Why Citizens Tolerate Government Tyranny?
Americans have been lulled into a semi-unconscious state of psychosis!

By David J. Stewart | December 2011

        The U.S. is quickly becoming a Nazi-style, fascist, Police State. How did this happen in a once largely Christian culture? What happened? Why do U.S. citizens tolerate the massive stealing by Wall Street insiders infesting Washington D.C.? Why do citizens tolerate being groped by TSA workers at the airports? Why do citizens tolerate all the tyranny of Homeland Security? It's all a bunch of lies and deceptions!

The answer is simple. If people don't care about the vile sins plaguing our country, then neither will they care about anything. By forsaking the Law of God, we have invited the Devil to run things instead.

If people don't care about the sin of abortion, and they don't care about the sin of homosexuality, and they don't care about the evil public schools, and they don't care about the sin of fornication, and they don't care about the evils of drunkenness, and they don't care about all the sinful lewdness and sexual filth on television; then pray tell me, what makes you think that they'll care ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE??? It's not that hard to figure out!

People don't care anymore! People who don't care about God won't care about their neighbor. Until people start caring about morality, then they won't care about their liberty nor freedom either. Americans have been lulled into a semi-unconscious state of psychosis.

It's bad enough that our nation's borders have been left wide open for illegals to flood into our society, take our jobs, bankrupt our hospitals, receive taxpayer funded food stamps and education; but now American citizens are being treated like criminals. You are now the terrorist! Evil has triumphed! But as long as Americans are preoccupied playing with their electronic gadgets and toys, things will only continue to deteriorate.

The strength of our nation exists as a whole. We are only as strong as a nation as the weakest link in the chain of society. The fact that a small group of globalists control the world is proof that a small group of people can make a phenomenal difference in the world. May I say, one man plus God equals a majority!!!

One man plus God equals a majority!!!

It is a grave mistake to think that one individual cannot make a deep impact on the problems afflicting the world today, so why bother? That is the reason why many Christian believers have quit, sitting idle on the sidelines, doing nothing for God, becoming obese and gossiping about other people. Get up, shut up, and get busy for God! Shut your mouth and stop criticizing others! There's nothing worse than a malicious person who runs their mouth all the time about people they don't like. We all have people that we don't like, but there shouldn't be ANYONE that we don't love. Amen?! Love them by praying for them! Pray for God's will to be done, that Christ may be glorified in that person's life.

If you are serving Jesus Christ, then anything is possible! God is a majority my friend!!!

It is sad how arguments between preachers end up published all over the internet for everybody to take sides and get upset. God hates when anyone sows discord amongst brethren (Proverb 6:16-19). If you are serving God, then anything is possible! God is a majority my friend!!! it's time for believers to grow up and stop acting like squabbling children. Our churches are saturated with grown babies, adults behaving like little children, jealous, hateful and bitter (which ought not be)...

Titus 3:1-3, “Put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers, to obey magistrates, to be ready to every good work, To speak evil of no man, to be no brawlers, but gentle, shewing all meekness unto all men. For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.”

The best way to obey this Scripture is to set your affections on things above as Colossians 3:1-2 commands. The remedy to bitterness is to get so busy serving God that you don't have time to worry about someone that hurt you. People will be cruel. If they can drive you to suicide, they'll do it simply because they can. The heart of humanity is evil to the core (Jeremiah 17:9). When people hurt you, go do something good for a homeless person. Leave a large tip and a Gospel of John when you eat lunch at a restaurant. Encourage someone. Go soulwinning. Serve in a ministry in a local New Testament, Bible-believing, Church (I prefer Independent Fundamental Baptist churches, and that's what they're listed as in the phone directory).

Start your own ministry if you can't find a decent church (they're getting hard to find). Ah, but God is not hard to find. The same God who delivered Noah and his loved ones is alive today. The same God who delivered the Israelites across dry ground through the red Sea is alive today. God is not dead my friend! I could say so much about the problems in our churches today, and it all rests upon the shoulders of it's leaders. The great need of the hour is preaching preachers.

