The Betrayal of Dr. Russell Anderson by
First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana

By David J. Stewart | May 2018

Revelation 3:2, “Be watchful, and strengthen the things which remain,
that are ready to die
: for I have not found thy works perfect before God.”

       I feel sorry for the members of First Baptist Church of Hammond (FBCH) today, and the present students of Hyles-Anderson College (owned and controlled by FBCH). I feel sorry for them that they are being compelled to believe something that brother Hyles DIDN'T believe nor teach; namely, that the King James Bible is not inspired. Respectfully, I do not judge Dr. Jack Schaap (one of my former professors at HAC from 1985-1993) for his sins and faults, for we are all guilty sinners. I am the biggest sinner I know. Albeit, Pastor Schaap completely changed the position and direction of FBCH and HAC, when he boldly denied the inspiration of God's Word in 2008 at the annual Pastor's School, calling King James Bible only believers: “rats in the woodpile,” “ignorant hillbillies” and “barbarians”!

Sadly, FBCH has never recovered from this stigma, and they have gone A.W.O.L. from “The Battle Of The Ages,” which is what Brother Hyles called it in this precious 1994 positional sermon. Dr. Hyles was committed to fighting to keep First Baptist Church of Hammond and Hyles-Anderson College from changing...

“This isn't over Jack Hyles, this is over fundamentalism! These are evangelicals fighting fundamentalists—that's what it's all about; and their effort is to destroy Hyles-Anderson College. Over my dead body they'll destroy Hyles-Anderson College; and their effort is to destroy the First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana; and I'll go to the finish before I'll let it happen! That's what's going on!” —Dr. Jack Hyles, a truthful quote from the needful sermon, “Weathering The Storm!

Brother Hyles knew that churches and Bible institutions have a tendency to deteriorate over time, especially when businessmen takeover and prioritize money over truth. Businessmen think in terms of money, but Jesus warned in Luke 16:13, “Ye cannot serve God and mammon” (money). A preacher always upholds the truth, without concern for money...

“All across America businessmen are destroying churches!”
—Dr. Jack Hyles, a quote from the classic MP3 sermon, “I Find No Fault In This Man!

Why do you think John the Baptist lived off the land out in a desert wilderness? John needed nothing from anybody, so he could let 'er rip and PREACH THE TRUTH!!! The love of money is the enemy of PREACHING!!!

It is a bit creepy hearing Dr. Hyles warn about letting a half-dozen men change First Baptist Church of Hammond, because that is EXACTLY what happened several years later. ...

“The biggest split that has ever come will come in the next ten years, if not sooner, over the King James Bible - and it couldn't come soon enough for me. I'm tired of colleges and universities advertising that they 'use' the King James Bible - tell the whole story! Tell everyone that you do not believe that it is inspired word for word.” Pastor Jack Hyles, from the Wednesday night Bible study titled, Revelation to Illumination (1998)

How weird is that? I mean, exactly 10 years later (Dr. Hyles made this prediction in 1998), in 2008 FBCH denied the inspiration of the King James Bible! First Baptist Church might as well have said publicly, “In your face Brother Hyles!!!” What betrayal of truth! If Dr. Hyles was wrong, then FBCH is justified in their new position; but if Dr. Hyles was right (and is right), then woe unto them for betraying THE TRUTH and the Lord. Dr. Russell Anderson thought it was serious enough an issue to withdraw his support of HAC and FBCH; and I stand with Dr. Anderson and Pastor Hyles, because they are standing for THE TRUTH!!! The King James Bible is inspired!

Dr. Hyles is talking about Bob Jones University (BJU) and hundreds of other apostate Bible colleges today, who deny the verbal inspiration of the Holy Bible. They foolishly claim that only the “original autographs” were inspired (which no longer exist). So if only the “originals” were inspired, then we DON'T have God's incorruptible words today; but rather, man's corruptible words!!! That means God failed to honor and keep His solemn promise in Psalms 12:6-7 to “preserve” His “very pure” Word unto every generation. Psalms 12:6-7, “The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in a furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them, O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from this generation for ever.” By the way, the modern Bible versions corrupt this passage, entirely removing God's promise to preserve His words. It is clear from the context in verse 6 that God promised to preserve His “PURE WORDS” (as silver refined in an earthen furnace seven times). ...

