Dedication Of “The Other Shore” By David Hyles

By David J. Stewart | January 2019

Proverbs 24:16a, “For a just man falleth seven times, and riseth up again...”

       I visited a local religious bookstore the other day on Guam. As I walked through the store, I noticed their “clearance” section. I love a sale! I bought a 15-part video series (from the 1950's by Moody Bible Institute) about God and science. The videos were only $1 each, so I bought them for my family. You can watch the videos for free on YouTube. As I continued to glean through the “clearance” section, I found a book authored by David Hyles called “THE OTHER SHORE” for only $2.99. I had never heard about the book, and at first thought it was written by Pastor Jack Hyles (1926-2001), because I instantly noticed his face on the book cover. But when I saw that the book was written by David Hyles, I was happy and elated to have found such a wealth of information!

No doubt many people would have despised the book, and left it on the shelf, because of the highly publicized sins and mistakes of David Hyles from long ago. May I say, I was honored to buy David's book! If that bothers you, then carefully consider that the Psalms was penned by an adulterer and murderer! The only difference between David Hyles and anybody else is found in 1st Timothy 5:24, “Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after. Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.”

I don't care who you are—you are a dirty, lowdown, woeful SINNER! Yes, you certainly are! I am a big sinner and so are you! If you disagree, you are calling God a liar! 1st John 2:10, “If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.” One wicked man on the internet accused me of “defending” David Hyles. I am not defending anyone who does wrong, but I am not condemning anybody either! James 4:12,“There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?” Woe unto the person who points fingers, accuses and holds a grudge! God said that, not me! James 5:9, “Grudge not one against another, brethren, lest ye be condemned: behold, the judge standeth before the door.”

Dedication To The Book, “The Other Shore”

I held back the tears as I read the following dedication from David Hyles to his greatly beloved father. Dr. Hyles was a legendary preacher in his time, and the entire Hyles' family have such a very rich heritage to be humbly proud of. Please read what David Hyles wrote, and you'll see a different side of him that you'll not hear from his critics, the words of an imperfect but righteous man...


WHEN I WAS A LITTLE boy, I played a game called word association. Someone would say a word, and I would say the first word that came to my mind. For example, if I were to say the word “strawberry,” the first word that might come to mind is “shortcake.” Perhaps the word used would be “vanilla,” and the first words that might come to mind would be “ice cream.” I decided to play that game again for a moment. When the name “Jake Hyles” is mentioned, many words come to mind. For example, “Jack Hyles—soulwinner.” Someone else may say, “Jack Hyles—pastor.” Still another might say, “Jack Hyles—others,” or “Jack Hyles—giving,” or “Jack Hyles—preaching.” I believe that the most perfect word answer in that word association game would be, “Jack Hyles—Beverly.”

There is no human being who deserves the dedication to this book other than the lady who was Jack Hyles' life. Dad did not say a lot of things in his final days that were heavy. He was careful not to let himself get too emotional. He did not even talk a lot about the church or the ministry. He was perhaps trying not to be fatalistic for himself as much as for all of us.

After Dad died, mom told me about one serious moment, perhaps the only really, really serious moment or perhaps the most serious statement that Dad made while he was in the hospital. He looked at my mother and said, “You are my whole world.”

For that reason, I dedicate this book to my mother who was Jack Hyles' world. To dedicate this book properly, I am going to include in this chapter an article written by me for Christian Womanhood in their dedication issue to my dad after he had passed away. It is called, “You Have My Permission.” I dedicate this article and this book to the memory of Jack Hyles and to one who was closely associated with him—a lady named “Beverly Hyles,” my mom.

“You Have My Permission”

by David Hyles

Pastor & Mrs. Jack HylesWhen I was asked if I would like to write an article to honor my dad in April 2001 of the Christian Womanhood paper, I sat for a long time and pondered what exactly I would write about my dad. It was and is difficult to know what I should say about him. So much has been said—so much that he deserves. But somehow I felt that I should write not just about Dad, but that I should write about a very special moment at the very end of my dad's life.

I was in Dad's room alone while he was in the hospital. We were talking about his illness and his impending surgery. Dad looked at me and said, “Son, I am not afraid to die. I am ready. I just don't want to leave Mom alone.” Several times while Dad was in the hospital, I stood with Mom in his hospital room, and I would see her hand on his, and she would be encouraging him.

Dad would look at her with a smile that only she received and would lovingly pay her hand. I could feel the love that existed between these two individuals.

I wondered how it must have felt as they both faced the possibility that they would part after 54 years of being together. There were times when I found myself slipping out of the room to leave them alone because I knew there was a special bond that only existed between the two of them. Mom wanted Dad to live. Dad wanted to live for Mom. I don't know that I could give you a sweeter description of what I saw in the hospital than that.

