Tithing and Giving Sensibly
(Are you foolishly wasting God's money?)

by David J. Stewart | December 2003 | Updated July 2014

       I am sickened by Christians (or at least professed "Christians") who blindly tithe to dead-beat churches, false prophets or greedy charitable organizations who do nothing for God. We are accountable to God for what we do with the money He has blessed us with. So many people give money to dead churches because of guilt, hype or pressure from religious leaders. 

I am utterly against any leader of some so-called “charity” (especially a professed Christian organization) getting paid over $100,000 a year. The average hard-working American earns $37,000 a year.[1] The average world salary is $18,000 a year. Yet, over half the world's population survive on less than $2 a day. More than 660 million people without sanitation live on less than $2 a day, and more than 385 million on less than $1 a day.[2]

A fool and his money are soon parted. Time would fail me to mention the thousands of crooked, dishonest, wasteful and unethical charities, sinister ministers, scams and wasteful causes for which people donate money. If you want to lay up treasures in Heaven, then you had better give to the genuinely poor, and to the work of getting souls saved through faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ. Please read my article about why we shouldn't give to Fat Cat Charities. It's sickening that Red Cross pays it's CEO over $600,000 a year!

In fact, nearly all big name charities pay such ridiculous and extravagant salaries to their top officials. I don't care what anybody says in defense of such greed, a “charity” by very definition is supposed to be for the public good, and not for personal benefit and profit. What a sick joke that Red Cross, United Way, Feed The Children, UNICEF, World Vision, The Salvation Army, Voice Of The Martyrs, and a thousand other shameful groups like them are erroneously called “non-profit,” all paying 6-digit ridiculous figure 3-50 times more than what the average American worker earns per year. I'm glad that God judges all men for every dollar they possess. The apostate minister Billy Graham is paid nearly 10-times what the average U.S. worker earns per year. Are you foolishly giving money to these greedy organizations?

May I say, let's be careful with God's money. When we give to God we're just letting go of what is already His. Everything that we own in this world was given to us by God. Our health is from God. Our ability to walk, talk and think is from God. The food on our table is from God. The air we breath, the sunshine we enjoy and the blessings of life are all from God. Even our capacity to suffer, feel emotional pain and Life itself is a gift from God. We are all living on borrowed time for God.

I believe it is a sin for any so-called minister (which means servant) or charity (which means love) to pay their top official $125,000 a year or more! Most pay a lot more! America is a land of religious idiots! I'm NOT talking about godly Christians who support their soul-winning, King James Bible, soul-loving, New Testament Church. I'm talking about the fools who give tens-of-thousands of dollars to ministries which do very little if anything FOR GOD! Do you really know where you money is going? If your pastor is paid far above what the average cost-of-living is in your geographical area, you ought to stop tithing and find another church. It is God's money!


Many suburban highbrow church members don't want the poor and African Americans in their church. So they donate money to inner-city ministries (churches, missions, et cetera) to alleviate their guilt. You'd be surprised how many of those ministries shamefully operate. Most people are not familiar with how a 501c3 so-called “non-profit” organization works. Let me educate you, so you'll be aware. By nature 501c3 entities are highly corruptible and susceptible to personal gain. Basically the organization can spend the donations any way they want, they just need to make it look good on paper for the state government.

Let's say for example that a man decides to start a church in a poor neighborhood in a big city. Legally, he just needs a few officials: a director, a president, a treasurer, a secretary, et cetera. So what he does is appoint friends and family to his board of directors. As motivation to those helping your scam, you share your tax-exemption number with them, so they don't pay sales taxes on items they personally buy. You buy food for 9 cents a pound from the local Food Depository and then share it with your board as fringe benefits. Try buying food for 9 cents a pound anywhere. Did you know that 501c3 groups don't pay taxes? They are exempt from property taxes. They are exempt from paying a water bill in many cities. Yes, free water. Everybody wants to give to help a charity, but they don't look closer to see how their money is being spent.

I've known of so-called “ministers” to drive a new car every year. By purchasing the vehicle for the church, there are no sales taxes. If you need cash, you collect grocery recipes from a super-market's garbage or laying on the ground, or you ask family and friends to save their recipes. Then you enter those recipes into your 501c3 ledge as petty cash, sticking the money in your pocket for grocery items that the church never bought. Nice way to steal money from the church huh? But since it's your 501c3 and you raise all the money, you naturally feel entitled to all of it.

