God Cares

By David J. Stewart

"Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you." -1st Peter 5:7

We are living in perilous times when fewer and fewer people care.  2nd Timothy 3:1,2 warns, "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves..."  I recently heard a man say, "I couldn't care less about the victims of 911 because none of them were my loved ones."  What a horrible thing to say.  Well I care, and God cares, and anyone who has the love of God in their soul should care too.  Caring is the hallmark quality of a Christian.  The defining character trait of a genuine born-again believer is that THEY CARE!  It's been said that the biggest problem in America today is apathy, but who cares?  Do you care?  You should.  Do you care about the moral decadence in America today? 

God cares!  1st Peter 5:7 certifies that God DOES in fact care about us.  Did you ever stop to think about all the wonderful blessings which God has freely provided to us?  The ability to see colors, taste foods, smell donuts, feel sunshine, hear music, enjoy marriage--these are all blessings from God which we selfishly take for granted.  God gave us these blessings as an expression of His divine power and love, to cause us to be thankful and to turn to Jesus Christ in faith for the forgiveness of sins.  Romans 1:21 states, "Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened."  Oh how ungrateful so many are today.  Instead of honoring God with obedience, men build a city so vile and wicked that they name it--SIN CITY!  Is this how America trusts in God?  Tragically, professed Christians are some of the biggest patrons of Las Vegas.

Increasingly in the world today, we see that fewer people care about the poor.  Did you know that 18,000 children starve to death every single day?  Did you also know that there were 8,900,000 millionaires living in the United States in 2005?  And yet do we thank God?  How dare any American today ask God to bless America--when we LEGALLY allow pornography, prostitution, rebellious wives, divorce, gambling, drunkenness, abortion, homosexuality, gay-marriages, lesbianism, adultery, fornication, witchcraft, nudity, psychics, Girls Gone Wild, and every other form of SINFUL vile filth imaginable.  You see, most Americans DON'T care anymore, and it's an downward spiral into Hell.  My website is here for one reason, and one reason only--because I CARE.  I care about the truth.  I care about people.  I care about the victims of 911.  I care about what OUR government does with OUR money and in OUR name.  I care about the people being needlessly killed in Iraq.  Am I guilty of caring too much? ...perhaps, but someone needs to care, and I do! 

God cares more than anyone else.  In fact, the Bible teaches that we shall give account to God for every word spoken in this lifetime, "But I say unto you, That every idle word that men shall speak, they shall give account thereof in the day of judgment" (Matthew 12:36).  How much more shall homosexuals who parade their sins across America, and the heathens who boast of their SIN CITY, and women who deliberately cause men to lust--give account to God.  God cares!  Don't be deceived--no one is going to get away with anything.  If someone has wronged you, God will hold them accountable (Romans 12:19; 14:12), and vise versa.  God cares about little things.

We are living in a cold, calloused, and heartless world where most people only care about themselves... "This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. For men shall be lovers of their own selves..." (2nd Timothy 3:1,2).  The Christian often wears their heart-on-their-sleeve so-to-speak, and as a result, they get their feelings hurt easily.  This is the flip-side (or negative aspect) of being a caring person.  I've often been told by people to "grow-thicker-skin," but if I did, then I wouldn't be the caring person that I am.  The bad comes with the good.  Yes, I am a sensitive person, but I am also a very caring person.  The man I mentioned earlier in this article, who said he doesn't care about the 911 victims, has very thick skin.  He doesn't let things get to him.  He has an apathetic attitude towards life.  The heathen world says... "You've got to be hard, tough, and thick-skinned if you're going to make it in this world."  It sounds more like being thick-headed to me.  No, rather, Christians are to be kind, tenderhearted, and forgiving... "And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you" (Ephesians 4:32). 

Unfortunately, this also means that caring people are likely to get their feelings hurt more.  So what we need to do is keep these truths in mind.  Know that, as a caring Christian, you are going to get your feelings hurt more, because you are a caring person that refuses to join the cold-hearted and cut-throat heathen world.  I'll continue to wear-my-heart-on-my-sleeve, so it will be available to those who need it.  To those who are cold-hearted and don't care, I'll place them into God's hands to deal with them according to His divine will.  The important thing is for Bible-believing Christians to keep their mind focused on the Lord's return, i.e., the Rapture, for I believe it is very near. 

Even so come Lord Jesus!

Believer's Corner