Truth Is Offensive

By David J. Stewart | April 2013

Galatians 4:16, “Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?”

       THE TRUTH has few friends these days. Perhaps you have never recognized just how much the Bible talks about THE TRUTH. John 18:37, “Pilate therefore said unto him, Art thou a king then? Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto THE TRUTH. Jesus said in John 17:17 that the Bible is truth. John 17:17, “Sanctify them through THY TRUTH: thy word is truth.” The Bible offends most people because it tells THE TRUTH.

Truth Is Offensive
Paul Craig Roberts
Natural News | April 1, 2013

In America truth is offensive. If you tell the truth, you are offensive.

I am offensive. Michael Hudson is offensive. Gerald Celente is offensive. Herman Daly is offensive. Nomi Prins is offensive. Pam Martens is offensive. Chris Hedges is offensive. Chris Floyd is offensive. John Pilger is offensive. Norm Chomsky is offensive. Harvey Silverglate is offensive. Naomi Wolf is offensive. Stephen Lendman is offensive. David Ray Griffin is offensive. Ellen Brown is offensive.

Fortunately, many others are offensive. But how long before being offensive becomes being “an enemy of the state”?

Throughout history truth tellers have suffered and court historians have prospered. It is the same today. Gerald Celente illustrates this brilliantly in the next issue of the Trends Journal.

Over the past 35 years I have learned this lesson as a columnist. If you tell readers what is really going on, they want to know why you can’t be positive. Why are you telling us that there are bad happenings that can’t be remedied? Don’t you know that God gave Americans the power to fix all wrongs? What are you? Some kind of idiot, an anti-American, a pinko-liberal-commie? If you hate America so much, why don’t you move to Cuba, Iran or China (or to wherever the current bogyman is located)?

The ancient Greeks understood this well. In Greek mythology, Cassandra was the prophetess who no one believed despite her 100 percent record of being right. Telling the truth to Americans or to Europeans is just as expensive as telling the truth to the Greeks in ancient mythology.

In America and everywhere in the Western world or the entire world, telling the truth is unpopular. Indeed, in the USA telling the truth has been criminalized. Look for example at Bradley Manning, held for two years in prison without bail and without a trial in violation of the US Constitution, tortured for one year of his illegal confinement in violation of US and international law, and now put on trial by corrupt prosecutors for aiding “enemies of the US” by revealing the truth, as required of him by the US military code. US soldiers are required to report war crimes. When Bradley Manning’s superiors showed themselves to be indifferent to war crimes, Manning reported the crimes via WikiLeaks. What else does a soldier with a sense of duty and a moral conscience do when the chain of command is corrupt?

Julian Assange is another example. WikiLeaks has taken up the reporting function that the Western media has abandoned. Remember, the New York Times did publish the Pentagon Papers in 1971, which undermined the lies Washington had told both to the public and to Congress to justify the costly Vietnam War. But today no newspaper or TV channel any longer accepts the responsibility to truthfully inform the public. Julian Assange stepped into the vacuum and was immediately demonized, not merely by Washington but also by left-wing and right-wing media, including Internet. It was a combination of jealousy, ignorance, and doing Washington’s bidding.

Without WikiLeaks and Assange the world would know essentially nothing. Spin from Washington, the presstitute media, and the puppet state medias would prevail. So the word went out to destroy Julian Assange.

It is amazing how many people and Internet sites obeyed Washington’s command. Assange has been so demonized that even though he has been granted political asylum by Ecuador, the British government, obeying its Washington master, refuses to allow him safe passage out of the London Ecuador Embassy. Is Assange destined to live out his life inside the Ecuador Embassy in London?

Will Assange be a replay of Cardinal Jozsef Mindszenty who on November 4, 1956, sought asylum in the US embassy in Budapest as Soviet tanks poured into Hungary to put down the anti-communist revolution? Cardinal Mindszenty lived for 15 years in the US embassy. Today it is “freedom and democracy” amerika that is copying Soviet practices during the cold war.