This is why I hate groups like Answers-in-Genesis, which Ken Ham runs. I'm NOT saying that Ken Ham is doing anything shady or dishonest. I am saying that I know from experience that 501c3 ministries are highly vulnerable to corruption, and IT'S ALL LEGAL. Now the scenario of collecting grocery recipes to steal petty cash is illegal, but how can you get caught if you HAVE RECIPES? The sickening fact is that most of the stealing is perfectly legal. Did you know that a 501c3 organization can take paid vacations and call it a “business meeting,” charged to the organization.

Let's say that a CEO of a charity gets paid $125,000 a year, which is comparatively small compared to groups like Red Cross who pay over $600,000 a year to their top official. Still, that guy getting paid $125,000 a year drives a ministry car. The ministry pays for his gas. He takes vacations and they're charged to the ministry as a business trip. He eats at the ministry's dining hall, and dines at the best of restaurants at luncheons and dinner get-togethers paid for by the ministry. 501c3 ministry officials and their friends also live in ministry properties, all tax-exempt and rent free, owned and operated by the church or organization. Sick yet? I haven't even touched the tip of the iceberg. Now I'm not saying that all ministries and 501c3 groups are dishonest and shady, but MOST are in my opinion. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm simply saying to KNOW how your donations are being spent.

I want to vomit when I see shady groups like Benny Hinn claim to have verifiable contributions, showing some bogus chart that shows 51% of their donations went for this, and 30% went for that (I'm making these numbers up). A thousand expenses could fall under the umbrella of any one of those pie-chart areas. What a joke! Most people are stupid, giving to feel good and sleep better at night. In reality, you're throwing your money away, which genuinely could have been used to support the New Testament Church. Bless God, you find an Independent Fundamental Baptist Church with a growing Bus Ministry and give there!!! Look for the ministries and give to that church!!! I'd NEVER give a penny to any televangelist, because it's all a big scam!

Let's continue on how to run a 501c3 scam. You have a phantom board of legally-required directors which are only appointed (not voted in), so you can remove them from the board on a whim. Most religious men like the prestige of being on a church board so that keep quiet. Most of a shady ministry's support comes from neo-evangelical dead-beat churches who have no ministries of their own. They support such a pathetic poor-excuse-for-a-ministry to alleviate their own GUILT! Nearly all of his financial support comes from ritzy suburban churches that have NO soul-winning programs or outreach ministries of their own.

They support this inner-city ministry because they don't want the poor or blacks in their churches, they would rather pay someone else to do what they should be doing. They make a donation, then pat themselves on the back, thinking they've done their service for God. Sadly, they are wasting their money by giving it to a dead-beat minister who could care less about truly reaching people with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Oh sure, he might give a sermonette hear or there, preaching a watered-down gospel, but he has no zeal for truth or righteousness! He has no fire for God! I would never support a ministry that only opens it's doors for two hours a week. I would never support a ministry that only functions as a soup-kitchen, while the souls of men go to Hell.

The biggest problem that I see is that suburban Christians want to give, but don't know where to give, so they give to unknown ministries without being able to verify how the money is spent. This is why I discourage people from giving to online groups, or big charities that pay 6-digit salaries. Jesus commanded us to give to THE POOR, not to some big charity because we don't know any poor people. You're paying some jerk $300,000 a year before a poor person sees one dime of your money. You'll be sick if you look how big charities squander donated money.

After 911, Red Cross didn't give the money donated to the victim's families. Many first-responders are dying with cancer years later, as have many of the rescue dogs on 911, and Red Cross refuses to help them. I am disgusted by Red Cross. I know so many idiots, wealthy and talented people, who give to and promote Red Cross to make themselves look good and feel better, but they truly couldn't care less about the poor and misfortunate. The rich give to shady groups like United Way and Red Cross as a buffer, so they don't have to come in direct contact with the hurting, needy and poor. God doesn't reward that kind of good works religion. God is not impressed with your spare time, chump change and leftovers for Him and the poor.