There is something very intimate about what I want to share. It was 12:30 A.M. on February 6. I was sleeping at the Residence Inn in Merryville, Indiana, when the phone rang. It was an intern doctor whose name was Judith calling from the hospital. “Mr. Hyles,” she said, “I feel that you and your mother need to come back to the hospital.” Your father has taken a turn for the worse, and I think there are some decisions that have to be made.” Fear gripped me. “We're losing him,” I thought. We knew he was in a very critical condition, but we hoped he would make it. I thought, “What do we do? Dad's surgeon said to go home and get some rest. They wouldn't need us until tomorrow.” But something inside of me felt I needed to leave this decision up to Mom.

I called her at home. “The hospital called. Dad's taken a turn for the worse, and they have asked us to come.” Her answer started me. “David, God told me that Dad would die on February 6, and that something would happen shortly after midnight. I gave him to the Lord last night.”

You have to understand—I hadn't given him up to the Lord. In fact, I don't think anyone else had given him to the Lord either. I needed him too much. I loved him too much to let him go. My wife and I got dressed, got into the car, and picked up Mom to take her to the hospital. My sister Cindy and her husband Jack joined us shortly. When we arrived, the doctors told us of Dad's sever status. He had gone into cardiac arrest ten or twelve times. They had shocked him back each time. Two emergency code blues had been called before we arrived, signifying that they were losing him, but they brought him back each time. We went into the waiting room and waited.

One male nurse had been assigned to do nothing but try and keep my dad alive. Jack and I went into Dad's room and both privately and then together we spoke into his ear and told him how much we loved him and needed him. It was a horrible sight to see him lying there, hanging between life and death. Cindy came in and begged him to live; she asked him to fight.

Shortly after we arrived, Brother Colsten came. Jack, myself and Brother Colsten gathered around the bedside and anointed Dad with oil and prayed for God to spare his life. We were not ready to let him go; we loved him too much.

The situation began to look very grim. It looked as though we were about to lose him. Mom didn't fight like the rest of us. We were desperate. She was calm and somewhat resigned. But there was one moment that told it all, and that is the one thing that I want to share. Mom finally came into the room and stood by the side of her companion of 54 years—her best friend! My mother looked down at my dad and said, “I don't want you to go, but it's okay. You can go. You have my permission.” Shortly afterward, my dad went into his third code blue. We were rushed from his room. After about 45 minutes, we were told there was no hope. Dad was going to die.

We loved him too much to let him go, but Mom loved him too much to make him stay. Her love exceeded ours. God had given her an understanding that we did not have, She did not want what was best for her; she wanted what was best for him. Perhaps she was the only one on God's earth who felt that way. I remember coming back into his room while he was still clinging to life. All hope was gone, and while the rest of us cried, Mom began to sing “In The Sweet By And by, We Shall Meet At That Beautiful Shore...” I could not sing for I had not let go, but Mom and her lover of life and lifetime lover had something that none of us could possibly have—a love that could say, “I want what's best for you.” Perhaps that love was the greatest testimony of their lives.

A few minutes later, Dad's blood pressure began to drop. He did not wait for man to disconnect the machines. He did not need their permission; he had all the permission he needed. His best friend had said, “It's okay; you can go.” At 9:43 A.M., February 6, 2001, Jack Hyles breathed his last breath, because Beverly Hyles, the love of his life, said “It's okay; I want what's best for you.”

SOURCE: David Hyles, “THE OTHER SHORE,” pages 5-9; ©2001, Jack Hyles Press; ISBN 097112270-9.

LET'S GO SOUL WINNING (a one hour MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles on how to lead a soul to Christ)

Thank God for Pastor Jack Hyles—World's Greatest Soulwinner!

What a great book that David Hyles wrote, honoring his mother and father! As David mentions in his book, “THE OTHER SHORE,” his Dad (Pastor Hyles) found out in one dark day in 1999, that he himself had heart disease, and also learned that his grandson Jack David Hyles had been accidentally killed that very same day. Truly, life is a vale of tears! Few people know the physical pain that Brother Hyles suffered in the years prior to his graduation to Heaven. Dr. Hyles also had a hernia that he endured in the years before he went to Heaven, wearing a hernia support, rather than undergo surgery. Most people will never know, until we get to eternity, the extent to which Brother Hyles gave himself away, exemplifying Jesus Christ in his life.