In contrast with “freedom and democracy” US and UK, the “authoritarian,” “communist,” “oppressive” Chinese government when confronted with Chinese dissident Chen Guangcheng’s defection to the US embassy in Beijing, let him go.

It is an upside down world when America and the British refuse to obey international law, but the Chinese communists uphold international law.

Insouciant americans are undisturbed that alleged terrorists are tortured, held indefinitely in prison without due process, and executed on the whim of some executive branch official without due process of law.

Most americans go along with unaccountable murder, torture, and detention without evidence, which proclaims their gullibility to the entire world. There has never in history been a population as unaware as americans. The world is amazed that an insouciant people became, if only for a short time, a superpower.

The world needs intelligence and leadership in order to avoid catastrophe, but america can provide neither intelligence nor leadership. America is a lost land where nuclear weapons are in the hands of those who are concerned only with their own power. Washington is the enemy of the entire world and encompasses the largest concentration of evil on the planet.

Where is the good to rise up against the evil?

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts is the father of Reaganomics and the former head of policy at the Department of Treasury. He is a columnist and was previously the editor of the Wall Street Journal. His latest book, “How the Economy Was Lost: The War of the Worlds,” details why America is disintegrating.

SOURCE: Truth Is Offensive - Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

God Is The Only Friend That You Need

James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

Oftentimes as a Christian we must stand alone for God. Either that or we'll sinfully compromise. If we stand, 2nd Timothy 3:12 says that we will be persecuted by the world for our faith in the Bible. No one likes being labeled as intolerant, inconsiderate, hateful and bigoted; but the wicked are actually saying those things ABOUT THE LORD. The Bible teaches that the world hates Jesus Christ because He testifies against them that their deeds are evil. John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.” Homosexuals and lesbians hate the Lord Jesus, as evidenced by many comedians.

I get disgusted each time I hear any celebrity saying, “I have many gays friends.” That's a popular tactic these days, that is, say that you have gay friends to show support for homosexuality. Many celebrities openly boast of having “gay friends,” but you'll NEVER hear one of them say “I have many Christian friends.” They all have GAY FRIENDS, but not even one CHRISTIAN FRIEND. The world hates Christians (John 15:19).

Bruce Springsteen refers to gays as his “brothers and sisters,” but he doesn't say that about Christians. Well I don't have any gay friends and don't want any gay friends, because God commands us as believers not to associate with the world (James 4:4). I'd rather have no friends than wrong friends. I don't want to make friends with people who hang out in taverns, nightclubs and beer joints. I don't condemn them, I just don't want to be influenced by them for evil.

I've received many invitations over the years to perform music in bars, but I have always refused. I don't drink beer and don't want to be around people that do. Bars are houses of sin. 1st Peter 4:4, “Wherein they think it strange that ye run not with them to the same excess of riot, speaking evil of you.” The Bible plainly teaches for Christians NOT to love the things of this temporal world. Most people love secular music, entertainment, cars, boats, materialism, the lusts of the flesh, et cetera. God commands...

1st John 2:15-17, “Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world. And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever.”

God is love and truth. Jesus taught in John 4:24 that God the Father can ONLY be worshipped in THE TRUTH. God cannot be worshipped through false religion, sycophantic praise, doctrinal heresy and perverted Bible versions. Most churches are merely playing religion these days, having churchianity without Christianity. Religion wants to fit us with glasses; but the Lord Jesus Christ wants to open our eyes! Religion wants us to see things from their perspective; but God wants us to see THE TRUTH.

God Doesn't Make Mistakes—No One Is Born a Homosexual

Kristin Chenoweth says: “Make no mistake — I am a Christian and I believe in God and I don’t believe he makes mistakes, so I believe that being gay is not a sin and in fact it’s how you’re made.” Kristin makes the errant ASSUMPTION that gays are biologically born that way, but there is NO scientific evidence to support that. Homosexuality is a perversion of the mind and sexual addiction of the flesh. Sin is always a choice. Sodomy is repulsive to God in Heaven. Any person who attempts to homosexualize God will be punished by God for lying, and for blaspheming His holy name.

