugs and Big Money (The Creation of the Modern Medical Drug Establishment)

Ask Your Pediatrician

$20,000 Offer

Adverse Reactions

Vaccines and SIDS

Medical Fascism -FORCED Drugging and Vaccination of Children

Vaccines, by Dr. Len Horowitz | Download (Note: I do NOT endorse Dr. Horowitz' New Age religious beliefs, but I do respect his medical knowledge. This is a frightening 121 Minute MP3 audio presentation, 37.3 MB.  Did you know that public schools receive government money for vaccinating your child?  ...Potentially deadly vaccines that parents are NEVER made aware of or given the option to refuse.  You can LEGALLY refuse vaccinations and Dr. Horowitz tells you how in this presentation.  Dr. Horowitz' own child was forcibly taken by the state government, you'll be shocked why.  He advises people how not to make the same mistake.  If you're a parent, you need to hear Dr. Len Horowitz!)

Emerging Viruses, by Dr. Len Horowitz | Download (Note: I do NOT endorse Dr. Horowitz' New Age religious beliefs, but I do respect his medical knowledge. This is a frightening 204 minute MP3 audio presentation, 114 MB.  Dr. Horowitz exposes the evil conspiracy behind AIDS, Ebola, and other emerging manmade viruses.  Learn how your own government has conspired against you.  AIDS didn't just happen!)

Doctors Against Vaccines...

Dr. Russell Blaylock (Neurosurgeon), Dr. John Martin, Dr. Earl Mindell, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Dr. Sheri Tenpenny, Dr. Viera Scheiber, Dr. David Weldon, Dr. Leonard Horowitz, Dr. Mohammad Ali-albayati, Dr. Rebecca Carley, Dr. Brad Burke D.C., Dr. James A. Shannon, Dr. Robert Jendelsohn, Dr. Archie Kalokerinos, Dr. Mary N. Megson, Dr. F Yazbak, Dr. William C. Torch, Dr. Richard Moskowitz, Dr. Guylaine Lanctot, Dr. Barthelow Classen, Dr. Hadwen, Dr. Allinson, Dr. Glen Dettman, Dr. J. Anthony Morris, Dr. Paul Frame, Dr. Lendon H. Smith, Dr. Buchwald, Dr. Jerome Murphy, Dr. Kris Gaublomme, Dr. Jay Gordon...and so many more!

Vaccinations — A Multibillion Dollar Industry (Follow The Money!)

NOTE: All information posted on this web site is the opinion of the author and is provided for educational purposes only. It is not to be construed as medical advice. Only a licensed medical doctor can legally offer medical advice in the United States. Consult the healer of your choice for medical care and advice.