Sadly, most preachers are 501c3 state-licensed and are either afraid to speak out against the evils in government, or else they're warmongers falling right into the hands of the criminal globalists (who've been causing and financiering both sides of every major war for the past two centuries). I cringe when I see Christians with bumper stickers which say, “I Support the Build-up.” You would you heathens! You're supporting New World Order globalist agendas and tyranny, which is a sin. If you read something other than the newspaper and listen to alternative news instead of the lies from CNN and FOX News, then you'd know better.

Most Christians are warmongering fools, sad to say. This is because they've been brainwashed by corrupted apostate pastors to support war, tyranny, and killing. They've been taught obedience at all costs, even to criminals which make Al Capone and Bugsy Malone look like Sunday School teachers. Romans Chapter 13 plainly teaches obedience to a government that is not a “terror” to good works. What we have in America today is a terror to good works, a monstrosity destroying freedom, liberty, the U.S. Constitution and the family. It's all crumbling to pieces before our very eyes! Our leaders have allowed U.S. corporations to relocate tens-of-millions of jobs to foreign soil, leaving our nation in the dust. In many places in California, the unemployment rate is well over 20% now as of 2011. That's what Congress and our nation's leaders have allowed, because they are cowards who desire only to LIVE IT UP!

Ultimately, we the people are our own worst enemies. It's our foolish love for sin that has led us astray, causing people not to care any more. Do you really think over 10,000,000 fans of Marilyn Manson care about what goes on in Washington? Do you think ACDC's 42,000,000 American fans care about the hard-core criminal corruption in Wall Street, the Pentagon and Washington (aka, all three working together known as, the Military Industrial Complex)? Rockers don't care! Abortionists don't care1 Homosexuals don't care! In every case, it's Christians who care and fight, trying to bring America back to the God of the Bible!!! Why do you think the New World Order was so terrified of Evangelist Lester Roloff and shut him down?

God is not against war if it's necessary; but God is against killing innocent people in a falsified war based upon bearing false witness against others (namely, Iraq),  in order to steal their government and natural resources. What we did to Iraq is treacherous evil.

The reason why U.S. citizens tolerate all the government's infringements upon our liberty and freedoms is because we have become soft, apathetic and complacent in sin. Those who love sin won't hate evil. That's the whole problem. Let me say it again...

Those who love sin won't hate evil.

People don't hate evil anymore because they love sin. Television has DESENSITIZED the public concerning sin. That's what TV does! Rock music DESENSITIZES the listener concerning sin. Hollywood movies DESENSITIZE people toward wickedness. Evil no longer seems so evil. Abortion is commonplace. Same-sex marriage is now the norm, legalized in July of 2011 in New York (gays nationwide can now legally marry in New York state). Sodom didn't even marry their homosexuals! The issue is not about hating people as the wicked allege; but rather, it is a matter of obeying God's Laws. Hatred of people is a sin. I don't hate anybody. Albeit, I do hate what God hates, evil (Psalm 97:10).

The average person today is completely lacking of morality. Women walk around in warmer climates virtually naked, wearing white see-through underwear in public. They have no shame. They don't care. They have no love nor fear for God (Romans 3:18). Judgment Day is coming (Hebrews 9:27). Public nakedness is a sin. Women who adorn themselves with skimpy bathing suits are committing sin (1st Timothy 2:9) and causing others to sin (Matthew 5:28). The world is a wicked place (1st John 5:19).

The bottom line is that everyone will either love sin or love righteousness, it cannot be both. If you love God and righteousness, then you will loath sin, whether it be personal sin or the sin of others. I'm not what I want to be, but I'm not what I used to be either. This ought to be the testimony of every born-again believer. It is tragic that so many believers continue in sin, quick to admit their sinner status, but having no intentions of departing from their wickedness. That doesn't mean that they didn't get saved, for eternal life is a free gift to anyone who believes on Jesus as the Christ, the Son of God (John 20:31). Albeit, God saved us so we wouldn't live like that anymore. Believers who choose to continue in sin will face the terror of the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:9-11; 1st Thessalonians 4:6; Romans 14:10-12; Romans 12:19; Matthew 12:36; James 4:12; 5:9).

