The Evils Of Pornography

By David J. Stewart

"That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness" —2nd Thessalonians 2:12

       The facts about pornography are shocking and disturbing. It is an evil dirty business. Courtship, decency and chivalry are virtues woefully lacking in America today, largely due to the preponderance of pornography (soft and hard porn alike). Those who make a career out of smut and filth are God's enemies (James 4:4). Each and every born-again Christian ought to hate pornography and do everything in their power to protest it, take a stand against it, and run away from it. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” The Greek word for “abstain” here is apechomai and means “to hold oneself off, that is, to refrain.”

Pornography has destroyed the United States, diminishing the sacredness of marriage and the woman's body. It is because of abortion rights that America's youth no longer value the sacredness and value of human life. And it is because of pornography that today's youth indulge in premarital sex and do not value courtship, chastity, nor a marriage commitment. Americans think it's cute to turn their daughters into slutty prostitutes...

“DANCE MOMS” Promotes Child Exploitation and Pedophilia!

There is a very evil website that masquerades as a Christian website, but it has lewd, sexually-suggestive images and is demonic. It's called and here's what they say on their home page...

Welcome to GodVine!
GodVine is a Christian Web site that focuses on uplifting, encouraging, and inspiring you in your daily life. If we can make your day a little brighter and your relationship with Jesus a little closer, then we've done our job. Check back often and join the Vine - God bless!

Liars! They are NOT a Christian website. The images are highly sexually suggestive, so much so that I won't even link to their website. One woman is laying prostrate on her stomach and is lifting her buttocks into a sexually inviting position. The animated characters are equally as sexually suggestive as humans. Virtual imagery has advanced to incredible realism these days. These are evil people who are promoting sleaze and are causing lasciviousness. God will punish the wicked who use sexual suggestiveness for any purpose (Colossians 3:5-6).

In the following THE GUARDIAN article published by Julie Bindel, she reveals that the porn industry is having a widespread adverse effect on society, promoting bizarre, cruel and even criminal behavior...

Men learn about sex from porn, and in porn nothing is too painful or degrading for women." Dines also says that what she calls "childified porn" has significantly increased in popularity in recent years, with almost 14m internet searches for "teen sex" in 2006, an increase of more than 60% since 2004. There are legal sites that feature hardcore images of extremely young-looking women being penetrated by older men, with disclaimers stating all the models are 18 and over. Dines is clear that regular exposure to such material has an effect of breaking down the taboo about having sex with children.

Here's the article from THE GUARDIAN...

The truth about the porn industry

Gail Dines, the author of an explosive new book about the sex industry, on why pornography has never been a greater threat to our relationships.

THE GUARDIAN  |  July 2, 2010

The last time I saw Gail Dines speak, at a conference in Boston, she moved the audience to tears with her description of the problems caused by pornography, and provoked laughter with her sharp observations about pornographers themselves.

Activists in the audience were newly inspired, and men at the event – many of whom had never viewed pornography as a problem before – queued up afterwards to pledge their support.

The scene highlighted Dines's explosive charisma and the fact that, since the death of Andrea Dworkin, she has risen to that most difficult and interesting of public roles: the world's leading anti-pornography campaigner.

Dines is also a highly regarded academic and her new book, Pornland: How Porn Has Hijacked Our Sexuality, has just come out in the US, and is available online here. She wrote it primarily to educate people about what pornography today is really like, she says, and to banish any notion of it as benign titillation. "We are now bringing up a generation of boys on cruel, violent porn," she says, "and given what we know about how images affect people, this is going to have a profound influence on their sexuality, behaviour and attitudes towards women."

The book documents the recent history of porn, including the technological shifts that have made it accessible on mobile phones, videogames and laptops. According to Dines's research the prevalence of porn means that men are becoming desensitised to it, and are therefore seeking out ever harsher, more violent and degrading images. Even the porn industry is shocked by how much violence the fans want, she says; at the industry conferences that Dines attends, porn makers have increasingly been discussing the trend for more extreme practices. And the audience is getting younger.