I could write a book on how to run a 501c3 scam, because it's not that hard to figure out. So the guy getting paid $125,000 is really making double that when you include all the fringe benefits of ministry provisions, perks and privileges. They are living high-on-the-hog. The Salvation Army owns tens-of-millions of dollars in lucrative real estate in Hawaii and other locations, paying countless officials 6-digits salaries. Ladies and gentlemen, Christianity is NOT a business!!! By law, no charity or ministry should be allowed to pay themselves more than the common laborers in society. I'm sick and tired of this Las Vegas type of false Christianity, hitting the big time in Jesus' name financially, wheeling and dealing for personal gain at the expense of Christianity. I have a right to my opinion and I think 95% of America's charities today all stink!


I would NEVER donate money (or tithe) to any organization or ministry where the top people are paid a 6-digit salary. As an example, I won't give money to Feed The Children because I did my homework and found that the head of the organization (in Oklahoma) pays himself $125,000 a year. I realize that the organization took in a half-billion dollars last year and that he could easily have paid himself a lot more. 

However, he could also live just fine in Oklahoma on $50,000 a year, which would free up an extra $75,000 to feed "starving" children! I don't make anywhere near the $125,000 he makes for an annual salary (98% of American workers don't either). So why should we financially support an organization which can pay someone that kind of money? Are there not children starving? How many meals and medical supplies could $75,000 buy?  Do you see my point? It makes me sick! I feel it is highly hypocritical for a man who makes $125,000 a year to expect working Americans (who are fortunate enough to make $30,000 a year), to support his CHARITABLE organization. 

We see the TV commercials of starving children, and we are told that one child can be properly cared for each day for pennies on a dollar. If the top management employee of Feed The Children can afford to pay himself $125,000 a year, then they've got more than enough money as far as I'm concerned. I'll give elsewhere.


I do NOT believe in a 10% tithe! We read that Jacob gave a tenth of all he owned to God (Genesis 28:22). That is fine, but that was Jacob's personal decision. Keep in mind that Jacob was a wealthy man with many wives, children, livestock and goods. Surely, some people can (and should) give much more than 10% to God. 

However, more and more, families are struggling financially these days. Increasingly, fewer and fewer men and women are going to be able to give money to their church. They have NO choice. Manufacturing jobs are leaving America at a record-breaking pace. I get upset when a pastor pressure their congregation to commit to giving a certain amount of money, when that sorry rascal couldn't care less about the deliberate subversion of our economy by the criminal International banking cartel. What he is effectively saying is, “I don't care if you are forced into bankruptcy, I need and want your money.”

A pastor who preaches the Bible as it should be taught won't have to hound his people to give. People will give sacrificially to a church that is growing and reaching lost souls for Jesus Christ. That means that your church must have ministries. I'm sick of Baptist churches who meet weekly to gather around the Word, but they don't do anything. You shouldn't give to a church that doesn't have many ministries, reaching out to the community. God deliver us from deadbeat pastors who think it's merely their job to feed the flock. They might as well hang out a sign that says, “US 4 AND NO MORE!”

A New Testament Church ought to be a people-loving church, reaching out with its various ministries to the local community. You start one ministry at a time. You've got to motivate your people to start their own ministries. Perhaps a nursing home ministry. Bake some cookies, sing some songs, give out some tracks and tell them about Jesus. Everyone should have a ministry in the church. I wouldn't give a dime to any church that doesn't have ministries, unless they are moving in that direction. The Church was meant to be a hospital for ungodly sinners, and not a spiritual museum to worship each other.


The globalist elite (CFR members) are obsessed with destroying the United States for the greater cause (in their minds) of creating a New World Order. Our decent paying manufacturing jobs are being replaced with low-paying service jobs. Real estate costs have exploded. You'll soon see 40 and 50-year mortgages offered (it's inevitable). The greedy bankers want us all in life-time debt. They own us, they control the money machine, they create depression and recession, they create job growth and prosperous times.

And of course, many top bankers are CFR members. Federal reserve bankers are running this country into the ground. We collectively owe an estimated 73 trillion dollars as a nation because of them, and they should be lynched! Most Americans are in deep-debt. My point is that money is going to get more and more difficult to come by and you may NOT be able to tithe. Your pastor may have to work a secular job. You might have to do without air-conditioning at church. The pastor may have to cancel his vacation to Hawaii. Times are going to get tougher friend! 

