Devils are Weak Cowards who Beg Like Dogs in Jesus' Presence!

By David J. Stewart

Mark 5:7, “And cried with a loud voice, and said, What have I to do with thee, Jesus, thou Son of the most high God? I adjure thee by God, that thou torment me not.”

       I'm sick of warped Hollywood portraying Satan as some almighty, omnipotent, undefeatable being. The sinful world worships the Dragon, old smut-face himself, Satan. The Devil's days are shortly numbered. Satan's kingdom is an illusion of power. The Devil tries to instill fear into the hearts of men, but he is a defeated being (Revelation 14:11). Why do you think the movies always portray Satan as a powerful, mighty and intimidating being? It's all an illusion of power that Satan deceives people with.

The truth is that Satan is a sniveling little coward, as we clearly see in the cowardly devils in Mark 5:7, cowering in the presence of the Lord Jesus Christ. The demons were terrified! The devils begged like dogs in the presence of Jesus Christ. So we learn from the Scriptures that demons are cowards who beg in the presence of God.

Satan is no different. Satan's illusion of power will one day be stripped away, and the world will look upon him in disbelief that he shook the kingdoms of this earth in false fear (Isaiah 14:16). Bible prophecy is history written in advance. Satan's doom, defeat and destiny are already sealed and certain, it's just a short matter time until Satan is cast into the Lake of Fire forever.

I have no “sympathy for the Devil” as do The Rolling Stones Rock 'N' Roll band. In 1967, the Rolling Stones released an album openly worshipping the Devil, titled “Their Satanic Majesties Request.” The album's featured song “Sympathy for the Devil” presents the Devil as a man of wealth and taste (a role the Rolling Stones' singer, Mick Jagger, embraced).

ACDC brags about going to the Lake of Fire in their blasphemous song “Highway to Hell.” And they will go to Hell forever! The Rock music industry is absolutely saturated with devil worship, suicide, immoral sex and substance abuse.

Satan wants worship. In fact, he's desperate for it. Satan even tried to get the Son of God to worship him in Matthew 4:8-10, but Satan utterly failed. Jesus resisted the Devil's temptation. Jesus DIDN'T bow to Satan! Instead, we see all the devils begging and pleading for mercy in the presence of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus Christ is LORD!

Satan desires the worship of the world, which is why so many Rock 'N' Roll performers praise the Devil, blaspheme the Holy Spirit, and lead their listeners into lifestyles of sin that separate men from God. Isaiah 59:2, “But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid His face from you, that He will not hear.” Jesus said in John 3:20 that it is love for sin that hinders men from becoming saved. Rock 'N' Roll is an enemy of soul-winning. Rock music is self-glorification!

Satan begs like a dog in the presence of the Lord. Jesus DIDN'T bow to Satan! Instead, we see all the devils begging like weak dogs and pleading for mercy in the presence of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Jesus Christ is LORD! Satan is as a roaring lion the Bible says, intimidating his victims (1st Peter 5:8). But the Devil is a defeated being, and his days of freedom are very short. The Lake of Fire will be Satan's eternal damnation (Revelation 14:10-11).

Shameful Pastors Who Don't Fight Against the New World Order

Most pastors won't fight a battle that doesn't put more money into their coffers. Thus, very few pastors will fight against the wicked New World Order, which is pure Communism that robs men of everything they possess. Few pastors will even preach against abortion, feminism and homosexuality because it brings down the amount of tithes. Fewer members in the congregation means less money. God deliver us from covetous preachers. America is going to Hell and most pastors only have dollar signs in their eyes. Shame on America's Christian leaders for not leading! They're a bunch of greedy dogs!

If your Christian leader doesn't think the Church has a place fighting against the Devil's crowd, then what does your pastor believe? Should we board the trains going to the Auschwitz death camps in Germany? I'm tired of hearing apostate pastors praise a Communist president and criticize those of us Christians who are speaking out against evil.

Who's Behind the Curtain... Satan

"Present-Day Wickedness, Apostasy and Modern Civilization Cannot Prevent Revival" Evangelist John R. Rice (1895-1980)

We Get What We Deserve as Americans!

How to Be Saved!