Market research conducted by internet providers found that the average age a boy first sees porn today is 11; a study from the University of Alberta found that one third of 13-year-old boys admitted viewing porn; and a survey published by Psychologies magazine in the UK last month found that a third of 14- to 16-year-olds had first seen sexual images online when they were 10 or younger – 81% of those polled looked at porn online at home, while 63% could easily access it on their mobile phones.

"I have found that the earlier men use porn," says Dines, "the more likely they are to have trouble developing close, intimate relationships with real women. Some of these men prefer porn to sex with an actual human being. They are bewildered, even angry, when real women don't want or enjoy porn sex."

Porn culture doesn't only affect men. It also changes "the way women and girls think about their bodies, their sexuality and their relationships," says Dines. "Every group that has fought for liberation understands that media images are part and parcel of the systematic dehumanisation of an oppressed group . . . The more porn images filter into mainstream culture, the more girls and women are stripped of full human status and reduced to sex objects. This has a terrible effect on girls' sexual identity because it robs them of their own sexual desire."

Images have now become so extreme that acts that were almost non-existent a decade ago have become commonplace. From studying thousands of porn films and images Dines found that the most popular acts depicted in internet porn include vaginal, oral and anal penetration by three or more men at the same time; double anal; double vaginal; a female gagging from having a penis thrust into her throat; and ejaculation in a woman's face, eyes and mouth.

"To think that so many men hate women to the degree that they can get aroused by such vile images is quite profound," says Dines. "Pornography is the perfect propaganda piece for patriarchy. In nothing else is their hatred of us quite as clear."

Born in Manchester, Dines moved to Israel in 1980, aged 22, and soon became involved in the women's movement. An event organised by the feminist consciousness-raising group Women against Pornography in Haifa – in which pornography was shown – changed her life forever. "I was astounded that men could either make such a thing or want to look at it," she says. From then on, she knew she had to campaign about the issue.

There were two images from Hustler magazine that she found especially shocking: a cartoon of a construction worker drilling a jackhammer into a woman's vagina, and one depicting a woman being fed through a meat grinder. "I was newly married and told my husband that night how appalled I was, which he fully understood," she says. "If he had said I was a prude I don't think I could have stayed with him."

The couple moved to the US in 1986, and Dines has taught at Wheelock College, Boston ever since, where she is professor of sociology and women's studies and chair of the American studies department. She is something of a lone voice in academia. Aside from what she says are "a handful" of colleagues across the US, most contemporary scholars are positive about pornography, and Dines thinks this is due to both a fear of being considered in alliance with the religious right and the view that pornography represents and champions sexual liberation.

"Many on the liberal left adopt a view that says pornographers are not businessmen but are simply there to unleash our sexuality from state-imposed constraints," she says. This view was reflected in the film The People vs. Larry Flynt, where the billionaire pornographer of the film's title – the head of the Hustler empire – was portrayed as a man simply fighting for freedom of speech. Dines disputes these ideas. "Trust me," she says, "I have interviewed hundreds of pornographers and the only thing that gets them excited is profit."

As a result of her research, Dines believes that pornography is driving men to commit particular acts of violence towards women. "I am not saying that a man reads porn and goes out to rape," she says, "but what I do know is that porn gives permission to its consumers to treat women as they are treated in porn." In a recent study, 80% of men said that the one sex act they would most like to perform is to ejaculate on a woman's face; in 2007, a comment stream on the website included a number of women who said that, on a first date, they had, to their surprise, experienced their sexual partner ejaculating on their faces without asking.

Sexual assault centres in US colleges have said that more women are reporting anal rape, which Dines attributes directly to the normalisation of such practices in pornography. "The more porn sexualises violence against women, the more it normalises and legitimises sexually abusive behaviour. Men learn about sex from porn, and in porn nothing is too painful or degrading for women."

Dines also says that what she calls "childified porn" has significantly increased in popularity in recent years, with almost 14m internet searches for "teen sex" in 2006, an increase of more than 60% since 2004. There are legal sites that feature hardcore images of extremely young-looking women being penetrated by older men, with disclaimers stating all the models are 18 and over. Dines is clear that regular exposure to such material has an effect of breaking down the taboo about having sex with children.