May we as Christians hate sin, depart from it, fear God, and trust upon the Lord with all our heart, not leaning upon our own frail human understanding (Proverb 3:5-7). May we be as the seeds which fell on good ground and grew, bearing much fruit (Luke 8:14-15). May we set our affections on things above, where our risen Christ sits upon His heavenly throne (Colossians 3:1-3). Let us lay up for ourselves treasures in Heaven where nothing bad can happen to them, and we can be at complete peace about our possessions (Matthew 6:20). What a bunch of awesome and precious PROMISES from God!!!

This life will soon be over and all that will matter then is that we died IN THE LORD (Revelation 14:13), having been born-again by the Spirit of God (John 3:5-8; Romans 8:9) by the Seed of God's Word (1st Peter 1:23). Jesus' literal blood paid for our sins (1st Peter 1:18-19; Revelation 1:5) and we are saved by faith in Christ Jesus (Galatians 3:26).

Note: All Scriptures are only from the trustworthy King James Bible.

America's Oppressive Society

       America has already gone to hell morally, educationally, economically, religiously, et cetera. We've lost our sovereignty as a nation. Our economy is gone, because our manufacturing jobs are gone. The Federal Reserve Bank is evil, rotten and monstrous. America is in serious debt trouble. Karl Marx's COMMUNIST MANIFESTO has been fulfilled in the United States. The ultimate goal of Communism is a global government, aka, a New World Order. Nazism and Communism are simply two different legs headed in the same direction. Whether it be religion, the economy or the government, we're all headed for a New World Order.

Everything that we see happening in America today is the same totalitarian type tyranny and abuse that happened in Nazi Germany and Communist Russia. When a government starts spying on it's citizens, tyranny is here. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Use StartPage for your web searches, because they DON'T record your IP address. Google, Yahoo, MSN and other mainstream companies are all working with the government. Read this StartPage article. I've seen numerous videos on YouTube banned, videos of U.S. congressman speaking before the house, banned because of the sensitivity of the information. The truth is frightening. YouTube is owned by Google and they are censoring the truth. I can only wonder how much longer it will be before all websites are censored by new laws being passed in America. CIA and Google are Teaming Up for More Spying. Google, Yahoo and other search engines RECORD every IP address, where you search and the results you view. You are being spied on every time you go onto these websites.

While Millions of U.S. Citizens Lose Homes, Obama Gives Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to UN

Americans Oppressed By Thug Police Nationwide

Not only that, Google and Yahoo openly admit that they spy on your e-mails, searching for key words in your e-mails to match up advertisements with your messages. Most people just click on the lengthy agreement without reading through it. You are being suckered. These companies are spying on you. There's no free meals in life. That free e-mail account is all being recorded into a mainframe computer, forever retained for all you know, and the government is collecting information on every American. There are only 300,000,000 people in America. One mainframe computer can handle the information on all those people. So just imagine what the government can do with a network of THOUSANDS of computers all working together to spy on you!!! Oh, and watch out for the eco spy kids!

And now the government wants to computerize all medical records. Everything about you is going to be stored and retained on a series of government computers. Although some of these new technologies do offer many benefits, they are all a double-edged sword that also introduce many risks to our privacy and freedoms as Americans. You know as well as I do that Homeland Security and the greedy corporations are going to exploit these technologies.

How about a forced rectal exam for simply getting injured at work?

Everywhere you go on the internet is recorded. Every cellphone call you make is going to be recorded. Even if your cellphone is off, you may be monitored through it. Every transaction you make is recorded. Every letter you send to any government agency is scanned and recorded into a database. Your baby's blood type is recorded at birth. All U.S. passports now contain RFID's chips, allowing people to be scanned and tracked. Mass-chipping has begun.