In sharp contrast to Kristin's claims, the Word of God teaches that sin is a choice. Walking in the flesh is a part of our sinful nature. So in the sense that all mankind has an inherited sin-nature, you can safely say that EVERYONE has the potential to commit the sin of homosexuality. Sinners are indeed “born that way.” I was born a sinner. You were born a sinner. All humanity is born with a sin-nature, that is, the natural tendency of humanity to sin. Albeit, no one is born with an uncontrollable lust to commit homosexuality. Gay is a choice, not an extenuating circumstance!!!

Psalms 138:2 teaches that God magnifies His holy Word above His own name. God's integrity rests upon keeping His Word. When gays say that God is gay, or approves of gays, they are attacking His character and perverting His Words. God thought homosexuality was bad enough to be punished by death. So how can gays dare claim that God doesn't mind their perversion? It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God (Hebrews 10:31). I fear God. Homosexuals DON'T fear God.

When you really think about what homosexuality means, it is disgusting in every sense. To envision two men sodomizing each other with their genitalia and calling it “love” is completely unthinkable, intensely offensive and utterly disgusting. To teach children that homosexuality is acceptable, and even encourage it amongst youth today is satanic wickedness!!! The Bible teaches that youth are like deadly arrows. Psalms 127:4, “As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth.” Now you know why the Devil wants to corrupt teenagers so badly. Katy Perry's “Teenage Dream” is a “Teenager's Curse”!!! Public schools rob children of their faith in God by teaching the bogus lies of evolution. They remove children's innocence by teaching them sex-education, and then pass out free condoms while encouraging youth to have safe sex and fornicate! Walt Disney teaches young girls how to dress like tramp sluts, and encourage the boys “to score” sexually with the girls. God has a special place in Hell for Walt Disney.

Why do you think God calls sodomy an “ABOMINATION.” The Hebrew word for “abomination” in Leviticus 20:13 is tô‛êbah tô‛êbah and means “properly something disgusting (morally), that is, (as noun) an abhorrence; especially idolatry or (concretely) an idol: - abominable (custom, thing), abomination.” Leviticus 20:13, “If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination [something disgusting]: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.” Walt Disney has been corrupting the holy Bible on numerous episodes of the History Channel—everything from their perverted series on THE BIBLE (which has Daniel praying Psalm 51 instead of David who wrote it)—to a new show saying that an asteroid destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah instead of fire and brimstone against the ungodly (Jude 1:7). The television networks are all working together against God, trying to convince people that the Bible doesn't condemn gays and their homosexuality as a sin. Effeminate men often come from dysfunctional homes where a strong masculine fatherly image is absent (or have been sexually abused).

Children are thieves by nature. We are racists by nature. We are selfish and uncaring by nature. When a person becomes a Christian, the Holy Spirit of God enters into that person's body to stay (Romans 8:9; 1sr Corinthians 3:17-18). Thus, we have A CHOICE as believers to either walk in the Spirit, or walk in the flesh. The unsaved world walk in the flesh, because they don't have any other options. I feel sorry for homosexuals and all unsaved people who don't know any other life than walking in their carnal, destructive and sinful ways. The gospel is the answer, which is the power of God unto salvation to them that believe (Romans 1:16).

Homosexual shock-jock on the radio, Howard Stern says: My feeling about gay people is that we have a responsibility not only to make gay marriage acceptable and to make gays feel accepted as much as heterosexuals. ... Gay people are downtrodden; they are beaten. They are abused for their sexuality, and it goes across race. In the white community and the black community, gay people are the bastards of the world. And in order for things to change, because any one of you could have gay children or gay relatives or gay friends ... we have a responsibility to make this acceptable, to get all this bullsh*t so that some gay kid going to high school doesn't get the sh*t beaten out of him just because he's gay. ... I'm as heterosexual as they come. What is this hang-up about gay marriage? Who cares? Get on with your life!”