She recently interviewed a number of men in prison who had committed rape against children. All were habitual users of child pornography. "What they said to me was they got bored with 'regular' porn and wanted something fresh. They were horrified at the idea of sex with a prepubescent child initially but within six months they had all raped a child."

What can we expect next from the industry? "Nobody knows, including pornographers," she says, "but they are all looking for something more extreme, more shocking." She recently interviewed a well-known pornographer, while his latest film played in the background. It contained a scene of a woman being anally penetrated while kneeling in a coffin.

In Dines's view, the best way to address the rise of internet pornography is to raise public awareness about its actual content, and name it as a public health issue by bringing together educators, health professionals, community activists, parents and anti-violence experts to create materials that educate the public. "Just as we had anti-smoking campaigns, we need an anti-porn campaign that alerts people to the individual and cultural harms it creates."

"Myths about those of us who hate pornography also need to be dispelled in order to gain more support from progressives," she says. "The assumption that if you are a woman who hates pornography you are against sex shows how successful the industry is at collapsing porn into sex." Would the critics of the employment practices and products at McDonald's be accused of being anti-eating, she asks pointedly.

The backlash against Dines and her work is well-documented. Various pro-porn activists post accusations about her on websites, suggesting she is motivated by money, hates sex, and victimises women to support her supposed anti-male ideology. reported recently that the sex writer, Violet Blue, had launched a pro-porn campaign to counteract an anti-porn conference that Dines and colleagues held last month. Dines is regularly criticised by pornographers in the trade magazines and on porn websites and she tells me that her college receives letters after any public event at which she is speaking, attacking her views.

Does she ever feel depressed by all this? "It gets me down sometimes, of course. But I try to surround myself with good things – my students, colleagues, and my family." She says the blueprint for her aims is the eradication of slavery in the US, which was achieved despite the fact that every single institution was geared to uphold and perpetuate it. "What is at stake is the nature of the world that we live in," says Dines. "We have to wrestle it back."

SOURCE: The truth about the porn industry | Life and style | The Guardian

The porn industry is synonymous with the Homosexual Agenda, NAMBLA, and everything unholy and demonic. There's not a more repulsive, morally reprehensible, low-life, and sadistic group of swine than pornographers. It's a sinful way to make money, not a legitimate business, and the money they make is blood money from all the marriages and homes ruined.

If I had the power to do so, I'd rip out every internet connection in the world and there'd be no internet. It is simply too evil in this present wicked world and few people have the spiritual character to control where they go. I'd get rid of the mainstream newsmedia, shutdown the networks. I'd rid this world of television altogether. It is simply too evil. God made His creation to be enjoyed, which you cannot do glaring into a plastic screen made of diode arrays.

Study Condemns TV's Lewd Underaged Teen Girls
(Study Focuses on Television Executives who Exploit Underaged Teen Girls for Profit)

In January of 2011, 5,200 pentagons employees were caught downloading child porn, but the government did nothing. Why the double-standard? Evidently, it's ok if the government breaks the law, and they do much worse. Many of our elected leaders are not what they appear to be. Imagine your favorite Republican president or congressman, wearing a white shirt and tie in public, quoting the Bible and making patriotic quotes; but then in reality that same man is a flaming homosexual who hires male-sex prostitutes and flies in little boys from a Nebraska boys home, to molest them and commit unthinkable acts of homosexuality and debauchery. This world is an evil place.

I have been studying the elite, secret societies and the occult, and one of the common denominators is homosexuality. Hitler was a flaming homosexual. Hollywood is homosexual to the core. It is purported that initiates into The Order of Death (aka, Skull and Bones) are required to perform acts of homosexuality and lie naked in coffins, in an experience they call being born-again. This is certainly a far cry (and a bizarre one at that) from the Biblical meaning of being born-again by faith in Jesus Christ to forgive one's sins. Truth is stranger than fiction.

