Forgiveness is a Choice

By David J. Stewart | September 2010

       I was reading some articles online while researching the now defunct P. T. L. (Praise The Lord club), which was once even more popular than today's The 700 Club (both of which were of the Devil). Yet, I read some things that Tammy Faye Bakker (1942-2007) said about forgiveness that I think are correct and worthy of repeating. If you have been hurt by someone, or harbor hatred in your hurt toward those who have attacked or wronged you, then perhaps you might find a word of help and comfort in the following words by Tammy Faye. She died of cancer in 2007...

Tammy Faye Bakker was 100% Correct on Forgiveness

Despite the bad things everyone says about Tammy Faye, and the shame she brought upon the name of Christ; there is a silver lining and something we can all learn from her about forgiving those who hurt us...

MW: How does one come to a state of forgiveness?

TAMMY FAYE: It's a choice. You ask God to help you and then you just make the choice. It's not worth living in unforgiveness. I have a saying that forgiveness is the greatest gift you can give yourself. And I gave myself that gift of forgiveness with the help of God. I forgave everyone that hurt me. Jerry Falwell, Jimmy Swaggart, I forgave all those people.

MW: But can gays people forgive a man like Falwell who has persecuted us so vehemently?

TAMMY FAYE: It's a choice, that's all it is. Forgiveness is a choice. And it's a choice you ask God to help you keep. It doesn't happen overnight. Forgiveness is an ongoing battle. And sometimes when I see Jerry Falwell my heart hurts. But then I say to God, "God I forgave him, I gave Jerry Falwell to you, you take care of him," and then I'm okay again. So he's in God's hands, he's not in Tammy Faye's hands.

MW: Clearly forgiveness is an important component of your life.

TAMMY FAYE: Yes. It's the only way you can have true happiness because unforgiveness eats you up inside. It's like an acid and it will truly make you sick. I think unforgiveness has been more people's problem than anything in the world. Because when you see somebody you are angry at, your tummy tenses up, your blood pressure goes up, your fists clench, you go into a different mode. And that's not good for the body. So people should forgive just to save themselves.

MW: Is there anyone you don't love?

TAMMY FAYE: No, not really. I love humanity. I have a heart for humanity. Ever since I was a little girl, I always wanted to help people.

MW: What about Osama bin Laden, you can't possibly love him.

TAMMY FAYE: Well, God says I have to. I don't like what he's doing at all, but God says that if we're going to serve Him, we love them through the lord. In our own selves, it's not possible to love bin Laden. That's not possible. I hate -- I detest -- what he is doing. But knowing that Jesus would have loved him, then I need to ask God to help me love him, too.


Tammy Faye Bakker's Unscriptural View of Homosexuality

You Don't Have to Forget to Forgive

One of the most powerful and heartbreaking MP3 sermons I've ever heard is by Dr. David Gibbs Jr., called, “The Essence Of A Christian.” In the sermon he talks about the true story of a Florida woman in her late 20's. She was in a store parking lot with her three small children, holding her baby. A car with three punks drove up, randomly picking her to assault. They threw her baby to the ground and forced her into the car. She fought desperately, so they broke her arm and crushed both of her cheekbones forcing her into the car. She was no match against three monsters! They drove her to a remote location in Florida and gang raped her, sodomizing and performing every indecent act imaginable on her for the next 6 hours. They showed no mercy!

Then they decided to murder her, so she couldn't identify them. They decided to each stab her with a pocket knife, to share in the culpability of the crime. They took turns stabbing her and cutting her over one hundreds times, disfiguring her face and savagely disfiguring her entire body. She was left for dead lying in a 5-foot pool of her own blood. She agonizingly crawled through the woods with the last of her fading strength and dropped from exhaustion about 40 feet from a road, where a passing motorist noticed something in the distance lying on the ground. She was rescued and made a recovery, if you can call it that.

Thank God, they caught the three thug teenage males, not men in any respectable sense. The three trash appeared in court and when the judge asked the jury to deliberate, the jurors said they didn't need time to deliberate, because they had already decided. The judge told them they had to deliberate, it was the rules, so they walked out and immediately came back in... Our verdict is GUILTY! Those three bastards didn't get the death penalty, because the ungodly federal government and state of Florida don't allow it. Isn't that sickening? They all received life in prison. Amen!

The amazing thing is what happened next. After the court ruling, the victim entered into the courtroom and the newsmedia and their cameras all focused attention upon the woman. She was asked by a reporter if she could ever “forgive and forget.” She said, although she could never forget what they had done to hurt her, having to see her disfigured face each time she gazes into a mirror, she had already forgiven them! She said, “I am a born-again Christian and I am commanded to forgive!” Wow! Grown men in the courtroom among the newsmedia began to cry. Hands were trembling. One reporter asked, “How can you forget what they did to you?” She replied, “Although I can never forget what they did to hurt me, I don't have to forget to forgive!” Wow, what a precious Christian lady!

As a Christian you don't have to forget to forgive, just so long as you don't ever forget that you're forgiven. I hope you'll listen to this precious MP3 sermon by Dr. David Gibbs Jr., it is a life-changing message if you'll let it. The sermon was preached in April of 2004. Again, it is titled, “The Essence Of A Christian.”

Dr. Gibbs is right, the Holy Bible never tells us to only forgive someone if they ask for our forgiveness. We're supposed to forgive everyone, no matter what! The Bible doesn't command for us to forgive only if the offender stops hurting us. Stephen was the first of the apostles to be martyred, and as they were in the very act of killing him, he said in Acts 7:60b, “Lord, lay not this sin to their charge.” As the soldiers were mocking Jesus, whom they had just nailed to a cross, doing their job, the Lord cried out in Luke 23:34b, “Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do.” Jesus cried out for the Father to forgive them, because He already had. Isn't that beautiful? The Lord had already forgiven them. The first thing that Jesus said to Judas after he betrayed Him was, “Friend” (Matthew 26:50b). That my dear reader is the essence of a Christian. THE END

“There is power in this Gospel message. Most people just don't know how to
present it... The clarity of the Gospel is what makes it easy for them to believe.”

—Pastor Yankee Arnold, a precious quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled, “

“No one's ever saved by cheap grace, they're saved by priceless amazing grace! We have a miracle salvation provided and preserved by God Himself. Let's give out the Good News of this salvation, simply and faithfully for His glory. Salvation is not cheap. God sent His Son to pay for our sins. It wasn't cheap—very expensive—He just made it free. And when you and I try to add one work to it, we cheapen it! That's when you cheapen it, when you think that it wasn't enough, I've got to add something to it!” —Pastor Yankee Arnold, a precious quote from the excellent MP3 sermon titled, “CAUGHT BETWEEN GRACE AND WORKS!” | VIDEO | MORE HELPFUL SERMONS

Caught Between Grace And Works!
(AWESOME TRUTH! By Pastor Ralph “Yankee” Arnold | MP3 - Please share with OTHERS!!!)

The Essence Of A Christian (we don't need to forget to forgive)

The Essence Of A Christian | God Is Attracted To Weakness (precious MP3's by Dr. David Gibbs Jr.)

FORGIVENESS (MP3, Dr. Hyles, “I decided years ago to forgive everybody... before it is asked!”)

“The problem with America is you dumb preachers!
—Pastor Bob Gray Sr., a quote from the needful sermon, “Is There A Place Called Hell?