Laying Up Treasures In Heaven
By David J. Stewart | December 2009
I know a man who is enamored with the stock market. In fact, he is consumed with it. Day-by-day, he is infatuated with his investments, and frustrated by the uncertainty of the markets, and his heart dwells continually upon them. He is desperately attempting to lay up wealth for his old age, here on earth. His hair is already white, and he surely will be dead and gone within 20-30 years at most; yet, he is living for the moment and has forgotten God. I recently heard him talking about his portfolio, and he was sad, because the markets were down that particular day. I couldn't help but ponder the precious Words of Jesus in the Bible . . .
Jesus' Words are so precious. What a comfort to know in our heart as believers that we can lay up eternal treasures in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, neither do thieves break through and steal, nor are there stock market declines... Amen! There is no stock market in Heaven, because God is our eternal security! . . .
A Christian Family verses Making Money So many people love money. 1st Timothy 6:10 warns, “For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.” What a miserable existence to live from day-to-day, desiring to make more money as one's top priority in life. The greatest things in life are not things. I know men who are consumed with making money, working all the overtime they possibly can, at the expense of family time. It's tragic! So many people are slaves to their job, thinking that they have to work overtime to make ends meet. I'd rather be in debt than not be at home with my family on my scheduled days off from work. It is a matter of priorities. I'd rather be a mother at home with my children, living in total poverty; than to have a successful career at the expense of motherhood. There is no greater privilege, command and responsibility in the universe than to be a godly wife and mother (1st Timothy 5:14-15). Don't let the Devil rob you of motherhood. The love of money is the sin of covetousness. We don't hear too many sermons nowadays against covetousness, but it is just as vile and wicked as the sin of homosexuality. 1st Timothy 6:8 states, "And having food and raiment let us be therewith content." The Bible tells us to be satisfied with just food and clothing. Are you listening? The average person today is covetous and; therefore, thinks they need all the latest electronic gizmos and gadgets. I've seen ads on TV where you can buy a video game system for nearly $1,000, allowing buyers to make monthly payments for years to come. That's insane folks! If you buy a video game and have to make monthly payments to pay for it, you need serious help. The United States has become a dangerous place to live my friend. The sin of covetousness has broken up more marriages, homes, and churches than any other sin. Covetousness causes people to go into debt, make rash financial decisions based on greed, entrap themselves in financial investments, lose their homes and work long hours at the expense of their marriage and family. You don't need that money friend, because it will cost you more than you could ever possibly imagine. Many young women today are postponing having children, pursuing career opportunities instead. How tragic! 1st Timothy 5:14 states, "I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children, guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully. For some are already turned aside after Satan." Many women today have already turned aside after Satan, i.e., they are following Satan's plan for their life—forfeiting having children, living for money, and disobeying God's will for their life. It's your choice ladies. Will you be content with food and raiment as the Bible teaches; or do you think you need a designer kitchen, fancy car, home theatre entertainment system, and everything else that the sinful world has to offer. So many women have sold their virtue on the vile alter of covetousness. Por_ography (edited to avoid censorship) has become a major online epidemic (now a $50 billion evil industry). Did you know that 12% of all websites are now Por_ography? [SOURCE] This is so sad and evil. All across America, movie theater owners are increasingly showing “adult-only” films. Playboy magazine, and all such adulterous publications, have contributed woefully to the destruction of America. This sick filth is legal. Of the holy Ten Commandments in the Bible (Exodus 20), only two of them are illegal in the United States! Woe unto America! People by nature seek to blame others for their sins. They claim, “The Devil made me do it!” You are accountable to God for your own sins, and cannot blame anyone else (Romans 14:12; 2nd Corinthians 5:10-11). Oh, that people would serve the Lord, depart from sin and become soul-winners for Christ (Proverb 11:30). Life is short my friend, and you've only got one chance to get it right. I can't imagine for the life of me why any woman would want to wait until she's in her late 30s or 40s to have a family. God didn't intend for it to be that way. I can't help but wonder how many childless career women, when they've reached 45 years of age, gaze from their expensive automobile at a mother with all her children hugging her. Was your career worth it? Instead of having your own children to hug and love you, you've got a bunch of headaches and material “things” to keep you company in your old age. What a sad situation. The
Devil saw you coming. These are some of the “many sorrows”
spoken of in 1st Timothy 6:10, which will pierce through your heart
every time you realize what you could have had; but you loved money
instead. It is the love of money that causes many young women
to abort their precious baby. There is an
evil agenda at work by the ruling elite to prevent you from
having children, by trashing out the economy and forcing you into
poverty. How to Lay Up Treasures in Heaven
Please read my book, REWARDS IN HEAVEN.
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