Voicemail messages are influencing court custody decisions. Text voice messages are being recorded. Anybody can tape you with a pocket recorded, which records high-quality MP3's up to 100-hours. How about spying Teddy bears?

In Michigan 5 Employees sued over hidden bathroom cameras set up by the owner of a pharmacy. In Illinois a Gas Station owner got probation for videotaping women in the gas station bathroom. In Michigan over $500 million was awarded to videotaped male athletes from some major universities (because the videos were sold to porn websites). American society is becoming a very oppressive place to be! The days of officer friendly are over, now you see militarized thugs with plated-armor and high-tech weaponry in the squad cars. Police have become an occupation force.

While the newsmedia give all their attention for weeks to petty criminals; the massive blatant crimes being committed by Washington politicians is overlooked. The media are owned and controlled by the corporations, who are in bed with the politicians. The newsmedia is working relentlessly to create as much distrust between American citizens as possible; while creating blind loyalty and unquestioning support for criminal bankers and politicians through lying propaganda. It's all lying propaganda from the rotten newsmedia.

TV is saturated with all sorts of reality shows, and crime shows, that have caused Americans to be leery of their neighbors; while trillions-of-dollars have been stolen by the government, millions of people have been murdered by warmongering politicians, our nation's borders have been left wide open, our jobs have been given away to foreign slave labor, our leaders have recklessly put us into massive national debt, and every evil imaginable committed by our government is overlooked by the stinking media. They're all liars, crooks and thieves.

Full body scanners, which film a 360 biometric scan of a person's nude body, are being installed worldwide. According to the London Guardian, the images are so indecent that full body scanners at British airports threaten to breach child protection laws which ban the creation of indecent images of children. The British government wants to change their laws to allow the child porn images at the airport. This is so evil.

You can be assured that forced abortions are coming to America. While most Americans are worried about their bikini line, golf skills and new MP3 player; Americans simply don't see it as their role to be involved. It is this negligent attitude that has caused Americans to become completely robbed.

Government has grown way too big. Our founding fathers warned us about the dangers of big government. What has America turned into? Your wife, your children and you... all filmed naked by airport security? This is all happening because some passenger allegedly had a firecracker in his underwear? Who's kidding who? It's all a bunch of bologna in my opinion.

Passengers are required to place their hands in the air, as if to say,  “I surrender.” It is mind conditioning, isolating us all incrementally... no milk, no baby food, no belts, no shoes, no toothpaste, no shaving cream, no blankets, no bathroom, no talking, nothing in your lap... It's a culture of fear, fear fear and only big brother can save us! It's all mass humiliation. Everyone needs to boycott flying, unless absolutely necessary. It's just too risky to fly these days, which this mother found out too late.

All of the ridiculous security measures being implemented are intended to intimidate the American public. Forcing someone to remove their shoes requires an act of submission. Confiscating your toothpaste and other personal items is mental-conditioning. It's a shame what is happening. I won't fly unless I absolutely have to. I don't like being in airports anymore because of all the paranoia. It's gotten so crazy nowadays. If even one passenger wanders off by accident, they'll shut down the whole airport. Many Americans think this is all necessary and good to protect passengers; but that's just not the case. The government is training the public. They know if you'll go along with full naked body scans, then you'll go along with anything. I agree with Alex Jones, who has called for a nationwide boycott of the airlines. So be it!

The Crotch Bomber is a Big Scam

The so-called “crotch bomber” is a big scam. The bomber supposedly hid the bomb behind his testicles. It's laughable that anyone would even believe this stuff. The guy didn't even have a passport!!! He was there to create a media incident. It wasn't even 24 hours after the alleged incident, that the government was already calling for more naked scanners in America's airports. Many people have already decided not to fly anymore because of the Nazi-style security in airports. A little bit of authority can turn people into monsters. To no surprise, the travel industry is hurting. People are getting tired of being treated like POW's in airports. They're listening to our phone calls. They're reading our e-mails. Now they want to film us naked. Where will this intrusion of our privacy end?