“The Only Inspired Words of God Are In The King James Bible!” Dr. Jack Hyles
(an awesome quote from Pastor Jack Hyles' 1994 sermon titled, “THE REAL BATTLE!

Read these precious Holy Scriptures. Please notice that the psalmist (David) has “ZEAL” over God's Word, upset that the wicked have “FORGOTTEN THY WORDS”! David exclaims, “THY WORD IS VERY PURE”... “THEREFORE, THY SERVANT LOVETH IT”!!! ...

Psalms 119:137-142, “Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments. Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful. My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it. I am small and despised: yet do not I forget thy precepts. Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth.”

I mention those two words, “THE TRUTH” quite often. Are you getting this folks? The humble and courageous shepherd boy turned God-fearing king, David, is zealous for THE TRUTH!!! David exclaims that the reason why He loves the Holy Bible is because it is “VERY PURE.” Do you think for one second that David would have felt the same amidst hundreds of Bible “versions” to choose from? THERE'S NOT ONE CHANCE IN ALL OF HEAVEN OR HELL, NOT ONCE IN A MILLION YEARS!!! David, like myself, would have despised all these counterfeit Bible perversions today!!! I love the King James Bible because it is VERY PURE!!! The King James Bible is incorruptible!!! 1st Peter 1:23, “Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.” God has honored His promise to preserve His VERY PURE WORD in our beloved and inspired King James Bible. It has been time-tested by every soul-winning preacher.

Respectfully, I am so proud of Dr. Russell Anderson for taking a stand against FBCH and HAC. I've never been so humbly proud to be an alumni of Hyles-Anderson College (1985-1993)!!! How many businessmen with Dr. Anderson's prestigious status would throw it all away to side with THE TRUTH? It is almost unheard of! I mean, Dr. Anderson's name is on “Hyles-Anderson College” (founded in 1972) and it would have been in his best interests personally (from a selfish standpoint) to go along to get along; but God bless that dear man, he forfeited being popular and praised by tens of thousands of members of FBCH and HAC, because he was zealous over THE TRUTH of God's inspired Word!!!

Psalms 119:137-142, “Righteous art thou, O LORD, and upright are thy judgments. Thy testimonies that thou hast commanded are righteous and very faithful. My zeal hath consumed me, because mine enemies have forgotten thy words. Thy word is very pure: therefore thy servant loveth it. I am small and despised: yet do not I forget thy precepts. Thy righteousness is an everlasting righteousness, and thy law is the truth.” Brother Anderson loves the King James Bible because it is God's inspired PURE WORDS!!! Any truly born-again Christian knows it!!! I know it! Anyone who makes light of the verbal inspiration of the King James Bible is questioning the Word of God!!!

King James Was NOT a Calvinist!

FBCH and HAC dropped out of the battle for the Word of God, losing their distinctiveness as a church and Bible college, and now are just another run of the mill ministry. Dr. Hyles taught us as students to WITHDRAW our loyalty if FBCH and HAC ever ceased to STAND for what they once did. Sadly, since 2008, they no longer stand anymore for the inspiration of God's Word...

“Students of Hyles-Anderson College, do not give your loyalty to Hyles-Anderson College. You give your loyalty to what we stand for today, and if tomorrow we don't stand for it, you withdraw your loyalty—loyalty to principle, loyalty to right, loyalty to character, loyalty to integrity, loyalty to conviction, loyalty to truth; not loyalty to institutions.” —Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon titled, Filled With All The Fulness Of God.”

Dr. Hyles explains that a true “fundamentalist” separates from those who no longer believe in the VERBAL INSPIRATION OF THE BIBLE...

“It is rather popular to define the term 'fundamentalist' as one who believes the fundamentals; for example, one who believes the verbal inspiration of the Bible, the deity of Christ, the virgin birth, the vicarious death, the bodily resurrection and the second coming. Now, to be sure, such a one believes the fundamentals, but the term 'fundamentalist' probably should not be ascribed to him if he is still a member of an apostate denomination. The term 'fundamentalist' is given not to those who simply believe the aforementioned fundamentals but to those who have separated themselves from those who do not. This brings the doctrine of separation into focus as a vital and necessary part of being a fundamentalist.” [emphasis added]

SOURCE: What is a Fundamentalist?”; Chapter 15, from the great book, “Jack Hyles Speaks On Biblical Separation”

Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001) believed, taught and preached up until his last breath on earth, that the King James Bible is the inspired, inerrant, preserved, incorruptible, perfect, very pure, words of God. Dr. Hyles believed in the need for an “EVERY WORD” Bible, since the Holy Bible teaches in Matthew 4:4 that “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by EVERY WORD that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” The serpent deceived Eve and caused her to sin by deceiving her, which he accomplished by simply questioning God's Word. Where God had placed a period, the Devil placed a question mark. In so doing, the Devil introduced a SECOND AUTHORITY.

