"I Was A Sex Slave For The CIA!"

Truth or Misinformation?

Published November 22, 1999 in Whoa!

       As the late, great, closeted pothead Carl Sagan once said, "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof."  Few would disagree that claiming the CIA is involved in Satanic pedophilia qualifies.

Extraordinary indeed, but evidence does exist.  Conspiracy investigators (most notably superstar writer Alex Constantine) have presented strong evidence of CIA-DOD links to various nefarious activities, ranging from a pedophilia scandal at the Presidio to a cover-up in Franklin, Nebraska (which also involved high-ranking GOP operatives and a crooked savings and loan).  Dead bodies litter the trail, possibly including those of actor River Phoenix and JonBenet Ramsey. But while bizarre claims against government agents shouldn't be dismissed out of hand, we would be well-advised not to go to the other extreme and accept every tale of torment as gospel truth.

One of the most spectacular tales of CIA nastiness comes from Brice Taylor, self-proclaimed CIA mind-control victim. What Taylor lacks in proof, she makes up for in sensationalism. According to Taylor, she was a victim of Project Monarch (allegedly part of MK-ULTRA, a notorious CIA mind control program) from early childhood, and was used as a CIA love-tool by the likes of Henry Kissinger. One of her alleged greatest tormentors was none other than Bob Hope, which explains the title of her autobiography, Thanks for the Memories. All of this is (of course) part of a Satanic-Illuminati-NWO plot to control the planet.

Incredibly, while all this abuse was occurring, Taylor was completely unaware of it on a conscious level. It was only in 1985 that she started "remembering," when a car accident caused a serious head trauma and supposedly helped her recover these lost memories. According to Taylor, "It allowed me to access both sides of my brain for the first time in my life, and I began having memories — very frequent memories — of all sorts of abuse."

Ms. Taylor is not alone in writing these sorts of elaborate tales. The most famous (or infamous) CIA sex slave is Cathy O'Brien. In her self-published Trance Formation Of America, she claimed she'd been a CIA "presidential model," raped by commanders in chief from Gerald Ford to Bill Clinton — proving Satanic perversion is a bipartisan affair. Her juiciest story is of getting banged by George Bush while he was strung out on heroin; later, he turned into a lizard alien before her eyes. This is actually more plausible than her claim that Ronald Reagan described to her in detail the CIA-Contra-cocaine connection, a feat way beyond The Gipper's intellectual capacity.

For those keeping score, O'Brien has no Jimmy Carter gossip, who apparently was out of the Satanic sex loop...

Perhaps there is a deeper conspiracy involved here, an attempt to discredit legitimate research into CIA dirty deeds. The most effective form of disinformation is that which blurs the truth with fiction so effectively that they become impossible to differentiate. At the time Cathy O'Brien hit the lecture circuit, some powerful research was starting to circulate in alternative circles involving Satanic pedophilia operations. The end result of O'Brien and Taylor's public ravings has been to trivialize this research by association. The CIA itself could be behind the plot: Both Cathy and Brice had the "help" of self-described "renegade CIA operatives" in the recovery of their memories. It's quite possible those operatives weren't renegades. Their help might have involved implanting bogus tales.

Such a plot is straight out of Machiavelli. Whether the CIA is behind it or not, their mind-control fraternity is the major beneficiary of these lurid tales, and no doubt their members are chuckling over them right now.

The most effective form of disinformation is that which blurs the truth with fiction so effectively that they become impossible to differentiate.

It is obvious that the whole account of Susan Ford (Brice Taylor) is a scam to discredit legitimate solid evidence against the CIA and high ranking government officials involved in Satanic ritual abuse and pedophilia, such as in The Franklin Cover-Ups.