God is Incredibly Amazing

By David J. Stewart

The Dragonfish: Very odd indeed. These fish live in depths of about 2000 m and are found in tropical areas of the world. The females reach lengths of up to 1 and a half feet, while the male reaches a maximum of 5 centimeters. These fish are long and slender like and have razor-sharp teeth. They may become ferocious predators despite their small size. They can produce their own light, they have photopores on their bodies, and the female has a barbel attached to her chin which also produces light.

The Dragon Fish 

The Angler Fish:  This certainly isn’t a pleasant looking fish, it may just be the ugliest animal on the planet. This is a deep sea fish that lives at the very bottom of the sea, where the light does not shine. With over 200 different species of anglerfish, there’s plenty of ugly to go around. They are generally dark grey/ brown in color. These fish have huge heads and enormous mouths. Their teeth are very sharp and are translucent. They range in size, the largest of which reaching lengths of over 3 feet. Specifically their most interesting feature is only displayed in females.

The females have a piece of their dorsal spine that hangs above their head. This looks like a fishing pole, and gave rise to their name. This rod is a source of light that attracts prey. Like the Dragonfish the male is much smaller than the female. The male is basically a parasite and he wanders around in the sea looking for a female. When he finds said female he clasps onto her with his teeth, in the process he slowly fuses with the female, losing all of his organs except the testes. The female is then impregnated, the male is obviously no more.

Viper Fish


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