The Oil of Salvation verses the Lamp of Profession

The parable of the Ten Virgins and the Second Coming of Christ

by Dr. John R. Rice

The Saviour's coming is likened to the coming of the bridegroom whose bridesmaids have been waiting until far into the night (Matthew 25:1-13).

Some of the bridesmaids had no oil and expected their dry wicks to burn until he came, but their lamps went out. All of them, the wise and the foolish, those with the oil of salvation and those with only the lamps of profession, "slumbered and slept." And then at midnight His coming was so sudden and unexpected that those who had no oil did not have time to secure it but were left without and missed the wedding.

And so there could be no doubt of His meaning, for the closing verse of the parable says, "Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh."

The point of the parable of the ten virgins is this, that the coming of Jesus is imminent. He may come today, so therefore be ready.

The virgins knew the bridegroom was coming, but just when, they did not know. He might have returned at once. They ought to have been ready at any moment.

It is strange that people would so pervert the Scriptures as to miss the very heart of the Saviour's teaching here. Yet a few years ago the story of the ten virgins was given in the International Sunday School Lessons but only the first twelve verses were printed. The thirteenth verse where Jesus gives the conclusion and lesson of the parable was omitted entirely in the Sunday School quarterlies that I saw. The Saviour's second coming was not even mentioned! The parable of the ten virgins is not simply a lesson on preparedness. It is a lesson on preparedness - not for usefulness, not even for death primarily - but preparedness for the second coming of Christ. The lesson is that Jesus may come at any moment, so watch and be ready!

SOURCE: Dr. John R. Rice, from the sermon, JESUS MAY COME TODAY

Bible Prophecy

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