People don't realize it, but when they slander and criticize Pastor Jack Hyles, they are slandering and criticizing God. I am not saying that Jack Hyles is God, I am saying that the only reason people attack him is because of his stand for righteousness! Matthew 25:40, “And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” Dr. Hyles' accusers have a problem with proper authority! Dr. Hyles' solid fundamental Bible preaching offended many people (and still does). The truth always offends someone! Mankind has always had an authority problem (Ephesians 2:2). Jesus said in John 7:7 that the world cannot hate us as Christians, but it is really Jesus that they hate. John 7:7, “The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”

Dr. Hyles preached hard and uncompromisingly against sin, but his critics would never admit that is the real reason why they attack him. The truth is that the new evangelical crowd; such as, Bob Jones University and their New World Order Bible perversions, despise Brother Hyles' stand for the truth and accuse him relentlessly. Dr. Hyles' ministry was epitomized by King James Bible onlyism, for which he was unjustly called “a cult” by Bob Jones University and other apostates who sanction dozens of Bible versions. May I say, the King James is the Holy Bible, not merely another “version.” Dr. Hyles always refused to sign Bible “versions,” he only signed King James Bibles!

America has become a land of evil accusers! Dr. Jack Hyles once wisely said, “Nobody Can Withstand The Attack Of A Critic!” Folks, we are all horrible guilty sinners! So if you scrutinize someone for long enough, you're going to find plenty of flaws to criticize them. Due to the ungodly manure-spreading nature of the American newsmedia, people are now accustomed to criticize everyone they don't like, for any reason they can find. I Find No Fault In This Man! (a wonderful MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles, “Nobody Can Withstand The Attack Of A Critic!”). It is not Dr. Hyles personal life and ministry that has stirred so much controversy; but rather, the uncompromising stand for Christian fundamentalism that he faithfully took for 55 years in America! Did Brother Hyles make some mistakes? Are you kidding? Yes, of course he did, and so did you, and so have I, and so has every human being who ever lived, except the Lord Himself! Brother Hyles was the first person to admit that he made mistakes in his ministry.

Did Pastor Jack Hyles commit adultery as some ungodly critics accuse? Brother Hyles openly denied those rotten allegations in an MP3 sermon called, “Weathering The Storm.” It is sinful for anyone to assume anything else without proof. A group of critics is not “proof.” We've got a bunch of yellow-bellied journalism in America! The ungodly newsmedia often twist the facts, distort the truth, and are biased against New Testament churches. When a malicious rumor starts, it spreads quickly (especially in this age of the internet), and a person's reputation can be ruined overnight. Do you think the Devil doesn't know that? Of course he does! And so does Dr. Hyles' enemies! So if you want to destroy someone, simply start a rumor about them, and in time it will become as the truth! Proverbs 11:9, “An hypocrite with his mouth destroyeth his neighbour: but through knowledge shall the just be delivered.”

Are all rumors in the news false? Of course not! Some of the rumors we read or hear on the internet about Christians sinning are true, but it is now open-season on Christians and churches in America! When a rock star sins, like Phil Rudd of AC/DC (who in 2014 got high on drugs and tried to hire an assassin to murder his producer), the world lets it go. The AC/DC band recently invited Phil Rudd back in 2018 to play the drums. If that were Pastor Jack Hyles who did that, the newsmedia would condemn him for the rest of his earthly existence! John 15:19, “If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you.” The ungodly world hates godly Christians! I love Brother Hyles and praise God for his ministry, friendship and testimony! I don't worship any man, but I am a friend to my friends, and Brother Hyles was the greatest soulwinner I ever knew. You bet I am his friend!!!

If you don't ever want to be criticized, don't ever try to accomplish anything, don't try to build anything, don't try to be anything! People don't criticize losers! People only criticize winners! Dr. Jack Hyles was a winner!!! The wicked people who are attacking and criticizing Pastor Hyles aren't soulwinners! They are losers who've never built anything! They are nobodies who've never become anything! Since they cannot achieve any greatness in their own life, they feel better about themselves by trying to bring greatness down to their empty level. Jack Hyles embodied greatness, and that greatness was the Lord Jesus Christ!!! I feel sorry for this weak-kneed, spineless, immature and characterless, generation today, who mistake strong leadership for a cult! Jack Hyles was the leader's leader! He was a man's man! Brother Hyles was the pastor's pastor! He was the preacher's preacher! Thank God for Jack Hyles!

LET'S GO SOUL WINNING (a one hour MP3 sermon by Dr. Hyles on how to lead a soul to Christ)

If Thou Should Mark Iniquities, Who Could Stand? (MP3, Dr. Hyles; Everyone's a dirty sinner!)

The Hurting Sinner Hurts Just As Much As The Hurting Saint (good stuff, MP3 by Brother Hyles)


Souls Are Dying!

How Permanent Is Your Salvation?
(an excellent MP3 sermon by Pastor Hank Lindstrom, 1940-2008)

Mark 1:15: “...repent ye, and believe the gospel.”

“The mark of the child of God is that he loves everybody!”
(a quote from Pastor Jack Hyles' classic MP3 sermon, “FORGIVENESS”)

Mark 11:22, And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God.

Ye Must Be Born Again! | You Need HIS Righteousness!