In a 2011 interview with GQ Clint Eastwood said: “These people who are making a big deal out of gay marriage? I don't give a f*** about who wants to get married to anybody else! Why not?! We're making a big deal out of things we shouldn't be making a deal out of. They go on and on with all this bulls*** about 'sanctity' — don't give me that sanctity crap! Just give everybody the chance to have the life they want.”

Every Christian ought to be a truth-seeker. Wicked people are usually indifferent, because sin causes people not to care. Apathy, indifference and complacency are the consequences of sin. After decades of legalized abortion in America, people have lost the value for the meaning of life. Life, sex, marriage and the human body are sacred; but these things are desecrated and perverted in our corrupted and Godless culture. Courtship doesn't exist anymore. Teens are taught by Walt Disney and hellivision to get into the dating lifestyle, which is nothing less than the sin of fornication.

Teens unintentionally get pregnant and then are provided free abortions (paid for by tax-payers), in many cases without the teen's parent's knowledge or consent. It is tragic what our American society has deteriorated into. This is the result of over 65-years of Communist agendas at work to steal, kill and destroy (John 10:10).

Let me ask you some questions. Why wouldn't the social engineers behind the public school system want to teach children about morality, discipline and integrity? Why wouldn't they want to educate children to remain pure, chaste and virgin until they got married? Why teach sex-education and pass out free condoms instead? The answer is very obvious if you read the statements of the first head of the World Health Organization (WHO), Gregory Brock Chisholm. I mention this sicko quite a bit in my articles, because repetition is the key to learning. That is why I teach many of the same things over-and-over. Chisholm plainly stated that the only way to achieve world government is to brainwash children to despise their parents, doubt God, hate their country and have no sense of individualism. Welcome to 2013 in America!

People are predictable to given stimuli and thus are easily manipulated. Tell people that the King James Bible is too hard to understand and they'll adopt a new one. Did you know that homosexuals (gays) were involved in the translation on the New International Version (NIV) of the Bible? It's true! The chairman of the Old Testament committee was gay. The truth that only the King James Bible is reliable and trustworthy in the English language upsets most people. May I say truthfully, if you don't have a King James Bible you don't have a Bible! Satan is the father of all liars (John 8:44). The Devil twisted the meaning of God's Word around when tempting Eve in the Garden Of Eden, and also while tempting the Lord in the wilderness for 40 days (Matthew 4:1-10). Satan always attacks the Word of God, which is why he banned it from America's classrooms in 1963. No wonder our country has deteriorated into such a moral wreck!!!

Tell people that women would terminate their own pregnancy in a back-alley with a coat-hanger if abortion weren't legal and they'll accept it. There's never been even one such medically documented coat-hanger incident. The wicked use extremes for a few to justify the norm for all. People get angry when you tell them the truth that abortion is cold-blooded murder. Wicked women wear shirts and hold up signs that say, “Keep your morality off my body!”; but what right do those women have to force their immorality on their baby? Pro-death women have the arrogant and reckless attitude that they are God over that child's life in their womb, taking the liberty to choose life or death for that human being. Only God has that right. If God allowed conception to take place, then man has no right to stop it. Life is no longer sacred. Abortion stops a beating heart! Abort doesn't make a woman UN-pregnant, it makes her the mother of a DEAD baby! THE TRUTH is that abortion is cold-blooded, reckless and selfish MURDER!!!

THE TRUTH is offensive to homosexuals, but it is nevertheless the truth... homosexuality is a wicked sin which brings the wrath and judgment of God. Jude 1:7 teaches that God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah as an EXAMPLE of what He would do to all gays of every generation, and that includes today. Hell is waiting for unrepentant gays. I want them to get saved. I don't want to see anybody cast into Hell. I don't rejoice in the death of the wicked, and neither does God. Ezekiel 33:11, “Say unto them, As I live, saith the Lord GOD, I have no pleasure in the death of the wicked; but that the wicked turn from his way and live: turn ye, turn ye from your evil ways; for why will ye die, O house of Israel?”