If you've done any studying or reading at all about America's debt and the fiat money scam, you know what is coming. The bubble is going to burst! Our dollar will be devalued. Inflation will sky-rocket. Americans will suffer financially, bankruptcies will soar, home confiscations will occur by the tens-of-thousands, pensions will be stolen (like the steel workers just lost theirs). Churches had better learn to operate on a shoe-string!


There is nothing in New Testament concerning tithing, except a few references to the Old Testament tithe system. However, the New Testament does speak of "giving." Giving is to be from the heart (cheerfully). This is not a set in stone 10% tithe. Many people can and should give more than 10% to God. We ought to give generously, joyfully, prayerfully and consistently to the Lord's work. I am not in any way diminishing the importance of tithing; but rather, I'm trying to get you to stop giving many to shady ministries and groups and start giving to the work of the New Testament Church in getting souls saved.

We should all support Christian missionaries through a local New Testament Church. By the way, I only support Independent Fundamental Baptist Churches and missionaries, because they are the ones mostly uplifting the King James Bible, preaching the gospel correctly and making a difference for God.

"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver." -2nd Corinthians 9:7

The Apostle Paul in 1st Corinthians 16:2 advises us to give as God hath prospered us. Maybe you can give a lot, maybe nothing at all; God knows your heart.

"Now concerning the collection for the saints, as I have given order to the churches of Galatia, even so do ye.  Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, that there be no gatherings when I come." -1st Corinthians 16:1, 2

Paul was an evangelist, a missionary, and he relied heavily upon the financial support of the churches (and the tents he made and sold). Unfortunately, he almost starved. He suggested that instead of taking up a love-offering when he came to preach, that the church take up a collection in advance (if they were able to afford it). Waiting until the last moment didn't seem to work too well. Evidently, many churches didn't give Paul anything...

"Now ye Philippians know also, that in the beginning of the gospel, when I departed from Macedonia, no church communicated with me as concerning giving and receiving, but ye only." -Philippians 4:15

Only the church at Philippi helped Paul financially. He wrote the book of Philippians from within a prison cell.  He thanked the believers at the church in Philippi for remembering him financially. Perhaps the other churches were carnal (as the believers at Corinth were, 1st Corinthians 3:3), or maybe they just didn't have the funds. Paul assures the believers at Philippi that God will supply their needs. It would almost appear as if this Scripture is implying that we should give what we cannot afford, expecting God to reimburse us. 

However, this is not what the Apostle Paul said in 1st Corinthians 16:2, where he specifies that we should give as God hath prospered (or not prospered) us. We should never be financially irresponsible. Going into debt is plain foolish. All Paul was saying is that God will WILL take care of us, so we shouldn't hesitate to give IF WE ARE ABLE, but we still have to be financially responsible. Sometimes people spend until they end up in debt, and no one helps them out!!! Where is your church when your about to go under financially? 

Surely, most of us can give heartily, but increasingly due to the loss of jobs to Mexico, Taiwan, China, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Honduras and India...many cannot. Our government's top leaders have betrayed the American workers and families to the CFR's New World Order. Things have only begun to get bad!


We are not commanded to give a 10% tithe. I realize I just made you spill your coffee if your a pastor or church leader, but it is nevertheless true! I used to believe in a 10% tithe (as I was taught in church) until I hit the hard times financially. There was a time in my life when I faithfully gave 15% of everything I had into the offering plate. I simply didn't have a good enough job. I couldn't take my wife out to eat (but the pastor could, and did!). I couldn't put more than $3 or $4 worth of gas in my car fuel tank at a time, but the pastor filled his tank. I was always broke, but the pastor had money. I came to realize that there are legitimate times when you just cannot give what you don't have anymore.

And don't ever let anyone errantly tell you that if you knew how to pray that your bills would be paid. That is wicked to tell anybody that. It is wrong to teach someone that if they knew how to pray that God would provide for their college tuition, debts owed or bills due. Our nation has been forced into economic recession and for many depression. It's all deliberate, intended by the global elite to force women into the workplace and discourage motherhood. Wake up!