Pornography and a Sex Crazed Society Has Sent the Wrong Message to America's Youth

The facts about pornography are shocking and disturbing. It is an evil dirty business. Courtship, decency and chivalry are virtues woefully lacking in America today, largely due to the preponderance of pornography (soft and hard porn alike). It is shameful that you cannot even go into a grocery store without being bombarded with magazines featuring bimbo whores in mini-skirts up to their neck, open blouses exposing their fake breasts, and hot tights that must have to be peeled off. Such lewd and crude imagery effects the attitude of society towards women in general. No wonder our little girls grow up to feel inferior unless they pay enormous sums of money to have silicon breast implants.

Just in 2010, over 400,000 U.S. women had breast implants installed...

"There were almost 400,000 breast enlargement or reconstruction procedures in the United States in 2010, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons. That includes silicone and saline implants."

SOURCE: Women can't keep breast implants for life: FDA | Reuters

It is sad that people aren't happy the way God make them. Men and women alike want bigger body parts. It's insane! And breast implants require additional surgery every 10-years to replace the silicone implants. All that money, pain and surgery... for what? This is what America's sex-crazed society has done to our youth. It is sad that our children are growing up in a whacko culture where you need big breasts to advance up the corporate ladder.

It's a fact that women with bigger breasts have more self-esteem, make more sycophantic friends, get better jobs and life happier synthetic lives. Isn't that insane! American culture worships a woman's reproductive glands which provide milk for her infant. They might as well say, “In breasts we trust.” If you don't believe it, just consider all the big-breasted triple-D-sized women on TV, in magazines, in commercials... Americans are infatuated with sex, sex, sex. It has ruined our nation and corrupted our family values. The fact that nearly half-a-million U.S. women per year pay for breast enhancement surgery shows that we worship glamour girls in America. Looks are everything.

It shouldn't be this way. The Bible plainly teaches that a woman should focus on inner beauty. 1st Peter 3:4, “But let it be the hidden man of the heart, in that which is not corruptible, even the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit, which is in the sight of God of great price.” Most women are concerned about the size of their breasts, but God is concerned about the size of your heart. Your flesh will eventually rot, but your heart doesn't have to be corrupted and can go with you to Heaven if you are saved. Your soul can live forever if you receive Jesus Christ (John 3:13). God will give us a new body in eternity (Philippians 3:21).

And then you've got insane lunatics like Oprah saying that if your little girl wants to grow up and have a sex-change to become a man, encourage and let her do it!!! That's the Devil talking! No, you don't encourage your child to become a transvestite!

Americans are traveling to India to rent a womb to have their children...

The world has become a large insane asylum. Life has lost it's value. With the hippie free love of the 1960's, mini-skirts, feminism, and fornication; the abortion movement of the 1970's was inevitable. But prior to all of this, Hugh Hefner opened up shop with his Playboy smut in 1954.

According to a study released in December of 2010 by the Parents Television Council (PTC): Hollywood is shockingly obsessed with sexualizing teen girls, to the point where underage female characters are shown participating in an even higher percentage of sexual situations than their adult counterparts: 47 percent to 29 percent respectively”...

Prime Time TV 'Objectifies and Fetishizes' Underage Girls, Study Says

By Hollie McKay
Published December 16, 2010 |

Long gone are the days when Marcia Brady’s sweet smile and Winnie Cooper’s brains and beauty were how television represented teen-age girls.

According to a new study conducted by the Parents Television Council (PTC), Hollywood is shockingly obsessed with sexualizing teen girls, to the point where underage female characters are shown participating in an even higher percentage of sexual situations than their adult counterparts: 47 percent to 29 percent respectively. 

PTC’s report, entitled “New Target: A Study of Teen Female Sexualization on Primetime TV” is based on a content analysis drawn from the 25 most popular shows in the 12-17 demographic throughout the 2009-2010 television season.

“The results from this report show Tinseltown’s eagerness to not only objectify and fetishize young girls, but to sexualize them in such a way that real teens are led to believe their sole value comes from their sexuality," said PTC President Tim Winter. "This report is less about the shocking numbers that detail the sickness of early sexualization in our entertainment culture and more about the generation of young girls who are being told how society expects them to behave."