If we will turn to the Lord to be forgiven of our wicked ways (sins), God promises to pardon all our iniquities on the basis of Jesus' blood sacrifice on the cross (1st Peter 1:18-19; 1st John 1:7; Revelation 1:5). God loves all mankind, each and every last person on the earth. Yes, that includes you my friend. We are all sinners, deserving of Hell. But thanks be to God Who sent His only begotten Son into the world to pay for our sins and set us free from the curse of the Law. We are saved by grace through faith in the name of Jesus Christ (Galatians 3:26; Ephesians 2:8-9). Repent and believe the gospel.

John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”

Sin Only Lasts For A Season

Biblically, Hebrews 11:25 says you can only enjoy sin for a season. Hebrews 11:25, “Choosing rather to suffer affliction with the people of God, than to enjoy the pleasures of sin for a season.”

Homosexuals cannot take their debauchery into eternity. Same-sex marriages are NOT honored in Heaven. I know that makes gays mad, but it is the truth. I am not trying to be intolerant or unkind; but rather, as a God-fearing Christian that believes the Bible, I must obey the Bible. The Devil is desperately trying to destroy everything in these last days. HUNDREDS of perverted Bibles have flooded the market over the past century. There's a popular joke about “joining the Bible of the month club!” (because that's how often new Bible versions are published). The English language hasn't changed that much since the year 1611. Over 400 “new” English versions have been published since 1611 (all claiming to be superior to the others). They all say different things, many containing DRASTIC differences between each other!

In 1963, Satan removed the Bible completely from America's classrooms. But the Devil didn't stop there, because he is working relentlessly to destroy America, knowing that his time is short. We live in dark days. Men have sold out for money, sports and politics, and even in our churches. The most crooked person in the world is the preacher who lets someone other than God be his boss. Satan has perverted the Bibles, tricking the churches into thinking that the King James Bible is too hard to read (which it's not if you study as the Bible teaches - 2nd Timothy 2:15).

The Protective Care Of God Within The Will Of God

There is not one thing that anyone can commit and get away with. Not one thing, not even the things that we think about doing that we don't, because God knows the thoughts and intents of our heart! Hebrews 4:12-13, “For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to do.”

Every Christian will be judged at The Judgment Seat Of Christ (2nd Corinthians 5:9-11), judged equally based upon fair merits, because God is no respecter of persons. We are totally responsible for what we do. 1st Corinthians 3:13, “Every man's work shall be made manifest: for the day shall declare it, because it shall be revealed by fire; and the fire shall try every man's work of what sort it is. ... 1st Corinthians 3:15, “If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire.” Salvation is never a reward.

The Bible says that a believer who squanders his or her life will receive no rewards, but “HE HIMSELF SHALL BE SAVED.” Salvation is the free gift of God. You NEVER lose your salvation because of sin. You don't get saved by good works, and you don't lose salvation by doing bad works. Losing your salvation is a FALSE teaching. If you think you can lose your salvation, it's only because you don't have God's salvation. None of us are good. We need the goodness of Christ Who died on the cross for our sins, was buried and miraculously resurrected after three days (1st Corinthians 15:1-4). Thank you Lord Jesus!

In contrast, the unsaved will be judged at The Great White Throne Of Judgment, who are already DAMNED (condemned because they have not believed on the name of the only begotten Son of God, Jesus Christ - John 3:18,36). They will never see the glories of Heaven!

If you want to get out of the protective care of God as a Christian—then just run from God, rebel against God, have a negative attitude, don't serve the Lord, don' go to church, don't do this, don't do that, and live in all your negativisms. If you are a Christian, then God will chastise and scourge you according to Hebrews 12:6-8. The only way to remain in the protective care of God is to remain in God's will. Psalms 34:7, “The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them.” Here is an applicable quote from Dr. Max Younce...

