The American People Mourn!

By David J. Stewart

Proverb 29:2, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice: but when the wicked beareth rule, the people mourn.”

       The remaining American people who still care are mourning today because of the wicked leaders who have blatantly betrayed our nation. The wickedness being committed in Washington D.C. by our nation's top leaders and the criminal looting of taxpayers by the New York Wall Street Banksters is tragic!

The White House has taken treason to a whole new level. We have lost our nation to a gang of thieving, murderous, deceiving, lying, Communist, Luciferian, criminal thugs. Jesus spoke of wicked people who see, yet are blind; who hear, yet are deaf (Mark 8:18). The average America has their head buried in the sand.

2nd Peter 2:14, “Having eyes full of adultery, and that cannot cease from sin; beguiling unstable souls: an heart they have exercised with covetous practices; cursed children.” Is there a better Scripture to more accurately describe the American public today? I think not. We are a cursed people in America. We have mocked God for too long; disobeying the Bible; living in wickedness; teaching our children the lies of Evolution; kicking God's Word and prayer out of our public schools since the 1960's; murdering over 50,000,000 human beings by abortion; brutally killing Terri Schiavo in March of 2005; portraying Jesus Christ as a homosexual voyeur on Late Night TV; Americans flocking by droves to SIN CITY Las Vegas to disobey the God of the Bible Who created us; we are a wicked people, who have been given wicked leaders by God to afflict us.

Judgment Day is upon us as a nation! This is why tens-of-millions of jobs have been relocated to foreign soil. This is why 40,000,000 Americans are now receiving government welfare food stamps. This is why several million Americans have permanently lost their homes to foreclosure and bankruptcy. This is why the God-ordained authority of husbands and fathers have been attacked in the marriage and home. Consequently, America's families are in disarray. Divorce is 75.54% just in the State of California. Divorce is a sin that perpetuates for a lifetime. The results are devastating. Americans have forsaken the God of the Bible. We have not remembered the Lord. Deuteronomy 6:12, “Then beware lest thou forget the LORD...”

This is why a Police State is upon us—internet and cellphone spying; blood being illegally collected for DNA databases; naked body scanners going into all U.S. airports; paramilitary local police kicking in citizen's doors, shooting pets, planting false evidence, physically abusing and killing citizens, tasering children and elderly people; what a mess!

The American people have much to mourn over today, and they'll have much more to mourn about as time passes. The United States is on the verge of economic collapse, massive food shortages, Nazi-fascist style police abuse, national bankruptcy, the United Nations usurping control over American government, increasing number of arrests for preaching the truth, lack of adequate medical attention and widespread homelessness. It's not that difficult to figure out. With tens-of-millions of jobs gone, there's no way for Americans to make financial ends meet. This is all by design, intended by the New World Order gang (i.e. the Luciferian ruling elite) to diminish the once wealthy U.S. economy to that of a third-world nation.

The good times are coming to an end in America! Just as Mexico is a narco-criminal nation controlled by gangsters and thugs, so will America soon follow. The open borders have been deliberate, with the ultimate goal being a merger of Mexico, the U.S. and Canada into a North American Union. Mexico actually has more billionaires than the U.S., and their nation has more natural resources than the U.S.; but criminals have overtaken Mexico, the drug cartels are in control, crime is running rampant, the people are mistreated as peasants and scum, homeless poor children flood the streets of Mexico City, and there is corrupt police and government and little if any justice.

Mexico is a hellhole, which is why they're all flooding into the U.S.! But over time, we will soon see the degradation of the U.S. into the same mess as Mexico. Already, Detroit, Michigan has 19,000 homeless people; 40,000 residents without any water because they can't afford to pay their bills; and one-third of the Detroit population lives below the poverty-line. This is the consequence of globalist agendas, which CFR Chairman David Rockefeller has openly said he makes no apologies for. The demonic global elite don't care who starves to death or suffers, just so long as they make more money, gain more control and move forward toward a New World Order. Satan is their god. IN YOUR FACE AMERICA!

Killing the Elderly in America

19,000 Homeless People in Detroit
(utility company murders elderly man over $1100)

America's sins have finally caught up with us as a nation. Many people saw this trend coming decades ago. Sin always undermines any nation. A nation which honors and promotes homosexuals and lesbians to high positions of government, law enforcement and even as pastors of churches is cursed by God. I say this kindly, but truthfully. God makes no apologies for His Word. The Bible is brutally honest and in your face. God said what He meant, and meant what He said (John 14:2).

Some believers foolishly think that sinful compromise is necessary to win worldly sinners to Jesus Christ; but that is not the Biblical way. God instructs us to simply hold forth the Word of truth and let the Holy Spirit do His work in the hearts of others. Philippians 2:16, “Holding forth the word of life; that I may rejoice in the day of Christ, that I have not run in vain, neither laboured in vain.” Our duty as Christians is to simply proclaim the good news (i.e., the gospel) of Jesus Christ crucified and risen from the dead. Jesus came to SAVE SINNERS!

The wicked have been ruling America for decades now. President John F. Kennedy tried to warn the American people of the evil criminals who've hijacked The White House. They assassinated him 10-days later. President Kennedy wanted to strip the criminal Federal Reserve Banksters of their power, returning America to a genuine form of currency instead of a bogus fiat form of worthless paper money. If it's printed on paper, it's worth the paper it's printed on. President Kennedy knew that and the Banksters killed him for standing in their criminal way. Hell will be hot for the Banksters!

There's no turning back for the United States! Our nation was founded from it's inception by Freemasons as a vehicle by which to bring to fruition a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist One World Police State Government, aka, the New World Order. This will ultimately be the Beast System of the coming man of sin, the Antichrist. Although we cannot stop the New World Order from happening, we can and should certainly fight against Communism as Christians who love the Lord Jesus Christ (Psalm 94:16; 97:10; Ephesians 5:11; 6:13).

I mourn as an America who loves my country. What hast thou done America? I mourn as a Christian to see such wickedness and crimes being committed right in front of our eyes by our own government leaders. They've bilked and looted the economy for their own personal greed and gain. TRILLIONS-of-dollars have been stolen by the Federal Reserve Washington D.C. officials and bankers. The Federal Reserve Bank is privately owned and there's no gold reserve. They are so arrogant. They refuse to be audited. Since the creation of the criminal Federal Reserve Act in 1913, the Central Bank has never been audited even once. Where is all that money going? They won't even tell congress! The Banksters are above the law evidently! God will punish them for eternity (Matthew 12:36-37; 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9; Revelation 20:11-15).

John Lennon of The Beatles sang a very popular song called, IMAGINE. In the song he expresses how wonderful the world would be if there were no countries, no borders, no religion, no beliefs, nothing to go to war or fight over. It all sounds so wonderful; but the problem is that John Lennon didn't address the reality of the situation, which is the fact of the inherent sinfulness of humanity.

John Lennon's dream did come true many millenniums ago, after the flood. Noah and his wife and his three sons and their wives were the only ones to survive the flood. All humanity was killed in the flood. Only eight people survived the flood. There were no borders when they walked off the ark in Genesis 8. There were no religions. There was nothing to go to war or fight over. It wasn't even a few chapters later in the Book of Genesis, and humanity had gone once again into utter wickedness at the Tower of Babel in Genesis 11. God had to intervene and segregate mankind across the face of the earth, changing his languages and geographical locations.

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!