My checks were starting to bounce because I was always scraping the bottom of the money barrel. So I did the only honest thing I knew to do, I closed my bank account and paid all my bills with money orders for the next two years. This way I KNEW that a check would never bounce. I didn't think much about it at the time, but I look back now and admire that young man of yesteryear for being honest enough to do that. I was really broke. Even more, I became a working father with four children, my wife stayed at home as a homemaker, we had NO MONEY for ourselves (let alone to give). 

Family men often CANNOT afford to give very much (if anything at all). I believe it is wrong for a working family man to be pressured by a pastor to tithe, when that family man can barely afford to pay his own bills.  Too many preachers are only thinking about themselves. Family MUST come first, church second! Like it or not, that is Bible (1st Timothy 5:8)! I've known people to give money to a ministry even when they couldn't pay their own bills. Do you know what happened? They went further into financial trouble for not paying their bills.

And let me add, these preachers that throw Malachi 3:10 into everyone's face about robbing God fail to tell the whole story. First of all, the tithe system was ONLY for Israel. Israel was commanded by God to tithe to the tribe of Levi. The tribe of Levi (the priestly tribe which performed all the ceremonial priestly duties) , were spiritual servants to the other eleven tribes. 

God was rebuking Israel (through the prophet Malachi) because the temple of God had been neglected for 19 long years. The heathen nations saw that Israel thought very little of their God, as represented by the dilapidated condition of their temple. The storehouse was empty. The Israelites had beautiful homes, but forgot about God. This is why they were indicted for robbing God in tithes and offerings. Preachers never take into consideration in Malachi that these people God accused of robbing Him had decked-out homes that had plenty and they were doing good financially. This is very different than some father today who is struggling to make ends meet each month.

Malachi proclaims a challenge to Israel, he assures the people that God will reward them abundantly if they will only obey by giving the required tithes and offerings. Most preachers love this Scripture only because it keeps putting the bread and butter on their table at home. However, don't be a fool about this. We are NOT under the tithe system today. 


Anyone can give a dollar. I live by the philosophy that no offering plate will ever pass in front of me where I don't give. We ought to get into the habit of giving. Even little children ought to give, even if just a dime or a quarter each. I NEVER allow an offering plate to pass in front of me where I don't give. I'm not rich, but thankfully I can give much more than the bare minimum, and I do by God's grace. I love to give. I want to give. I'm laying up treasures in Heaven. But my church has numerous ministries. My pastor gives an invitation to receive Christ at the end of each sermon.

Everyone can give to God of their time. Any business man will tell you that TIME IS MONEY and MONEY IS TIME. You ought to give God of your time. Volunteer at church to help out. We ought to look for opportunities to give to help the poor, pay for kids going to church camp, support missionaries, et cetera. There is always many opportunities to give to the Lord. The one place where we are not supposed to give is to pay for some CEO's 6-digit extravagant salary. Why does anyone need to be paid that kind of money?

It may be an industry standard for charities to be ridiculous salaries to top officials, but consider that many such leaders are members of secret societies, mainly Freemasonry. The apostles didn't live high-on-the-hog from the money they received in the Church; but rather, they distributed to every man as he has need (Acts 4:35). It is just plain wrong to pay 6-digit salaries with God's money to someone who is supposed to be a charity leader. I am a firm believer in giving directly to the poor. Most of the money given to poor African children never gets there.

Pastor J. Vernon McGee Has It Correct

I believe the great Pastor J. Vernon McGee said it well...

"Again I would remind you that we are not under the tithe system today. There are many humble believers with very little income for whom a tenth would be too much to give. There are others whom God has blessed in such a wonderful way that they could easily give even as much as the government will allow for deductions. There are those who have an income such that they could give that to the Lord, but we find very few who are giving like that. The tithe is certainly a yardstick by which you could measure yourself, but I don’t think that it is legal or binding at all.

"Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse." There are many churches and some denominations which have said that the storehouse is the local church or the denomination. Frankly, just as the tithe is not for the church today, neither is the storehouse. The storehouse was a part of the temple. There were many buildings around the temple which were storerooms. When people brought their tithe, it was stored away in these storerooms. When Nehemiah came back to Jerusalem (sometime before the time of Malachi), he found Tobiah, the enemy of God, living in one of the storerooms that had been cleaned out. It had been cleaned out because the people were not giving generously, and they had made an apartment out of it for Tobiah! But Nehemiah cleaned up the place. He took Tobiah’s things and pitched them out the window and told him to get out of town. Then the people began to bring their offerings to fill up the storeroom again (see Nehemiah 13:4–9)

There is no such thing today as that which is called 'storehouse giving.'  That’s not quite the way we give, because Israel’s giving was in the form of produce. In fact, if you will notice the law concerning the offerings, God gave a certain part of the animal to the priests, and He always said that they were to eat it right there. They didn’t have any refrigerators, any kind of icebox, in which to freeze the meat. In that warm climate the meat would have gone bad in a hurry, and so God told them to eat it right there. But the other produce was stored until it was needed." -J. Vernon McGee

Today, we are NOT commanded to tithe or give to any specific church or denomination. There is NO temple! There is NO tribe of Levi! We are NOT under ceremonial law as were the Old Testament Jews. There is NO storehouse. We are to give as God hath "prospered" us! Where do we give? To a local church if it's a soul-winning, King James Bible-preaching church. We can give directly to the poor, or to a trustworthy missionary who isn't just making a living. We can give to many causes, but our primary giving should be to Bible-preaching, soul-winning churches. Are we commanded to tithe? I don't find this in the New Testament! Should we give? Yes, if we are fortunate enough to be blessed with a man of God. There are cities all across America where there are NO men of God behind it's pulpits. Times have drastically changed! 


You are NOT obligated by God to support any minister, but you ARE obligated to pay your own bills and provide for your family. I know some pastor is foaming at the mouth right now from reading this, that's ok! You need to hear this! If you want your people to give, get them excited about reaching the world for Christ and they'll want to give. When Charles Spurgeon was asked the question "what should be done about people who fall asleep during a preachers sermon?" Spurgeon replied, "WAKE THE PREACHER UP!" How true! How true!

I recently heard about a struggling pastor who in desperation fabricated the ludicrous teaching that his church members were all commanded to tithe 10%, not on their net income, not even on their gross income, but upon their company estimated package value. In other words, he is teaching his people that they are supposed to tithe 10% based upon their sick leave, vacation time, company insurance payout, social security payout, Medicare payout, retirement payout, et cetera. So you may only take home $35,000 a year on your 1040 tax form, but the company you work for estimates your total package at $60,000. 

According to this pastor, you are supposed to tithe $6,000 (10% of $60,000). Is he desperate for money or what? That's one of the silliest things I've ever heard, and heresy I might add. There is NO command to tithe for the New Testament church. We are commanded to GIVE as we are able. It is our choice and option to which church we give God's money. It is truly God's money because He gave it to us. We have been entrusted with that money. Don't let some high-brow preacher sucker you into the lie that you HAVE TO TITHE or else face poverty and destruction. 

When Dr. Jack Hyles preached, you wanted to give sacrificially, because you saw where the money was going as a member of the church. The hundreds of buses arriving in front of the church with thousands of children and families, all gathered freely to hear the precious truth of Jesus Christ. First Baptist Church had over 100 ministries under Pastor Hyles. That's the kind of church that we ought to support, that is, a church that is serving God!

Stop sending your money to Eric Hovind, who was begging early this year for $600,000 to keep his internet ministry going, which promotes a Young Earth. What a pathetic joke!


The Bible promises that God will reward those who remember the poor (Psalm 41:1). Most people couldn't care less about the poor and some even want to genocide them:

"There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men." -Proverb 30:14

People like Margaret Sanger, Bill Gates, Warren Buffet and Ted Turner (and thousands of others) would like to genocide the poor and uncivilized from off the face of the earth (keywords: UNFPA, sterilization, tetanus, genocide, www.blackgenocide.org). God hates population control and abortion! America has abandoned the poor of this world, now we want to exterminate them.

"He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse." -Proverb 28:27

Though America on the surface has given away more money than any other nation, we have reaped a hundredfold through covert drug operations and U.S. terrorism around the world. We are a wicked nation who devours the poor. Americans spend a shocking $5,000,000,000 each year at Christmas on their pets. We are still an economically spoiled nation, but things will get much worse as time progresses. China is poised to pass the U.S. as the economic power of the world in 2014, and they will, and they're building up their military with the money. Instead, the U.S. is dismantling our military.