“The best protection that you have (as a Christian) is to be living for the Lord Jesus Christ under the protective will of God, and not under the 'let loose' and not having God's protection upon you. Because I'll tell you, the most dangerous (as we've said) thing in the world (for a Christian) is to be in a backslidden condition—not going to church, not serving the Lord, not witnessing for Christ, not reading the Bible... The best protection you've got... is to put the Lord first. Have the protective care of God upon you. That's the best and safest place for a Christian to be in this world today.”

SOURCE: Pastor Max. D. Younce; quote from Revelation 17:2-3 (study #198)

King David in the Old Testament strayed away from the Lord and sin entered into his life. Although the reproach of David's sin never departed from his life, he was a better Christian for it afterwards. Psalms 119:67 and 71, “Before I was afflicted I went astray: but now have I kept thy word. ... It is good for me that I have been afflicted; that I might learn thy statutes.” Adversity is a blessing if we submit to the Lord's hand of correction. Job 5:17, “Behold, happy is the man whom God correcteth: therefore despise not thou the chastening of the Almighty.”

Truth, Justice and Wisdom Or Burgers?

The picture to the left is so true. Most people couldn't care LESS about truth, justice and wisdom. Most people base their decisions on personal feelings instead of principles. If it's their loved one who commit a crime, they ask for leniency from the courts; but if it's a stranger or non-family on trial, then they demand for the person to burn in Hell forever. This is typical of Americans today. People are without mercy, hypocritical and fierce.

Humans are so gullible, easily docile. The U.S. mainstream newsmedia aren't very bright, but they are experts at reading teleprompters. They're not smart enough to mastermind false-flag terrorist attacks. That's not their job. Their job is to simply report what they're told like a good little puppet. In a few generations the American people will think they were born to be slaves.

Most Americans don't care about anything or anyone except themselves, just as 2nd Timothy 3:1-5 foretold in these last days. Even amongst professed Christians, most believers care MUCH more about professional sports, music concerts and their own opinions than they do about the things of Jesus Christ (Philippians 2:4-5,20-21).

Burgers anyone??? (notice in the picture to the left that all the people are in line for a burger instead of desiring truth, justice and wisdom). As Dr. Hyles says in his awesome sermon on Wisdom Verses Talent... “TALENT SEEKS ATTENTION, BUT WISDOM PAYS ATTENTION!” (from Dr. Hyles MP3 sermon, With All Thy Getting Get Wisdom). American kids today have been misled to believe that talent and looks are all that matter.

The fact that 307,000 U.S. women underwent breast enlargement surgery in 2011 is evidence of the moral decline of our society. Appearances are more important than character these days. Filthy immoral chain restaurants like Hooters shamefully exploit the sacredness of sex, marriage and the human body, by demeaning womanhood. It is sinful to support Godless sleaze establishments like Hooters, who use the lusts of the flesh to make profits. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.”

Truth has never been popular. Satan has no truth in him the Bible says, none (John 8:44). God is honest and truthful; but the Devil is a deceitful liar! Genuine New Testament churches are open in what they teach and do; but Freemasonry and other occult groups are secretive. The King James Bible is brutally honest; but all modern Bible perversions corrupt the truth and misrepresent the true Word of God. America's court system is rigged, controlled and corrupted by the love of money; but God's judgment is based upon truth, justice and wisdom. There's no need of juries in Heaven, because God sees and knows all (Hebrews 4:13).

Truth exists; but lies must be fabricated. Truth self perpetuates; but deception must be bolstered-up with more lies. Isn't that wonderful? The truth needs no defense; but rather, it merely needs to be proclaimed. Lies must be defended with more lies. Lies can be exposed by shining the light of THE TRUTH upon them. Psalms 119:105, “Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

Proverbs 14:34, “Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.”

“We need porcupine preachers, so that the people will get the point.”
—Brother Lester Roloff, PAWING IN THE VALLEY | Download MP3 Sermon (right mouse click to download)

Mark 1:15: “...repent ye, and believe the gospel.”

"Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me." —John 5:39

 "In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ: Who shall be punished with everlasting destruction from the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power." —2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9


Making One's Bed in Hell

The Wrath of God

Burned Alive!

Ye Must Be Born Again!