Proverbs 22:28, “Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set.”

Anytime that TWO AUTHORITIES exist, a THIRD AUTHORITY is required to decide which of the first two authorities is correct! Please read, “How Today's Bible Colleges Woefully Deceive Everyone” (the words of the Lord are very pure). Also, please read, “How Bob Jones University Betrays The Holy Bible!” (they have turned scholarship into a God).

Jack Hyles & Beverly Hyles 40th Anniversary Celebration and Banquet

I am really shocked that First Baptist Church of Hammond has been hijacked by new-evangelicals. I really thought that the folks who were with Dr. Hyles all those 42 years, who were the very backbone of the church, were more solid in their faith than what seems to be the case. All it took was one man, Dr. Hyles' son-in-law to completely change the direction of FBCH doctrinally, to where even Dr. Russell Anderson has withdrawn his support (requesting in 2015 that his name be removed from the college) and is now counted as an enemy by FBCH and HAC. As a former grateful Hyles-Anderson graduate, I gladly and confidently side with Dr. Anderson and Brother Hyles 100%!!! Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?” TRUTH MATTERS!!!!!!!

Respectfully, First Baptist Church of Hammond (and thus Hyles-Anderson College) ought to go back to their FIRST LOVE, invite Dr. Russell Anderson back and tell the world that they are returning to their former position that the King James Bible is inspired. Revelation 2:4, “Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love. Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.” I know Dr. Hyles is broken-hearted and angry up in Heaven, disgusted over what has happened. It is very wrong what they have done to Dr. Russell Anderson, after all he has done for FBCH and HAC, giving tens of millions of dollars to the work. Proverbs 3:27, “Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do it.” There is no loyalty anymore to God and truth! Is there not a man of God in Hammond today? Truth has fallen!!!

The Value Of One (a precious YouTube sermon by Pastor Bob Gray Sr.)

Like Brother Hyles, I realize what is at stake in this important debate. Pastor Hyles rightly called it, “THE BATTLES OF THE AGES,” for a very good reason (because it is!). Dr. Hyles often emphasized the importance of the ongoing battle over inspiration, as evidenced in these beautiful MP3 sermons titled: “THE REAL BATTLE” and “WHERE WERE YOU DURING THE BATTLE?” and “IT'S TIME TO COME OUT OF THE CLOSET” and “I FIND NO FAULT IN THIS MAN,” to name but a few. FBCH has shown by their actions that talk is cheap! At Brother Hyles' 40th year celebration as pastor of FBCH, and 70th year old birthday party at HAC, they rightly and beautifully honored him (I cried watching these). I love Brother Hyles so much!!! How could FBCH turn against him, against the most important truth he ever taught them—that the King James Bible is the inspired words of God? It is crazy! Absolutely disloyal and crazy!!!

“Every word in this Bible is inspired by God almighty!”
—Dr. Jack Hyles (a great quote from the classic sermon, “A Friend At Midnight.”)

“The only inspired Words of God are in the King James Bible!”
—Dr. Jack Hyles (an awesome quote —Dr. Jack Hyles (THE REAL BATTLE!”)

What FBCH has done has put them into the apostate Bob Jones camp, who make light of the verbal inspiration of God's Word! Mark my words, the day will come down the road when FBCH and HAC will promote the Alexandrian Bible versions (if they aren't doing it already). John Wesley wisely said, “What one generation tolerates, the next generation will embrace!” I wouldn't be surprised if HAC already allows the Devil's Bible versions like BJU. Apostasy has crept into most churches (just like Brother Hyles said), including thousands of Baptist churches today! What I see happening is that Christians have become indifferent, assuming that the heresy of Calvinism is merely a differing matter of opinion in good churches. No, Calvinism is of the Devil and the churches teaching it ARE NOT CHURCHES!!! They are religious cults, like the satanic Churches of Christ, Nazarenes and Seventh-day Adventism!!! Lordship Salvation is NOT the Gospel. What Evangelist Ray Comfort teaches about living a lifestyle of turning from sins to be saved is satanic filth!