“Storylines on the most popular shows among teens are sending the message to our daughters that being sexualized isn’t just acceptable, it should be sought after,” Winter said. “It is outrageous that TV executives have made it their business to profit off of programs that depict teen girls blissfully being sexualized by casual partners.”

Examples used by the PTC to illustrate their findings, all taken from prime time broadcast television, included Taylor Momsen’s character in bed with Ed Westwick on “Gossip Girl,” Annalynne McCord taking a swig of alcohol while donning a bra and panties on “90210,” and a lesbian kiss between cheerleaders on “Glee.”

The data, based on factors ranging from the genre of the program to the gender of the initiator and the participant’s attitude toward the sexualizing incident, also revealed that 98 percent of the sexual incidents involving underage female characters occurred outside of any form of committed relationship, and that 73 percent of the underage sexualized incidents were presented in a humorous manner or as a punch line to a joke.

Winter also claims that TV networks can’t be trusted as 75 percent of the time they leave off the “S” descriptor to warn audiences about sexual content. However, Adam Temple, the Coalitions Director at the TV Watch Organization, a broad-based coalition that opposes government control of TV programming, said that examining the age appropriate rating is the most important factor to take into consideration. 

“You have to look at the whole story. First and foremost shows are rated based on age, so before you even get to the point of those content descriptors (such as ‘S’ for sex, ‘L’ for language and ‘V’ for violence) parents have to decide what is appropriate,” Temple said. “As with other PTC studies, it is very subjective, so 'reader beware.’ It is important to remember that parents are the ultimate authority, and that this seemingly ‘scary’ study based on vague methodology is subjective.” 

Nonetheless, the PTC and its supporters don’t simply just want networks to slap more warnings on programs – they’re calling on parents, actors, and advertisers to take action and demand that the trend to air content based on teen sexualization be reversed. However, Temple argued that end of the day it is up to parents to take control over what their children can and cannot view.

“Parents understand that all programming is not for all children and, according to polling conducted solely among parents, take seriously their efforts to ensure their children view what is appropriate based on their age, taste and values,” he said. “What is increasingly difficult to take seriously, is a patchwork of studies characterized by vagaries and omissions, apparently intended to raise money because the group has the word 'Parents' in its name." 

But another expert not associated with these studies or organizations firmly believes that Hollywood is indeed sexualizing underage characters on its shows for profit.

“Certain shows, advertisers, etc. sexualize underage people, which does double damage: it sends a message to youth that their self-worth depends on their sexuality, and provokes inappropriate sexual responses from adults. This is irresponsible programming and is disrespectful to youth,” Los Angeles-based psychologist Dr. Nancy Irwin said. “This (PTC) study is not being blown out of proportion.”

SOURCE: Prime Time TV ‘Objectifies and Fetishizes’ Underage Girls, Study Says

Woe unto America! Our nation is in the midst of a spiritual battle for it's very life... CODE BLUE! You cannot kick out God without inviting the Devil to come in. The female stars of “Glee” were criticized for posing in their underwear in the November 2010 GQ magazine. Isaiah 13:11, “And I will punish the world for their evil, and the wicked for their iniquity; and I will cause the arrogancy of the proud to cease, and will lay low the haughtiness of the terrible.” What kind of nation have we become? We are an evil people who have forgotten the Lord God (Deuteronomy 6:12).

Proverb 14:9, “Fools make a mock at sin: but among the righteous there is favour.” The sinful world mocks sin, turning wickedness into a joke to laugh about, laughing about going to Hell, which causes people to view sin as something not to be taken seriously. According to the Parents Television Council, as quoted from the above article...

“73 percent of the underage sexualized incidents were presented in a humorous manner or as a punch line to a joke.”

Hollywood is saturated with elite perverts, pedophiles and homosexuals. Parents Television Council (PTC) President Tim Winter exposes the wicked greed of such TV executives that fuels the sexual exploitation of underaged teen girls for profit:

“Storylines on the most popular shows among teens are sending the message to our daughters that being sexualized isn’t just acceptable, it should be sought after,” Winter said. “It is outrageous that TV executives have made it their business to profit off of programs that depict teen girls blissfully being sexualized by casual partners.”