Also, the safety of these scans is being seriously questioned. CBS news has reported that CT scans cause cancer, makes people's hair fall out, et cetera. Radiation is unsafe even in small doses.

From what I've been reading, the naked images being taken by airport security are biometrically stored and turned into an algorithm, which allows them to scan and identify passengers from a distance. It appears that the government is collecting all the information possible, scientifically, to be used against us down the road. Hitler would have loved such control over the masses.

I'm simply sharing all the things I've been reading in the mainstream news with you. None of this is a “conspiracy theory” as some idiots tout. 33 Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True. This is all mainstream news. Tyranny turns law-abiding citizens into criminals. That's what is going on today. The global ruling elite behind the New World Order desire to break us, domesticate us and condition our minds to adapt into an oppressive Police State. It's working like a charm, because Americans are complacent in their love for sin.

One mother was forced to drink her own breast milk by airport security. Another mother's child died because they were locked up in a Honolulu airport. Tyranny is here. People are being mercilessly tasered, beaten up and abused. Pastor Steve Anderson was beaten up, had his face smashed against the pavement and was tasered simply for asserting his Constitutional rights. This is the United States today. Land of the Free? I think not. The threat is not underwear bombers; it is government, who have killed 200,000,000 people over the past century.

The “underwear bomber” was a false flag terror attack (i.e., a staged attack) it would seem. It has been reported that a nicely dressed man escorted the alleged would-be-bomber onto the airplane without a passport. That is extremely highly suspicious. It also makes no sense why the alleged bomber would make his explosive device visible to passengers. It is obvious that the man wanted passengers to see what he was doing. That is very suspicious as well.

It's open season on the American people. We're being turned into slaves. All the rules and government morality are used to control the masses. Hypocritically, top government leaders who oppress us with these infringements of our freedoms, don't have to go through any of this stuff. Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama don't go through naked body scanners. They just drive onto the airport in private vehicles and fly away in private planes. The Police State is for us, to enslave us. Oppression is here! Tyranny is here! A Police State is here! World government is here!

This is a system to track and control everything you do, to bankrupt us of our freedoms. This is a hellish situation that we face. The time for denial is over. We've been robbed of our freedoms. Bankruptcies filings are rising fast in America! China's hi-tech 'death van' where criminals are executed and then their organs are sold on black market will eventually come to America. No doubt! Think about what our government is doing to us by filming us naked at the airport? This is an all-out assault on our freedoms. Power corrupts!

The purpose of the naked body scanners is to condition society to accept tyranny. They want to depress and demoralize society. It is a strip search! People are totally humiliated when a thug guard views them butt naked, in a 360 degree scan that reveals EVERYTHING. The spirit of Satan is at work here. Decent Christian families are going to be most affected emotionally.

What is a virtuous woman going to do? It is just plain evil to force a woman who wears nothing but full-length dresses, and obeys the Bible's teaching on modesty, to be scanned completely butt naked for a male guard to view. When she requests for a woman to view her instead of a male, she is going to be yelled at and treated like scum. You know these kind of situations will arise. Some people are going to get very emotional, very angry and very nervous going through these invasive and offensive machines. How do you think a woman is going to feel, after being viewed naked by a male guard, and then the guard looks at her again and smiles, or gawks, after she has been scanned and viewed? Do you actually think that such things won't happen? The ramifications of full naked body scanning are disturbing. It's likely a foot-in-the-door for much more invasive tyranny into our personal lives as Americans.

The American People are at a Crossroad

What is being semi-voluntarily imposed upon us now will eventually become mandatory. It's what we do now that will seal our fate. If we as Americans allow the government to film our naked bodies, then we are doomed. If we allow this infringement of our personal privacy, then we will soon wear taser shock bracelets, be required to receive implantable microchips and allow cameras in our home. If you think this is bizarre, consider that 20,000 cameras have already been installed in the homes of British parents to monitor what goes on in their homes. This was in the mainstream news. The world is becoming a giant prison planet!