Likewise, FBCH has gone soft on the Devil's counterfeit Bible versions. Why? Sadly, it seems like they merely want to play church. Like Dr. Hyles said, they don't want to suffer reproach for the name of Christ. They don't want to be put outside the gate with Jesus!

Thank God for Dr. Russell Anderson!

And I'd like to say, thank God for Dr. Russell Anderson (born 1931). In 1972, Brother Hyles and Dr. Anderson started Hyles-Anderson College (HAC). Hyles-Anderson College was unique while Brother Hyles was still alive, in that it stood for the inspiration of the King James Bible. HAC was also unique in that Dr. Hyles placed preachers, not teachers, into the college's classrooms. Only preachers can reproduce preachers! I had the privilege of attending HAC from 1985 to 1993. I have no regrets. Unfortunately, one of the greatest injustices I've seen in my lifetime is the betrayal of Brother Hyles and Dr. Anderson by First Baptist Church of Hammond (FBCH) after Dr. Hyles went to Heaven. Since 2008, FBCH (which controls HAC) has denied the inspiration of the King James Bible. It's a big issue, and Brother Hyles thought it was a big issue, evidenced in his classic MP3 sermon called, “THE BATTLE OF THE AGES” (1994).

It is my sincere hope that one day FBCH will push away their pride, do the right thing, and invite Dr. Russell Anderson back to apologize publicly to him, honor him, and announce to the world that they are returning to their first love. What a beautiful reunion that would be! John 13:35, “By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” Psalms 133:1, “Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity!” Dr. Anderson is 86 years old and won't be with us much longer, I hope FBCH makes this right before it is too late. They ought to honor him, as he deserves, and restore FBCH and HAC to their good name. You cannot go wrong upholding the inspiration of the King James Bible!!! HAC today is just another run-of-the-mill average Bible college. They've lost their distinctiveness, because so has FBCH. They're no longer on the spiritual front lines, as was Brother Hyles, and sadly, they don't want to be. I am a soldier for Christ fighting on the front lines, while FBCH is AWOL from the battle. They've joined the sinful BJU camp, Sitting On The Premises instead of Standing On The Promises! We are at war folks!

Dr. Anderson had humble beginnings, growing up poor, working in the coal mines of Kentucky. Through hard work and the principle of Biblical giving, the Lord blessed Brother Anderson with $100,000,000, most of which he has invested back into the Kingdom of Heaven. What has greatly impressed upon me, for whatever it's worth as a humble graduate of HAC, is that Dr. Anderson has given up everything for his stand upon the inspiration of the King James Bible. That is so rare for a wealthy man to do. Literally, Dr. Anderson has given tens of millions of dollars to FBCH and HAC over the decades. When these institutions changed their position on the inspiration of the King James Bible in 2008, Dr. Anderson could have just gone along to get along (as most men of his stature would have done), for the sake of the praise of men. But Brother Anderson took a stand for the truth!!! He chose the praise of God instead. He took a stand for the inspiration of the King James Bible!!!

Consequently, Dr. Anderson was put outside the gate with Jesus and Brother Hyles. Do you know what that tells me? That tells me that the inspiration of the King James Bible means more to Brother Anderson than $100,000,000!!! I love Brother Anderson tremendously for taking that stand. That means more to me than anything he has ever done!!! I've never been more proud (in a humble way) to be a graduate of Hyles-Anderson College. And I know that Brother Hyles and the Lord are very proud of Brother Anderson for taking a stand. Thank you Dr. Anderson for all that you've allowed God to do through you!!! What FBCH has done to Dr. Russell Anderson is unethical, wrong and an injustice. Pastor Hyles deserves better than that, and so does Brother Anderson.

It is tragic how religious men, once they adopt a wrong position, will fight to the end to defend their wrong position. If a man truly walks with the Lord, a passion for truth WILL develop in his soul. Does anyone walk in the Holy Spirit at FBCH? Ephesians 5:9, “For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth.” THE TRUTH is that God promised to preserve His inspired words unto every generation (Psalms 12:6-7). God has preserved those inspired words, which means that the King James Bible absolutely, IS INSPIRED. When someone says that only the original autographs of God's Word were inspired (and shame on Evangelist Sam Gipp for teaching that garbage), they are effectively saying that we don't have a perfect Bible today. Pastor Jeff Owens has it right, in his awesome MP3 sermon, “The King James Bible Is Not Corrupt.” FBCH is corrupt! HAC is corrupt! BJU is corrupt!