Albeit, as evil, greedy and sicko-minded as TV executives are in America, it's the wickedness of the American people that fuels such exploitation of our youth. The United States has deteriorated into a sex-sicko society. The filthier, more violent and evil the TV programming, the higher the ratings. Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil, just as the Bible teaches in 1st Timothy 6:10. It's apostasy!

Examples used by the PTC to illustrate their findings, all taken from prime time broadcast television, included Taylor Momsen’s character in bed with Ed Westwick on “Gossip Girl,” Annalynne McCord taking a swig of alcohol while donning a bra and panties on “90210,” and a lesbian kiss between cheerleaders on “Glee.”

Adam Temple, the Coalitions Director at the TV Watch Organization (a broad-based coalition that opposes government control of TV programming), apparently defends the sexual smut and exploitation of young girls by saying:

“...parents have to decide what is appropriate,” Temple said. “As with other PTC studies, it is very subjective, so 'reader beware.’ It is important to remember that parents are the ultimate authority, and that this seemingly ‘scary’ study based on vague methodology is subjective.” 

As expected from a heathen reprobate, Mr. Temple is saying that it's ok for adults to watch underaged teenage girls be sexually exploited on TV. That's exactly what he is saying. Temple says that parents are ultimately responsible for what their children watch on TV, and that is very true; but that in no way justifies nor makes it right for adults to view the sexual exploitation of young teenage girls by TV executives to make a profit. Wrong is wrong. Mr. Temple is way off issue. The issue is not about what parents allow their children to watch. The issue is about the sexual exploitation of underaged teenaged girls by Hollywood creeps and television executives to make money. That is the important point that Tim Winter of the Parents Television Council is making. It needs to stop!

And for that matter, it is sinful and wrong for any woman, at any age, to be lewd in society, deliberately causing lasciviousness to maintain fame and fortune. Sandra Bullock divorced her husband Jesse James in 2010, just months after saying publicly that he was the very reason for all her success, and then shared a lesbian kiss on MTV shortly thereafter for the world to see, reassuring her role as America's lesbian sweetheart. These are sick-minded people in the Hollywood culture who will do anything to gain and maintain fame and fortune.

It is a shame that the U.S. Supreme Court puts themselves in the place of God, overriding the Word of God, legalizing all manner of evil and wickedness in the sight of God. God will not continue to bless a nation that legalizes pornography, abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, the stealing of men's homes and property, et cetera. Woe unto America! As our nation embraces sin and evil, so has a Police States risen up around us. To the same degree that we think we are free to commit wickedness, to that same degree we are losing our liberties. Those who will not be controlled by God will be ruled by tyrants. Pornography brings the judgments of God (Romans 1:32).


5,200 Pentagon Employees Download Porn

U.S. News
Pentagon said lax on child porn probe
Published: January 5, 2011 at 10:35 AM

WASHINGTON, Jan. 5 (UPI) — A U.S. senator says the Pentagon should have paid more attention to employees downloading child pornography on their work and home computers.

Sen. Charles Grassley, R-Iowa, told The Boston Globe he was informed that Pentagon investigators failed to check all the names on a list of 5,200 employees suspected of viewing child pornography.

He said 1,700 names on the list were not reviewed, the Globe reported Wednesday.

"These cases were not considered a priority by the Defense Department in the first place, and they should have been," Grassley said.

They stem from an expansive investigation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement known as Project Flicker.

Downloading child pornography is a federal crime punishable by prison sentences of five to 20 years.

Members of Congress and other officials say employees with high-level security classifications are vulnerable to blackmail if they access such materials.

The Defense Department's inspector general has told Grassley the department is working to correct problems with the investigation.



Noah's Nakedness

Numbers 33:52, “Then ye shall drive out all the inhabitants of the land from before you, and destroy all their pictures, and destroy all their molten images, and quite pluck down all their high places.”

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!