Don't Waste Your Money

We are to be good stewards of our money. As a rule of thumb: Our money should be spent to make things happen for God! Churches all across America collect billions of dollars as a whole each year, yet so little is done for God with that money. Most churches are nothing more than glorified social-clubs! Look at the hellish condition that the United States is in today! 

By the way, I won't give a dime to any church that uses the NIV perversion of the Bible. I won't give a dime to a church which does not go soul-winning. I believe a man of God should set the example for his people. If the pastor is living high-on-the-hog, do NOT tithe to his ministry (because evidently it is HIS ministry, and not God's as it should be). People often give money to a church so they can feel "good" or "holy" about themselves. 

Truthfully, you are an idiot if you support any organization or ministry without investigating where the money is being spent. Whatever you do, DO NOT give any money to TV evangelists or cult leaders like Benny Hinn. I would NEVER give a dime to a TV ministry. DO NOT give any money to Promise Keepers (which is pro-Catholic). The church should receive our money first and foremost; BUT, only if the church is trying to win the lost souls of sinners. Remember: church is a hospital for sinners, NOT a museum for spiritual relics! We're not giving money just to keep the air-conditioners going!!!

Some People Should Give a Lot!

I am always sickened when I see the literature of the Jehovah Witnesses, it's first class garbage. They are a cult!  They do have high-quality literature though. I wish churches would do the same. Unfortunately, it's expensive. Some churches in America are spending the money and making a difference (e.g., The Fellowship Tract League in Ohio). Printing is expensive! I wish more churches would get involved in printing first-class Biblical literature. It seems like everything else takes precedence these days. 

Howbeit, there are some filthy rich people in this world who are cold-hearted and could care less about God (e.g., Atheist Bill gates and his Catholic wife, they give plenty to help genocide the population though through UNFPA). There are many Christian people with lots of money who should be giving A LOT more money to the cause of Christ. Praise the Lord for those wealthy business-men who do support churches and give to Christian colleges. 

Unfortunately, there's not enough such men to go around. Godly churches suffer persecution and find it much harder to make ends meet, depending on the community their in). It's much harder to build a church in an upscale Catholic area, than it would be in a poorer area of town. Rich people think they have heaven on earth already, so their much less inclined to listen to our foolishness about God. Nevertheless, God will supply our needs. We should not hold back the truth for money's sake. If preaching the truth keeps a church poor, then SO BE IT! No real man respects a chameleon who changes colors to fit the crowd. Men respect a man who says it like it is. Jesus was a real man, he said what He meant, and meant what He said (John 14:2).

If you can give to God and your not, you WILL answer to God someday. The Indian government has so much wheat that you could stack the bags to the moon and back TWICE! There's so much wheat that the government over there is paying farmers to rent land to store the grain. Much of the wheat is spoiling due to excess. Yet, unbelievably, little children with swollen bellies and showing ribs are starving to death!!! You can thank the greedy international lenders (the globalist elite) who prohibit the Indian government from helping it's own poor people. Hell will be very hot for many!!!!!!!


Children around the globe are starving to death, while churches have money coming out their ears. Is it any wonder why God is allowing the United States to be deindustrialized and broken down? Something is wrong don't you think? How is it that churches are rich, yet America is crumbling? Unfortunately, the number of godly churches in America are extremely few. Most of the organizations that we commonly refer to as "churches" are simply false-religions (e.g., Catholicism). There are still some good old-fashioned Baptist churches. Very few churches have aggressive soul-winning programs to reach their communities for Christ. Most churches are just "us-four-and-no-more." America's churches have failed to reach their communities for Jesus Christ. Today, we live in a godless nation where most cities are void of a soul-winning church. No one wants to belong to something that is dying! Most church services are very similar to attending a funeral service. 

In conclusion, if you can give, by all means give; If you can't, that's ok with God. If you do have the money to give, please make sure that your money doesn't go to some crook like the sinister minister. Please make sure that your donations are truly going for the intended purposes you gave it. You should support your local church, but ONLY if they have a soul-winning program and preach against sin from the King James Bible. 

So be careful with the money which God has entrusted to you. God knows what you can give or not. I encourage all of you to give generously, joyfully, prayerfully and consistently to the poor and to God's work through the New Testament Church, but make sure that is indeed where the money is truly going.