A Biblical Examination of Prophecy

by David J. Stewart

"For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy." —Revelation 19:13

       There is MUCH confusion today concerning Biblical Prophecy.  Each religion teaches something different concerning the future, and there are many different interpretations of the Word of God.  I believe that we, as born again believers, are expected by God to take the Word of God at face value.  When Jesus spoke in parables, He said so.  The Bible explains to us the meaning of Daniel's visions.  Jesus always explained the meaning of His parables. 

Jesus plainly said in John 14:2, "In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you..."  Jesus said what He meant, and meant what He said.  Let us keep this in mind as we study the Bible, lest we teach things which the Bible doesn't.  If I speculate, I will tell you so.  I am writing this book on Prophecy because of all the lies on the internet.  It's shocking just how many professed "Christians" don't believe the Bible.

I am going to share with you, my knowledge of the Word of God concerning prophecy.  I have been saved for 27 years.  I am writing this book from my heart, with the intent of helping you draw nearer to the Lord Jesus Christ, for this is the SPIRIT OF PROPHECY.  Dull and dry presentations of facts, are useless if it doesn't bring us closer to the Lord, and compel us to be more aggressive soulwinners.  Jesus is the capstone of the pyramid of prophecy!  All of the prophecies in the Bible have their culmination in the Lord Jesus Christ. 

Colossians 1:18 states, "And he is the head of the body, the church: who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead; that in all things he might have the preeminence."  Jesus Christ is Almighty God, the Creator, King of kinds, Lord of lords, and the Savior of repentant sinners.  There is no future without Jesus Christ.  If you want to understand Bible prophecy, then study how the Scriptures relate to Jesus Christ.

One more note.  My goal is not to write a comprehensive book on Biblical prophecy; but, rather, to give you a basic overview, understanding, and practical application of Biblical prophecy.  I will try to make many practical suggestions, offer personal commentary, and relate Bible prophecy to current events.  My goal is to educate, encourage, inspire, and stir a fire in your heart with the Word of God.  "...But his word was in mine heart as a burning fire..." (Jeremiah 20:9).   May God's Holy Spirit speak to your heart, as my words speak to your mind.

"If you take the Bible at face value, you can only come to the conclusion of a Pretribulation rapture" —Dr. Lee Roberson. 

Table of Contents

  1. The Last Days
  2. Time
  3. The Pretribulation Rapture