The next phase will be laser shock bracelets, implantable microchips, RFID's and forced abortion. Full naked body scanners will eventually begin showing up in train stations, schools, police stations, bus stations, streets, et cetera. It's just plain tyranny. By next year, everyone will be required to walk through these airport scanners. The 360 degree image scanned is much more accurate than a facial scan. It's all an attack against the family. Americans are being conditioned like dogs in training.

The police are now recording speeding drivers with scanners and mailing you a ticket. The ticket comes a month later, which makes it difficult to defend yourself. If you don't pay the ticket, they come to arrest you. It's not just a set amount ticket anymore; but mile-by-mile. So the longer you speed, the bigger the fine. Drivers who speed for longer periods of time, monitored from point-to-point with license plate scanners, will receive fines for thousands of dollars. They want to bankrupt Americans! That is the plan! A fine for this, a fine for that, everything is being criminalized! They are preying on everyone! The New World Order is here.

Our kids are being deliberately dumbed down.

Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt's new book, The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, is one of the most important publishing events in the annals of American education in the last hundred years.

Iserbyt has done what no one else wanted or could do. She has put together the most formidable and practical compilation of documentation describing the well-planned "deliberate dumbing down" of American children by their education system. Anyone who has had any lingering hope that what the educators have been doing is a result of error, accident, or stupidity will be shocked by the way American social engineers have systematically gone about destroying the intellect of millions of American children for the purpose of leading the American people into a socialist world government controlled by behavioral and social scientists.

SOURCE: http://www.eagleforum.org/educate/2000/feb00/dumbing-down.html

Deliberate Dumbing Down of America - E Book download is NOW FREE TO ALL!!!
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Children who draw pictures of someone with a gun are being sent to psychiatrists, that's ok; but then videogames are readily available and sold by the millions to children, which contain morbid, shocking, graphic violence and sexually explicit content. TV is shockingly violent, and that's ok; but then two eight-year-olds are charged with “making terroristic threats” for playing with paper guns. It's zero-tolerance madness!

Everything's a lie. Our money has no value. The copper has been taken out. The silver is gone. The gold is gone. It's all worthless paper and cheap metal.

The whole system is about getting you dependent,. They want you on the government doles. They want you to be completely dependent upon the criminal cult ruling our nation with tyranny. In so doing, you forfeit all your rights by being dependent upon them. 37.2 Americans were on welfare at the end of 2009. By forcing us to depend upon the government for our every need, we have become their slaves. It's no coincidence that all of America's jobs have gone overseas. There are no jobs coming back! The average pastor tells you that you're not right with God if you fail to tithe 10%, while your government has sold you out, given away your job, and taxed you to death. Pastors are living in a fantasy bubble. People cannot give tithes if they don't have jobs. God expects you to support your family; not your pastor. Paul sewed tents and worked to support himself, accepting whatever provisions the churches were able to give him. Paul didn't rely upon the churches to support him as a welfare system.

Drugs are the answer for everything. Americans are being pumped full of narcotics and every drug imaginable. The average American is taking a cocktail of medications. Many of the drugs are placebos, which do absolutely nothing to help the patient. Most drugs attack the liver. Doctors are as gods in America, and you dare not question them or lose your kids and disability benefits. It's an oppressive society. And now if you can't afford mandatory health insurance, they'll fine and imprison you and take away your children.

You must put your kids in State schools that teach them how to have fist sex. California has banned home-schooling unless the parent is a certified educator with the State. So that eliminates 99% of all parents. They've stated in court that they own your children, but they're going to let you raise them. And how dare a family homeschool their children. Kids have to thumb-scan to get a lunch. Massive arrests are coming in America!

Your kids are taken away. If you want your kids back, they have to get sterilized. Everything is being made illegal. Yelling at your wife is now a punishable crime in France. It's been a crime in America for years, but is now being enforced everywhere. We are being baptized into slavery, initialized into tyranny.

