The Alex Jones Show

American hero Alex Jones!

I am a long-time fan and listener of Alex Jones. I love the guy! As a Christian who cares, I love and admire anyone with guts, courage, fortitude and patriotism and is on the side of right. I love God! I love my country! Alex is one of my heroes. I hope all my web visitors will earnestly listen to Alex and watch some of his eye-opening films like END GAME, THE OBAMA DECEPTION and POLICE STATE 4: THE RISE OF FEMA. There are dozens more documentaries and videos and you'll be educated about the New World Order and what's really going on in the world today. Thank God for Alex Jones!

Alex admits that his show is secular. Anybody who is successful and takes a stand for what is right is going to have critics and enemies. I am convinced that Alex is sincere, although not perfect and he admits it. No one is perfect. We are all as wicked as the day is long.

I don't believe Alex is an Illuminati plant as are Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Rick Warren, Pat Robertson and Max Lucado (by “Illuminati plant” I mean that these men are secretly on the side of the New World Order. Illuminati plants are told what agendas to support, leading their followers to accept the NWO). One of the tactics of the criminal globalists is controlled opposition.

Alex professes faith in Jesus Christ. I have never heard anything to lead me to believe that Alex isn't saved. I believe he is a worldly believer, and I pray for Alex.

To all the people who have never built a hotdog stand and would criticize Alex, may I say... I'd rather do right wrongly, than to do wrong rightly. Alex is doing right, although he may go about it the wrong way with worldly music. I am totally against the occult Rock music aired daily on The Alex Jones Show—Led Zeppelin, ACDC, Judas Priest, Blue Oyster Cult, Van Halen, et cetera. This is the Devil's music.

I heard Alex get angry one day and say, “all these ads pollute the show.” I'm sure Ted Anderson chewed him out later for saying that, because their sponsors keep the show on the air. That shows that Alex is sincere. I've heard Alex share with listeners how much it costs per year for the radio show... millions! I never realized how much work goes on behind the scenes. With 30 employees, Alex has his hands full administrating and preparing for each day's show.

Alex is a blessing from God to America. If you have any sense at all, you have to appreciate the truth that Alex shares with his guests.

Rather than giving up RIGHTS, we should be giving up wrongs in America!

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