“Everything born is born dying... Death is inevitable... The length of your life depends on how much you fight the inevitable death... The day will come when the Hyles-Anderson College will be liberal. The day will come when this Bible is not believed in Hyles-Anderson College, if the Lord tarries... The day will come when this church will turn.” —Pastor Jack Hyles, from the timeless sermon, The Church First

The King James Bible is Inspired

The King James Bible is inspired, accurate and trustworthy, and anyone who says otherwise is helping Satan destroy the churches. Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

Dr. Hyles taught us preacher boys to be loyal to truth and principle, and not to institutions...

“Students of Hyles-Anderson College, do not give your loyalty to Hyles-Anderson College. You give your loyalty to what we stand for today, and if tomorrow we don't stand for it, you withdraw your loyalty—loyalty to principle, loyalty to right, loyalty to character, loyalty to integrity, loyalty to conviction, loyalty to truth; not loyalty to institutions.” —Dr. Jack Hyles, from the sermon titled, Filled With All The Fulness Of God.”

Here are some open letters written by Dr. Russell Anderson:

In the 2015 letter, Dr. Anderson kindly requests that FBCH remove his name from Hyles-Anderson College, since they no longer believe that the King James Bible is inspired. I don't blame him one bit. They ought to remove Brother Hyles' name too. This matter will not go away, I'll make sure it doesn't as long as I have the ability to preach. FBCH has betrayed the King James Bible! They have betrayed Brother Hyles. Dr. Hyles was right about the King James Bible. HE IS RIGHT!!! It is hard for me to understand why FBCH has been so stubborn in this matter, except that they are either too sinfully proud to admit they were wrong, or more likely, they have been deceived. I realize that Dr. Anderson doesn't need my help to take his stand. That is not why I am writing this article. I am doing it for two reasons: First, I am taking my own stand for the inspiration of the King James Bible. IT IS INSPIRED!!! And, second, I am giving some public praise and gratitude for Dr. Russell Anderson, because he sure deserves it from every HAC graduate!!! I'm not an ingrate. I am so thankful for Brother Hyles and Dr. Anderson. I am thankful for Hyles-Anderson College and First Baptist Church of Hammond, Indiana. 

“When God saves us, He has an investment in us; and He says, 'Occupy 'til I come' in Luke; and that means, I think, to transact business—we're supposed to transact business for Jesus while we're here—and we're going to have to give an answer someday, to the Lord, for the investment that He's made in us.” —Dr. Russell Anderson; a truthful quote from, “Jack Hyles & Beverly Hyles 40th Anniversary Celebration and Banquet” (1999).

Contrary to the false accusations that Dr. Hyles believed in preservation without inspiration, read for yourself again what Brother Hyles actually preached...

“The only inspired Words of God are in the King James Bible!” 
—Dr. Jack Hyles (
an awesome quote —Dr. Jack Hyles (THE REAL BATTLE!”)

“Every word in this Bible is inspired by God almighty!”
—Dr. Jack Hyles (a great quote from the classic sermon, “A Friend At Midnight.”)

Anyone who dares to say that Dr. Hyles didn't believe the King James Bible itself is INSPIRED is a bold-faced LIAR!!! Thank God for Brother Hyles!!! Please don't misunderstand, I get my doctrine from God's Word, not Dr. Hyles or any other man. However, Dr. Hyles was a truth-seeker and truth-teller and so am I. What Dr. Hyles preached is 100% true concerning the Word of God. The Devil is trying to confuse everyone by publishing hundreds of new Bible revisions.

Listen to what Brother Lester Roloff (1914-1982) rightly said about the Word of God...

“The Word of God is our only hope—that's our only hope! This has been the generation of translations and abominations, and perversions, of the Word of God! It's been a long time; now when the Revised Standard Version came out, I stood against it before I knew what it was, because the wrong crowd heard of that, and the wrong crowd received it, and I knew it got too much publicity to be right! And I knew if the newspapers publicized something, it had to be wrong! And so I knew that the American people and a lot of American preachers—they welcomed it into their house before they knew it was a rattlesnake!”Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!