O'Hare Airport is now getting naked body scanners. Even Communist Russia isn't this bad. Threats, traumatization, breaking everybody down... where will it all lead. Some guy puts a firecracker in his underwear and now everyone has to be filmed naked?

It is no coincidence that all the victims of genocide and holocaust throughout history, were stripped naked before they were executed. The very notion of forcing Americans to be viewed naked in order to fly is alarming!

The War On Terrorism is Bogus! 

War On Terror Scam in America!

Vladimir Lenin is famously reported to have said — upon being informed that thousands of Americans were demonstrating in support of the Russian revolution against the czar — Ah, yes. My useful idiots.

They are getting ready to fully implode the economy, and they're putting a Police State in place to deal with society. This is not a “jobless recovery,” it's a hellish nightmare. The American public hasn't seen anything yet. Tyranny is here and it's only going to get worse... MUCH WORSE!!! Our government has become a criminal enterprise, a cult, and they are getting ready to smash us.

Where will all this end? ... spy images and heat signatures from space, biometric scanners, face scanners, license plate scanners, metal detectors in shopping malls, forcing us to pay for health insurance or be fined and jailed, thumb scans, monitoring cameras in public bathrooms, airport CT brain scanners, spying software, computer eavesdropping, military troops on U.S. streets, a forced carbon tax, spying car computers, RFID chips, drone spy planes ... where will it all lead?

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

Ecclesiastes 5:8, “If thou seest the oppression of the poor, and violent perverting of judgment and justice in a province, marvel not at the matter: for he that is higher than the highest regardeth; and there be higher than they.”

We Couldn't Control the People Without You

Jay Rockefeller: Internet is “Number One National Hazard to security!

Freedom of speech WON'T last.

George Orwell's 1984

"If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear." —Author George Orwell

“They're setting up a Police State because our standard of living is going to implode.”  Alex Jones

Daniel 12:4, “But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.”

Full Naked Body Scanners

TSA Now Putting Hands Down Fliers’ Pants

(TSA now making sure Al Qaeda not hiding in your underwear)


Owen J.J. Stone Exposes the Horror of TSA Reaching into His Pants (Your next!)

America Has Become an Oppressive Society

We are becoming the land of the cowards and the home of the slaves!

Please read the following by Pastor Texe Marrs, How the Illuminati is Destroying America . . .

Spank Children on Airplane, Lose Them Forever

Airport Authoritarianism

TSA — Bullies at the Airport (Dr. Ron Paul)

Coffee, Tea, or My Pregnant Wife?
Nicholas Monahan on Soviet-style airport 'security.'


(an unconstitutional 4TH branch of government and how it is being used to steal your children).

Individual Ownership of Guns Under Attack in America and Abroad

First the terrorists were Al Qaeda, then it was Tim McVeigh, now it's Ron Paul supporters! First Amber's Law was enacted to save little girls, now it's being used to turn in your neighbor to police for owning guns. This is how tyranny operates!

Criminalize Everything | Ticket for What? | Police State USA | 5-Year Old Handcuffed

The New World Order is upon us . . .

Mass Chipping of Americans Has Begun

All New U.S. Passports Have Embedded RFID Chips!


Where will you draw the line?

“Evil triumphs when good men do nothing” Thomas Jefferson

Man arrested, cuffed after using $2 bills

New Yorkers Searched  |  National ID's

You Need to Believe Some of the Things You Hear!

New York Woman Calls 311 to Gripe, Gets $100 Fine

Ticket for What?  |  TIPS  |  The Police State is Coming

Man Complains at Bank, Gets Arrested and Charged with Felony

Police State USA  |  Evils in Government  |  Evils in Government II

Mother gets life in prison for $40 Cocaine  |  Future of the Prison State

The Police State is Here Folks!

Ron Paul's Texas Straight Talk - A weekly Column

How to Go to Heaven