“The worst rattlesnake on this earth, is the man that twists or seeks to modernize, or take from or add to, the Word of God!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!

“Now the serpent (there's your rattlesnake right there!)... question the Word of God... This has been the same generation questioning the Word of God. I'm sick of hearing about all the mistakes in the King James version! “It's not dependable” [critics say]. It is! The night I got saved it was dependable! The night God called me to preach it was dependable! For 43 years, I've been preaching it and declaring it, and it's been dependable to rescue the perishing and care for the dying, and sober the drunkard, and to deliver the dope head! I've never found anything any better! And so you're not going to get me to raise a bunch of questions about the Word of God! When I say the 'Word of God,' I consider the King James Version the Word of God!!!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the awesome MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!

“But you see, the attitude of this generation is: If you got a lot of education, Boy we've got it made! I mean that's it; I mean, you're just super-duper! ... Any kind of education that doesn't strengthen your faith in Jesus is an abomination!!! And the average college graduate comes out with less faith and less fire, than he had when he went in. I'm talking about in the Christian schools, in the seminaries, and in the Bible schools across this country; now that ought not be!” —Brother Lester Roloff, a needful quote from the MP3 sermon titled, “'THE LIVING BIBLE' EXPOSED!

We are at war over the inspiration of God's Word. The common denominator of all Bible corrupters is a denial of the inspiration of the King James Bible!!! There is absolutely nothing in that one Greek word, theopneustos, in 2nd Timothy 3:16 (from which these five words are translated, “given by inspiration of God”) that limits inspiration to only the “originals.” Theo means God; pneustos means air, or breath. The Holy Bible was breathed out by God; therefore, the words are all inspired! What God breathed out is still His breathed words!!! THEY ARE STILL GOD-BREATHED!!! THEY ARE STILL INSPIRED!!! I like to think of the word “inspired” as “IN-SPIRIT”! That's what Jesus said in John 6:63, “It is the spirit that quickeneth; the flesh profiteth nothing: the words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.” Job 32:8, “But there is a spirit in man: and the inspiration of the Almighty giveth them understanding.” Hebrews 4:12, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.” THE WORD OF GOD IS INSPIRED!!! It came from God, they are His words!

The only people who attack and criticize the King James Bible are new-evangelicals, Bible-corrupters, self-styled scholars, false prophets, critics, Bob Jones University graduates and idiots! Soul-winners leave it alone! Humble country preachers leave it alone! Men of God leave it alone! Rescue missions leave it alone! I watched this celebration today of Dr. Jack Hyles' 40th year as pastor of First Baptist Church of Hammond. In the video I noticed the different signs being held up around the auditorium at FBCH, expressing appreciation for Pastor Hyles. I read one big banner overhanging the balcony, which read, “The Homeless Love You!” That touched my heart. I wish everyone could have known the beautiful man and friend that Brother Hyles was! Once Dr. Hyles decided he was your friend, you had a friend for life! Millions of lives were touched for God, including mine. My website ministry wouldn't be here if it weren't for Dr. Jack Hyles, and I might not even be saved (I was saved under the preaching of a HAC graduate). Thank God for Dr. Jack Hyles!!!


Dr. Hyles Expresses Concern Over The Spiritual Future Of FBCH When He Goes To Heaven!!!

Dr. Hyles, “The Only Inspired Words Of God Are In The King James Bible!” (from his own lips)

King James Bible Inspiration (a great MP3 defense of the Christian faith, Pastor David Baker)

The Most Discouraging Thing To Me As a Christian is the Shallow Bob Jones University Crowd

Flat Earthers And Alexandrian Bible Version Cult (flat earth? a dozen Bibles? Whose nuttier?)

Inspiration: Temporal Or Eternal? (a great defense of KJB inspiration by Dr. James Sightler)

Dr. Jack Hyles Was Right About The King James Bible (The King James Bible is 100% inspired)

Souls Are Dying!

Precious Christian Testimonies

How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
(an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Hank Lindstrom, 1940-2008)

“The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”)

May I ask you, reader, “Are you a soul winner?” Remember that a soul winner is a salvager—one who leads a sinner to choose Christ and one who leads a saint to choose the will of God, the work of God and the plan of God. —Dr. Jack Hyles; a wonderful quote from chapter 1 of the book, “Salvation Is More Than Being Saved.”

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!